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berlin blitzed


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As I've posted in other Muslim terrorist attack threads, nothing will change except Europe falls increasingly Sharia. Islamic flags sail above London, Berlin and Paris.

Your prediction has no basis in reality.


There is always going to be terrorism. In the 70s and the 80s it was the IRA and the various Palestinian groups. Today it's Muslim extremists and the fascist right. In the future it will be something else. But it is all manifestations of the same sort of thing - a continuous evolution (eg the first hijacking, the first car bomb, the first suicide attack etc). The cause is irrelevant - after this it will be something else. And it gradually seems to get more extreme - although the level of threat feels the same at every stage. A common thread is the way in which weak minded, often mentally ill, people are so easily attracted to violent causes.


The free internet is a big part of the problem today.

Anti-depressants have a big part to play. Most mass murders in America have been caused by outside on them. The bloke that dove the truck into the crowd in Nice wss on them and the guy that flew the plane into a mountain was on them. They alter reality to much and numb peoples interactions with the world around them and it also rids them of their empathy so they have no clue as to the potential effect of their violence on others.
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And nothing to do with the USA, UK and half of the west bombing the shit out of all those middle eastern countries. Except of course the one country where all the 9/11 terrorists came from in the first place.


After the cold war, the system infrastructure had to invent a new enemy. It's now a multi-billion empire once again on the back of it.


Doesn't make anything right, but explains why we are where we are.

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Anti-depressants have a big part to play

Bit of a wide ranging statement innit? Even if they (all/some of them?) are linked might it be chicken/egg?


Do you have any link to any research on this?



A. Hitler?

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And nothing to do with the USA, UK and half of the west bombing the shit out of all those middle eastern countries

So why Germany?

Part of the western world. The Americans still have significant military bases here and fly in and out of the middle east from here.

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And nothing to do with the USA, UK and half of the west bombing the shit out of all those middle eastern countries

So why Germany?


Because they publicly opened their arms to the summer exodus of fleeing refugees, what better way to to cause even more anger towards the Muslim than to have one of them turn against the hand that feeds them.....Its the perfect I told you so...


This was especially for the Tarnes of this world..

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Some of you people are monsters, letting innocent people die over and over again to suit your need to feel like you're doing "good". Thirteen people aren't going to see Christmas because of it.




"Last month, the Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility (PRS) released a landmark study concluding that the death toll from 10 years of the “War on Terror” since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million."


And who is the fucking apologist now?

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