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More dodgy dealings from Living Hope


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8 hours ago, Heffalump said:


A few comments about how they help people in the community. Does anybody actually know what they do that helps?

They hide the fact through their “charity” Southern Befrienders, that is why I will never contribute a penny towards this charity. 

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To be fair mr stanfield from memory resigned from southern befrienders a couple of years back as it probably got in the way of the “work”.

The article claims that stanfield recieved approx £63,000 if an annual salary!

I suppose charity begins at home (no pun intended) but it makes you understand why a previous tv salesman smiles at every opportunity.

just don’t challenge him or his cohort about it, you may end up getting the cold shoulder from both him and the self proclaimed apostles!


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I find it hilarious to read comments on Facebook from people saying "so what?" and that it's not harming anyone. Are these people dumb or something? The whole prosperity gospel theology is actually very psychologically harmful, is exploitative, especially to vulnerable people.

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10 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

Are these people dumb or something?

Dumb as in silenced, yes. Becoming part of a church enables them to silence the dark thoughts and unresolved emotional issues, it does not make them go away so inevitably they fall of the wagon go back to the drink, fiddle with the kids etc then plead forgiveness etc etc.

I feel for anyone caught up in a church as they're obviously mentally ill, they just don't see it due to all the other mental people they surround themselves with.

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A lot of people go to church to meet other like minded people with decent Christian values. Whilst it's not really for me personally and you won't catch me regularly frequenting such places I can see the current attraction in a society degenerating into one devoid of any morals, ethics or said values.

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2 hours ago, Lxxx said:

A lot of people go to church to meet other like minded people with decent Christian values. 

Which is probably why a lot of people who go to church end up giving up and staying home.

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4 hours ago, Lxxx said:

A lot of people go to church to meet other like minded people with decent Christian values. Whilst it's not really for me personally and you won't catch me regularly frequenting such places I can see the current attraction in a society degenerating into one devoid of any morals, ethics or said values.

I am not religious, but I can see why many are. I have no problem with the ordinary churches, but I hate these “ buy your ticket to heaven” lot.

Direct Debit collections are wrong at every level. Just like the “loan” to JS for his palace, sorry manse, or whatever the made up name is..

Scam written all over it. I do sometimes though, feel sorry for the sheep

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4 hours ago, Lxxx said:

... in a society degenerating into one devoid of any morals, ethics or said values.

Not quite sure which community you break your bread within, but is it really in such degeneration?  My work and social community is full of hard working, conscientious people, highly aware of ethical and moral issues.  Company you keep and all that, but there is also the risk of seeing the news, which will always publicise the extreme over the reasonable, as in some way representative.

Society has always had bad elements and had to deal with the ups and downs of communities as opportunities vary, but goodness the trope of decay and collapse is an odd, but clearly popular, one. 

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18 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

I am deeply suspicious of every individual who adheres to any organised religion. That is all.

I don’t have a problem with the “normal” churches as everyone has the right to believe in the afterlife 

But these money grabbing tw@@@ are disgusting in their approach and the way they con people. More often than not they are intelligent people too, so that amazes and amuses me too


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2 hours ago, Uhtred said:

I am deeply suspicious of every individual who adheres to any organised religion. That is all.

the trouble is that many individuals CLAIM  to adhere to a religion  but basically are a bunch of self serving shysters  fleecing gullible  folk .

The joke of it is ,on this island , some of these same folk are afforded greater credibility than other members of the island community , even when they are caught out and prosecuted.


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I do not see the problem with this, this organisation gets voluntary contributions from the people belonging to it, no public money is involved, what has it got to do with anyone else ?  All religions rely on donations to survive, what has that to  with anyone else.   People who are members of golf clubs pay club fees which are used to pay individuals, again nothing to do with anyone else.   Why do people not just mind their own business and get on with their own affairs.   If a member of any organisation disputes where money is going that is fair play, but if you are not concerned with them keep your beak out and get a life.

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