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berlin blitzed


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All I am saying is it would be nice to actually catch one on these alive, see a public criminal court case, hear both sides of the story...I am very suspicious as to why this does not happen.


Closing boarders and giving police more guns is not the answer, this is why many are now questioning what is behind these attacks. The controlling class want to take away your freedom, you have to ask the question, is this how they do it with our blessing.

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All I am saying is it would be nice to actually catch one on these alive, see a public criminal court case, hear both sides of the story...I am very suspicious as to why this does not happen.


Closing boarders and giving police more guns is not the answer, this is why many are now questioning what is behind these attacks. The controlling class want to take away your freedom, you have to ask the question, is this how they do it with our blessing.

They do catch some alive from time to time but they never really reveal much, such is the nature of extremist brainwashing.

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All I am saying is it would be nice to actually catch one on these alive, see a public criminal court case, hear both sides of the story...I am very suspicious as to why this does not happen.


Closing boarders and giving police more guns is not the answer, this is why many are now questioning what is behind these attacks. The controlling class want to take away your freedom, you have to ask the question, is this how they do it with our blessing.



Of course it isn't the answer to impose border controls or to routinely arm the UK police. I don't think anyone claims that. However, those things are rational reactions to an evident threat and effective within their self-evident limitations.

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Yes it is rational, and don't they just know it, you must have heard of: "Create a problem", in this case terrorism, then "get a reaction", in this case "We need to be kept safe", and then offer the solution, in this case "more security, armed police, new legislation = less freedom"....They have been doing this time and time again....How did they manage to get the "Patriot Act" passed without first having 9/11, it never would of been accepted by the people without the "problem", this ACT was written up before the towers fell.


This is why I say all this business needs a closer look, these "terror" attacks also have a good way to divide us, as in "divide and rule", its all a scam, Muslim terrorists, black lives matter, left politics. right politics, religion, race , class, scarcity of resources so we fight over them ....All of it has been put there to purposely divide, because a united population simply would not put up with the way the world is, and they know it. Some of the reactions to this news story is exactly what they want, hook , line , sinker..


You guys carry on with your hate for whatever enemy they create for you to hate, in the meantime watch more freedoms slip away, faster and faster...These people are experts at human psychology, they know exactly what reaction they will get whenever they pull a trick.


It doesn't matter who the "ruling class" are, or "they" are anymore, its more important to just get the bigger picture on what the hell is going on in this place. After all this time, if you still think that what they tell you on TV is the truth then you are unrecoverable as its so in your face now.

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In answer to your "You guys carry on with your hate for whatever enemy they create for you to hate", there is thankfully virtually no hate in this thread so far.


So, gerry, let's see if I have got the "logic" you are espousing from your conspiracy theories.


Tony B and George W wanted to (more than anything) control us so went to war in Iraq to specifically destabilise the middle east. They knew that ISIS was in the planning and as soon as Saddam had been sorted for them and they 100% knew ISIS would spring into action to terrorise Europe. They knew the refugee and economic migrant crisis would also happen to allegedly "help this along" too. We being terrorised, not unreasonably, look at deficiencies in our security and then blithely accept improvements in security which, as planned, coincidentally reduce our freedom with our consent. Mind you, we haven't even talked about 9/11 and what led up to that etc. Or Israel. Or North Africa or chemtrails etc etc.


Edit :Merry Christmas

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the argument about arming police I don't get. they are human beings with families whether you like it or not they deal with dangerous situations every day people are already armed. why should they not be allowed the tools to protect themselves? even if it's tasered that is am improvement on spray and a baton. people seem to think the police will just start shooting people. how many shootings has there been by police in Britain? if it averages 2 a year I'd be surprised. nobody gets upset or shot at airports so why do people get upset when they see police with guns on the street?

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I think people who are (sometimes not unreasonably) ideologically against police, guns, officialdom, authority or increase in police /state power will hardly surprisingly look to the worst excesses of a country (USA) and try to imply that's how it would inevitably be in the UK should our police be armed.


I hope it never comes to it but I fear arming our police might prove necessary sooner rather than later.

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...how many shootings has there been by police in Britain? if it averages 2 a year I'd be surprised...





Average "fatal" shootings by UK police force is 2(ish).


But when you consider the percentage of police that armed, factor that up to every police person being armed, the escalation in firearms use by criminals as a result, etc, its not hard to see that number will soon rise quite steadily.


And no offence to the police, but given the attitude of some of them, I barely trust them with a flashlight, let alone a firearm.

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