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berlin blitzed


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No news blackout at all. It's been number one in all German speaking news since it happened. International news also at it:




So far 12 dead, 40+ injured. Attacker said to be Afghan or Pakistani, apparently came as refugee via Balkan route. That's what the media are reporting but police have not yet confirmed. However, it seems SWAT have stormed a refugee camp in Berlin earlier today where he is rumoured to have stayed. News conference at 1pm I think.


Germany is a fucking joke right now. There's probably no real way to stop lone wolf assholes like him, but we fail even at the most basic checks. Migrants can just cross the border and either disappear or register with false details or multiple identities in different cities, etc. The whole system is a total joke and not up to the task. This leaves massive security risks for the general population, like the scumbag who came in from Greece and murdered a girl recently. He was known to the Greeks who released him from prison and apparently told the Germans about him. Or all the other criminals who frequent areas around train stations. Our laws are too weak to deal with them and politicians are too slow to act. The road to hell is paved with good intentions...

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Is there a news blackout by the stasi on this tragedy in berlin,looks like it to me 9 dead 50 badly injured.


Tried reading the German press? Welt.de?


I'm not orfay with the kraut language.



Your loss.

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My thoughts are with the people of Germany at this time , but the US ,UK and it's western allies prompted by the corrupt money men behind the scenes have devastated the Middle East in the last 2 decades ,so is it any wonder the muslims hate the West.


Yet Merkel still opened the doors of Europe wide to one and all ! Utter madness or pre-planned is the question?

It is tragic what is happening in Europe at the moment and I don't think it's over yet coming into the main Christian celebration period of the year with the UK only escaping at the moment due to it's Muslim appeasment stance ,but common sense says it's only a matter of time!!

There will have to be a reckoning at some point.

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The darkness of the Muslim menace grows ever stronger on Europe. There is only one solution, there has always been only one solution.


Don't let the dream die, there is still hope to stop these creatures

Is your one solution a bit like a final solution?

Are you some sort of apologist? The events of the Holocaust cannot be used as a glib analogy with the situation the world faces now.

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