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Israel to ignore UN resolution on settlements.

the stinking enigma

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Good on Israel. The UN Resolution is a joke and SHAME ON OBAMA for orchestrating it.


To suggest it is illegal for half a million Jews to live on Jewish land and to suggest they should be removed from their homes and that the west bank should be ethnically cleansed of Jews while simultaneously accusing Israel of being the promoters of genocide is really quite something. It goes to show how the anti-Israel crowd are either completely thick or totally mad.


Land isn't Jewish. Is it circumcised? Does it wear a little skull cap?


Israel has borders and it is next to some territory where some people already live. It's not the 19th century any more, where you can take land off the darkies because you think you're more civilised than them. They got their country, and now they should enjoy it. Within its borders. The ones doing the ethnic cleansing are Israeli.



The land is OWNED by the Jewish people. Jews have been there for over 4,000 years. What the hell does the 19th century or the colonial actions of European nations have to do with anything? Israel in 1948 declared independence. It was a re-establishment of a nation by its indigenous population who had been living under the yolk of foreign occupation for 2,000 years. Even though there was persecution, genocide and forced relocation (nowadays called ethnic cleansing), there was always a Jewish population there and there always will be. Israel is there to stay and the Jews have every right to build homes on their own land.



But it isn't. The International Court of Justice says as much. Educate yourself. There might always have been a Jewish population in Golders Green for all I care, it doesn't mean Israel can come and take it. They have their own land, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories do not form part of it

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I don't care what some international court says



How impressive your grasp of the international legal position must be. In case (as I strongly suspect) you're too dim to see the sarcasm there, what I actually mean is that you have no grasp on the legal position.

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Educate myself? Lmao. I don't care what some international court says. Your irrelevant little side comment about Golders Green says all we need to know about your saddo angle on this.

You would do well to listen and learn some lessons from this gentleman llap. https://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/noam-chomsky-israels-response-to-the-united-nations-resolution-on-palestine-is-hysterical/
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I don't care what some international court says


How impressive your grasp of the international legal position must be. In case (as I strongly suspect) you're too dim to see the sarcasm there, what I actually mean is that you have no grasp on the legal position.

Yawn. Trying to put other people down as being thick or as having no grasp of a subject is not a valid argument.

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Educate myself? Lmao. I don't care what some international court says. Your irrelevant little side comment about Golders Green says all we need to know about your saddo angle on this.

You would do well to listen and learn some lessons from this gentleman llap. https://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/noam-chomsky-israels-response-to-the-united-nations-resolution-on-palestine-is-hysterical/

That gentleman is sadly bordering on senility at this point.

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I don't care what some international court says


How impressive your grasp of the international legal position must be. In case (as I strongly suspect) you're too dim to see the sarcasm there, what I actually mean is that you have no grasp on the legal position.

Yawn. Trying to put other people down as being thick or as having no grasp of a subject is not a valid argument.

There is a court ruling on the legality of the settlements. The court in question is the highest authority on the planet on matters of public international law, and you dismiss it without reading it, so yes, I think you're a fucking idiot and that you have no grasp of the subject

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