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More dodgy dealings from Living Hope


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If you want to worship a dead fictional character, I'm your man. [said to the tune of Leonard Cohen, I'm your Man]

I can imagine you launching the Living Dope Church ...

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Response to criticism by Chris Snake.




everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted




usual guff, they take peoples money and buy themselves nice houses and exotic holidays, and make out they are being persecuted as if their 'suffering' is the same as those of 'fellow christians' in Syria.


What a god bothering fucktard.

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Chris staples is the chap who in the iom today article was suggesting that if you didn't tithe you would receive a curse.


What scares me a lot about this theology is:


1. If you don't agree with me then you're wrong and you will be cursed.

2. We are not of this world thinking leads to the perception that they are the holders exclusively to the keys of heaven, by the very thinking of number 1 above!.


So, how have they been persecuted when supposedly being exposed of raising money for a pastor who is seemingly living above his means, thereby focusing more on material things of this world (it's all getting a little theologically washed up again) or persecution due to being banned from directorship due to professional negligence.


In theory mr staples article reads well, but the key to it all is that we are living a life in gods will. Am I to assume then that the above mentioned accusations and silence of any justification are acceptable and provide a good witness for the church as a whole? I refuse to judge them, as the bible states as well that we are to be careful about judging others (pity they don't use that verse in their articles very often) so you have to leave it with them to sort themselves out.


Let's focus on real persecution.


How would any of us react to being beheaded for standing strong in their Christian belief? Maybe that question is a step too far for the happy clappy cosy controlling theology we see here.

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I see that the seven of them were due in court on the 31 January - can't find any records of what happened however, but I did find the cached copy of the court listing



I don't suppose anyone know how it turned out?

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I see that the seven of them were due in court on the 31 January - can't find any records of what happened however, but I did find the cached copy of the court listing




I don't suppose anyone know how it turned out?


Still ongoing as I understand it. The matter was heard and the Deemster has gone away to presumably consider the evidence and come up with his judgement. Presumably it will be back in the court in a few weeks when he has come to a decision but I am not a lawyer so whilst in essence that may be correct I will; happily accept if others correct the procedure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see that the seven of them were due in court on the 31 January - can't find any records of what happened however, but I did find the cached copy of the court listing




I don't suppose anyone know how it turned out?

The report of the hearing is now on IoM Courts website. It was pretty boring & procedural in that two of the parties were arguing that the action to have them disqualified from acting as directors was out of time and therefore the matter should not proceed. The outcome was that the court did not agree and the matter can proceed. That does not mean when the matter is eventually heard they will be disqualified
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