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berlin blitzed


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As I've posted in other Muslim terrorist attack threads, nothing will change except Europe falls increasingly Sharia. Islamic flags sail above London, Berlin and Paris.


There is little hope left for stopping them, and there is very little will too. Any attempt no matter how reasonable gets called "Hitler!"


Imagine the world your children will grow up in, girls relegated to wearing fully covered up clothing in schools as not to offend the Muslim, and then eventually banned from schools. Imagine the mother who clutches the torso of her dead boy on the streets of Berlin, a broken toy x-wing still grasped in his lifeless hand. Imagine all those in Nice who were just out for a good time, never even imagined the menace would come for them.


And our lack of action is pitiful. Even myself, who posts anonymously from behind a keyboard, has never raised a hand or a loud voice against the menace for fear of beheading as fellow westerners chant "yes, kill the racist!"


And so nothing will change and we are fated to this slow demise. The history books shall proclaim the decadent European nations crumbled under the superior culture of the True Faith.

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The darkness of the Muslim menace grows ever stronger on Europe. There is only one solution, there has always been only one solution.


Don't let the dream die, there is still hope to stop these creatures

Is your one solution a bit like a final solution?

Are you some sort of apologist? The events of the Holocaust cannot be used as a glib analogy with the situation the world faces now.



No, I'm very much a realist. Perhaps I was a tad flippant but to me Tarne's comment sounds like the waffle of a teenager in the playground. I can only presume he means that killing the Muslims is the solution. There are quite significant logistical, political, humanitarian, etc. issues with that approach and if anyone thinks that won't just escalate things to WW3 I firmly believe they are simple.

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As I've posted in other Muslim terrorist attack threads, nothing will change except Europe falls increasingly Sharia. Islamic flags sail above London, Berlin and Paris.


There is little hope left for stopping them, and there is very little will too. Any attempt no matter how reasonable gets called "Hitler!"


Imagine the world your children will grow up in, girls relegated to wearing fully covered up clothing in schools as not to offend the Muslim, and then eventually banned from schools. Imagine the mother who clutches the torso of her dead boy on the streets of Berlin, a broken toy x-wing still grasped in his lifeless hand. Imagine all those in Nice who were just out for a good time, never even imagined the menace would come for them.


And our lack of action is pitiful. Even myself, who posts anonymously from behind a keyboard, has never raised a hand or a loud voice against the menace for fear of beheading as fellow westerners chant "yes, kill the racist!"


And so nothing will change and we are fated to this slow demise. The history books shall proclaim the decadent European nations crumbled under the superior culture of the True Faith.


I live in Germany and have an eleven week year old son, I don't need sub-standard fiction about lifeless children grasping their broken x-wings to appreciate the severity of the problem.


Tarne, who exactly do you target? Where do you target? How do you know when to stop? I do not know the answer to the problem (which I am pretty sure is largely one of Western governments making) but your supposed answer is somewhat simplistic.

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Don't be fecking stupid. They're people too, and some Muslims have integrated and are but Muslim in name, kind of like how many people are christian in name only because they were baptized. An introduction of strict border controls like Canada, Aus and NZ is what I propose, and deporting any current illegal immigrants.


Laws disallowing all religious schools, Taxation of all religious institutions, and a strong ethic to reduce the role of religion in Europe, turning us into a strong atheist society. If you want to believe silly lies about sky gods, that's a personal choice, but it should not be taught or publicised anywhere.


But it's not going to happen. The menace grows ever stronger and it really is a credit to MI5 and GCHQ that we haven't been hit by a mass terrorist attack for almost ten years, and it's been relegated to single target murders such as poor Lee Rigby.

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Canada, Australia and New Zealand have the luxury of effective geographic restrictions to control their borders. Like it or not Europe does not have that luxury, you can drive from Iraq, Syria, etc. to pretty much anywhere in Europe in a few days, controlling all means of crossing those borders would be pretty much impossible.


I fully agree on religion, most of it is just a front for big business and it does seem to be the root of most problems (i.e. my magical man in the sky is better than your magical man in the sky therefore I must kill you).


I do wonder what role China will eventually play in all this. I don't recall any attacks directly on China, if IS is really about making the World islamic then the reaction of several billion people and their enormous army will be interesting.

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As I've posted in other Muslim terrorist attack threads, nothing will change except Europe falls increasingly Sharia. Islamic flags sail above London, Berlin and Paris.

Your prediction has no basis in reality.


There is always going to be terrorism. In the 70s and the 80s it was the IRA and the various Palestinian groups. Today it's Muslim extremists and the fascist right. In the future it will be something else. But it is all manifestations of the same sort of thing - a continuous evolution (eg the first hijacking, the first car bomb, the first suicide attack etc). The cause is irrelevant - after this it will be something else. And it gradually seems to get more extreme - although the level of threat feels the same at every stage. A common thread is the way in which weak minded, often mentally ill, people are so easily attracted to violent causes.


The free internet is a big part of the problem today.

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