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More dodgy dealings from Living Hope


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9 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Why ?   They are minding their own business.

Well to start with who are "they"?  If it's the Living Hope business that uses its claim to be Christian and is attracting obviously gullible people (and their cash) into their cult then patently they (LH©) are only minding their own business in the commercial use of the word, if by business it's what they (LH©) are doing then they are not. 

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18 hours ago, P.K. said:

I find it strange because a fundamental lesson is you don't have to attend church to be a good christian.

I've chatted to the devoted doing stuff like mowing the grass in PSM and they seem pretty normal to me.

I’m a bit confused here PK. You asked a question, I answered it and you say you don’t understand my answer because you don’t have to go to church to be a good Christian and yet my answer clearly showed that being attracted to religious organisations has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with loneliness and a desire to belong to something somewhere that might ease that pain. Christianity doesn’t get a look in. 

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20 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Why ?   They are minding their own business.

With accusations that anyone who disagrees with them could be an agent of Satan. 

That type of mindset is very problematic and can be hugely corrosive to human relations. Just ask someone who has left the cult or come out as gay or who has an understanding of the science of evolution. 

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7 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

With accusations that anyone who disagrees with them could be an agent of Satan. 

That type of mindset is very problematic and can be hugely corrosive to human relations. Just ask someone who has left the cult or come out as gay or who has an understanding the science of evolution. 

And there’s the rub. It’s a dangerous practice that can leave already vulnerable people questioning their own sanity. I had the unfortunate experience years ago of walking into a job where I worked alongside four born again Christians. It was a challenge and, being of strong character I challenged them frequently. I too became ‘a messenger from Satan’ and word soon spread around our village that this was the case.  I got over it, I’m a toughie, but it took lumps out of me at the time. 

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21 minutes ago, ecobob said:

I’m a bit confused here PK. You asked a question, I answered it and you say you don’t understand my answer because you don’t have to go to church to be a good Christian and yet my answer clearly showed that being attracted to religious organisations has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with loneliness and a desire to belong to something somewhere that might ease that pain. Christianity doesn’t get a look in. 

Sorry for causing any confusion.

It's simply that you don't have to go to church to be a good Christian so to me actually paying for the privilege is completely bizarre.

Plus I don't get the loneliness bit as it seems lots of families are involved. 

I am starting to understand that their MO is somewhat on the unchristian side though.

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18 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

Oh dear.  Not when they're weedling their way into schools they're not.

Seriously, what's wrong with you?

When you say weedling in, do you mean the same way other religious bunkum is forced onto vulnerable schoolchildren?

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Sorry for causing any confusion.

It's simply that you don't have to go to church to be a good Christian so to me actually paying for the privilege is completely bizarre.

Plus I don't get the loneliness bit as it seems lots of families are involved. 

I am starting to understand that their MO is somewhat on the unchristian side though.

I think you are wrong here, not wishing to put words into your mouth I suspect your view of christianity is a sort of be good to your neighbour,  love your fellow man as yourself,  turn the other cheek... etc. All good sentiments,  if you asked almost any Muslim or Jew they would say their religion is the same. 

It's when you take religion seriously that problems begin. A "proper" Christian is obliged to prophletise,  spread the word, save souls and convert the non-believers.  They need to study the bible  (the word of god) for guidance etc, not a good idea. Once you go down this route the religion becomes very dangerous and undesirable.  


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11 minutes ago, NoTail said:

I think you are wrong here, not wishing to put words into your mouth I suspect your view of christianity is a sort of be good to your neighbour,  love your fellow man as yourself,  turn the other cheek... etc. All good sentiments,  if you asked almost any Muslim or Jew they would say their religion is the same. 

It's when you take religion seriously that problems begin. A "proper" Christian is obliged to prophletise,  spread the word, save souls and convert the non-believers.  They need to study the bible  (the word of god) for guidance etc, not a good idea. Once you go down this route the religion becomes very dangerous and undesirable.  


All anyone needs to do is to accept Jesus as their saviour, repent their sins, try to sin no more, and follow his teaching as best as they can and they're a Christian.  Anything and everything else is an added bonus.

And seemingly it's never too late.  The poem "The Great Mercy" by Katherine Tynan tells of this and it is scripturally sound ---

Betwixt the saddle and the ground

Was mercy sought and mercy found

Yea in the twinkling of an eye he cried

And thou hast heard his cry.


Pass the pasta!

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4 hours ago, NoTail said:

I think you are wrong here, not wishing to put words into your mouth I suspect your view of christianity is a sort of be good to your neighbour,  love your fellow man as yourself,  turn the other cheek... etc. All good sentiments,  if you asked almost any Muslim or Jew they would say their religion is the same. 

It's when you take religion seriously that problems begin. A "proper" Christian is obliged to prophletise,  spread the word, save souls and convert the non-believers.  They need to study the bible  (the word of god) for guidance etc, not a good idea. Once you go down this route the religion becomes very dangerous and undesirable.  


I think you mean proselytize.

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