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Amadeus, why do Germans keep voting for this hag? She is destroying their country. Are they stupid, brainwash, or are votes rigged?

This is the first dubious action from Frau Merkel and she meant well.

Not really and I doubt that too.

Just shows how thick and out of touch you are then.

Not really.

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Just imagine if he had escaped to and had been stopped in the uk. We would have a copper's family grieving now with terrible memories at every future christmas..



I think there is a good chance that you are right, BB. Unfortunately, the days of a routinely unarmed police force are surely over and it is time to bring them into line with all other European police forces and gendarmeries and provide all officers with firearms.

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Just imagine if he had escaped to and had been stopped in the uk. We would have a copper's family grieving now with terrible memories at every future christmas..


Was just thinking this myself, had he fled to the UK how many officers could he have shot before finally being taken out? You can't reason with people that have been brainwashed like that.


I think the worrying thing is how many countries/borders he crossed, before he was finally caught, having been found in Italy he was very close to getting back to Tunisia.

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Just imagine if he had escaped to and had been stopped in the uk. We would have a copper's family grieving now with terrible memories at every future christmas..

Was just thinking this myself, had he fled to the UK how many officers could he have shot before finally being taken out? You can't reason with people that have been brainwashed like that.


I think the worrying thing is how many countries/borders he crossed, before he was finally caught, having been found in Italy he was very close to getting back to Tunisia.

It's a fair distance from Milan to Tunisia, and there is a bit sea in between. Berlin to Milan is only about a ten hour drive.

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It's a fair distance from Milan to Tunisia, and there is a bit sea in between. Berlin to Milan is only about a ten hour drive.



Just a single ferry crossing isn't it?


Just seems a little frightening that you can commit such an atrocity and seemingly slip out of the country.

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It's a fair distance from Milan to Tunisia, and there is a bit sea in between. Berlin to Milan is only about a ten hour drive.


Just a single ferry crossing isn't it?


Just seems a little frightening that you can commit such an atrocity and seemingly slip out of the country.

Closing all borders would be impossible and if you really wanted to cross you could still find a way. I would have been very surprised if there would not have been checks at the ferry ports.

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Why do they never catch these people alive? Surely a shot to the leg would have done the job, imagine the mass of intelligence they could get from a few water boarding sessions.


Can we look forward to another traditional Muslim burial at sea?

Personally I'm pretty anti guns but even I can understand that when you're being shot at you probably don't have time to aim at legs or anywhere specific. Not sure how a leg wound would stop a determined person from using their hands to fire their gun.


Since when did Muslims traditionally get buried at sea?

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Why do they never catch these people alive? Surely a shot to the leg would have done the job, imagine the mass of intelligence they could get from a few water boarding sessions.


Can we look forward to another traditional Muslim burial at sea?


He pulled a gun on being asked for id. Would you have shot at his leg?

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Just imagine if he had escaped to and had been stopped in the uk. We would have a copper's family grieving now with terrible memories at every future christmas..


FFS it was a .22 auto not a fucking .44 magnum this muppet was carrying.
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