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More dodgy dealings from Living Hope


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10 hours ago, PmJ said:

When you say weedling in, do you mean the same way other religious bunkum is forced onto vulnerable schoolchildren?

Not really, as this lot are willingly accepting convicted paedophiles, sex offenders, and violent criminals into their ‘church’, in order to atone them of their sins....and also hence build their numbers and support with the outcasts and ‘vulnerable’ of civilised society, who no one else wants to know. Any of the aforementioned going into schools to teach my kid, and I’d be somewhat vexed/would at least try and knock seven bells of shite out of them. 

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1 hour ago, manxst said:

Not really, as this lot are willingly accepting convicted paedophiles, sex offenders, and violent criminals into their ‘church’, in order to atone them of their sins....and also hence build their numbers and support with the outcasts and ‘vulnerable’ of civilised society, who no one else wants to know. Any of the aforementioned going into schools to teach my kid, and I’d be somewhat vexed/would at least try and knock seven bells of shite out of them. 

But you are happy for a religion known for it’s abuse of children to teach your children?

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10 hours ago, NoTail said:

I think you are wrong here, not wishing to put words into your mouth I suspect your view of christianity is a sort of be good to your neighbour,  love your fellow man as yourself,  turn the other cheek... etc. All good sentiments,  if you asked almost any Muslim or Jew they would say their religion is the same. 

Your suspicions are unfounded....

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21 minutes ago, PmJ said:

But you are happy for a religion known for it’s abuse of children to teach your children?

Not especially, but then I’ve never stated that? I believe that my child should grow up believing in correct, just and right morals and ethics, no matter the religion. If that is taught via Buddhists, Muslims, or Christians, it matters not to me. My point was (and I suspect you know this and have glossed over it in order to prolong the ‘discussion’), this PARTICULAR ‘church’ on the IOM are known to particularly welcome the dregs of society. Unlike other churches. Which particular religion are you referring to in your statement? 

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9 hours ago, manxst said:

Not especially, but then I’ve never stated that? I believe that my child should grow up believing in correct, just and right morals and ethics, no matter the religion. If that is taught via Buddhists, Muslims, or Christians, it matters not to me. My point was (and I suspect you know this and have glossed over it in order to prolong the ‘discussion’), this PARTICULAR ‘church’ on the IOM are known to particularly welcome the dregs of society. Unlike other churches. Which particular religion are you referring to in your statement? 

In my opinion all religions that are based on a god or gods are cults.  But if a cult is incompatible with our society and many if not all the ethics and morality are fine by the standards of that cult but not by those that form the basis of our society is that still fine?

I say categorically not.

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9 hours ago, manxst said:

Not especially, but then I’ve never stated that? I believe that my child should grow up believing in correct, just and right morals and ethics, no matter the religion. If that is taught via Buddhists, Muslims, or Christians, it matters not to me. My point was (and I suspect you know this and have glossed over it in order to prolong the ‘discussion’), this PARTICULAR ‘church’ on the IOM are known to particularly welcome the dregs of society. Unlike other churches. Which particular religion are you referring to in your statement? 

No particular wish to prolong it at all. But with it's track record of abuse and priest cover ups, the catholic church can hardly be classed as anything but unsavoury.

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1 hour ago, PmJ said:

No particular wish to prolong it at all. But with it's track record of abuse and priest cover ups, the catholic church can hardly be classed as anything but unsavoury.

And many many other awful things too. The magdalene laundries and the awfully abuses and worse, the events that took place at  St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Burlington, Vermont being one of more than just one,  and much more damage to the minds of kids and people.

But then, the Roman Catholic church isn't Christian.


i converted to become a Hard Atheist many years ago.

If pushed to join any church it would be the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

At least Pastafarians get a six course meal at their Eucharist with a choice of red or white wine!



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1 hour ago, Rog said:

And many many other awful things too. The magdalene laundries and the awfully abuses and worse, the events that took place at  St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Burlington, Vermont being one of more than just one,  and much more damage to the minds of kids and people.

But then, the Roman Catholic church isn't Christian.


i converted to become a Hard Atheist many years ago.

If pushed to join any church it would be the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

At least Pastafarians get a six course meal at their Eucharist with a choice of red or white wine!





I have no wish to follow any religion either. Do you have the application form for the spaghetti religion. :D

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2 minutes ago, A Troll said:

It is staggering how much time you people are wasting complaining about how other people choose to live their lives. What a bunch of fedora wearing Soy Boys. Deus Vult.

If it were just a case of that then fine but it isn't.

There is a business, I refuse to even think of it as a church let alone refer to it as such, that those of us with a higher IQ than our age find disgusting not least for claims being made that it is Christian when it is demonstratably obvious that it is anything but.  Further it's quoted values and objectives are appalling and it benefits from our tax laws and being registered as a charity. 

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5 minutes ago, PmJ said:

I have no wish to follow any religion either. Do you have the application form for the spaghetti religion. :D

You must start with a offering to His Noodliest.

Start by obtaining the following :-

(Check back on how to avoid turning them into a burnt offering)

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32 minutes ago, PmJ said:

I have no wish to follow any religion either. Do you have the application form for the spaghetti religion. :D

This appears to be the official website for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  For a mere $25 (inc p&p) you can be ordained a minister, which probably a cheaper option than Living Hope.  And less likely to have you end up in the Courts.

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