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berlin blitzed


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FFS it was a .22 auto not a fucking .44 magnum this muppet was carrying.

Not quite sure what point you're making here. A .22 can't kill? If so, you're wrong. Dead wrong


If someone was shooting at me at close range, no matter what the calibre, and I had the means to stop them, I'm pretty sure I would use it and I bet you would too.


Ed: I think most people would hate the idea of our coppers being armed as they are in most countries, but the time has come unfortunately.

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People pretending all is well to enable them to accuse anyone not agreeing of being hysterical worries me.


What would you have done if you'd had been this Italian copper stinky? Talked to him nicely? Reasoned with him? Talked him down?

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Why do they never catch these people alive? Surely a shot to the leg would have done the job, imagine the mass of intelligence they could get from a few water boarding sessions.


Can we look forward to another traditional Muslim burial at sea?

There's only one reason to use a gun. It isn't to injure.

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People pretending all is well to enable them to accuse anyone not agreeing of being hysterical worries me.


What would you have done if you'd had been this Italian copper stinky? Talked to him nicely? Reasoned with him? Talked him down?

if i had a gun i would have shot him. if i had a taser i would have tasered him. arming our cops would result in more deaths of innocent civilians than isis could ever muster

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Maybe but I doubt it. Leaving aside the USA, coppers very rarely shoot civilians in the rest of the world where the police are armed in attempt to stop crime.


It's easy to focus on isis and limit thinking to that problem in such discussions. However we would be deluded if we didn't admit that they weren't the only criminals out there who wouldn't think twice about killing the police.


We are very lucky to live where we do which makes it much easier to dismiss this issue as hysterical over reaction.

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Get the borders up. Arm the cops. Hysterical over reactions are all so predictable really.



They are predictable because they are necessary, rational responses and not hysterical over reaction. Unfortunate, of course, because not routinely carrying firearms reduces the chance of more Jean Charles de Menezes type tragedies but times have changed. Terrorism across Europe isn't going to go away, and the UK is a major target.


BB's point was compelling. An ordinary British police officer, confronted with an armed terrorist who pulled out a gun and began firing, would have few options available. Fortunately, the Italian officers were able to respond and incapacitate Anis Amri before he could kill them. My understanding is that police officers are trained to aim at the centre of the chest, as it is the largest target and is likely to be incapacitating.


Most countries view a routinely armed police force as necessary. UK, Ireland, Norway and Iceland are (I think) alone in Europe in not doing so.

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People pretending all is well to enable them to accuse anyone not agreeing of being hysterical worries me.


What would you have done if you'd had been this Italian copper stinky? Talked to him nicely? Reasoned with him? Talked him down?

if i had a gun i would have shot him. if i had a taser i would have tasered him. arming our cops would result in more deaths of innocent civilians than isis could ever muster



It would not, and I think you would have a tough time arguing that in Europe.


edit to add: Unless you completely ignore the facts.

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but our culture is american guzzi. not european



Really? I don't agree, but anyway that is irrelevant. You said that arming the police would result in the deaths of more innocent civilians than ISIS could ever muster. That is patently untrue, as ISIS have inflicted mass casualties within the last year in France, Belgium and Germany, all of whom I believe have been innocent civilians. I'm not sure how many innocent people European police forces have shot, but clearly, it will be a tiny figure in comparison.

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