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More dodgy dealings from Living Hope


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There seems to be a few people on here who in reading between the lines know a lot more than they are prepared to share. Perhaps it's because there are potential pastoral career finishing revelations sitting under all this?

But still I haven't saw anything that shows anything more than an employee of living hope church being caught up in a financial scam. Oh and a pastor getting loads of dosh for his house, but apparently that's their business not ours, and to be honest it probably is.

The Louis group directors will be investigated at the end of the month so this may reveal more.

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If you see the CSP you say are the registered office, it would be interesting to see who runs that and maybe even the staff they have?


I am not 'saying', its on their website http://www.livinghope.im/Publisher/Article.aspx?ID=299227


The address listed is that of a CSP called Turnstone, their website is off line at the moment so not much info on who works there.


Managed to find this




Roelf (Odendaal) is a co-founder and Executive Director of Dölberg Group and the CEO of Turnstone Isle of Man.


Most likely the same Roelf Odendaal who gives sermons at the Living Hope church - http://www.livinghope.im/Media/AllMedia.aspx?speaker=Roelf%20Odendaal


so that explains why Turnstone is the CSP for the church

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"Mr Moss subsequently gave a sermon on ‘integrity’. He told the Port St Mary congregation: ‘People are calling into question the integrity of the body of Christ and the leaders within the church. We can’t let the world around us determine our ethics and morality.’


Using religious text to justify immorality. Such a messed up way of thinking. You messed up Moss. Messed up at mass, Moss. I'll give your messed up mass a miss, Moss.

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There seems to be a few people on here who in reading between the lines know a lot more than they are prepared to share. Perhaps it's because there are potential pastoral career finishing revelations sitting under all this?


For me it's just exposing hypocrits who bang on about being righteous and think they can tell people how to live.



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There seems to be a few people on here who in reading between the lines know a lot more than they are prepared to share. Perhaps it's because there are potential pastoral career finishing revelations sitting under all this?

But still I haven't saw anything that shows anything more than an employee of living hope church being caught up in a financial scam. Oh and a pastor getting loads of dosh for his house, but apparently that's their business not ours, and to be honest it probably is.

The Louis group directors will be investigated at the end of the month so this may reveal more.

Four senior members of the Living Hope Church were involved in the Louis Group; Lukas Nakos, Rousseau Moss, Helen Edwards, Andrew Rouse. So far one has been disqualified (Mr Moss), Mr Nakos and Mr Rouse will face an initial hearing in their disqualification proceedings in the high court on January 31. Helen Edwards was the managing director of the Louis Group, and there is no indication that she has done anything wrong she was a notified person on the claim against the Louis Group.


Dr Alan Louis also made payments, effectively from clients' funds, to something called the Renewal Church in the UK. Which is a similar church to the Living Hope. This was also mentioned in the inspectors report to the high court.

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one last post on the senior people on this "church"


Whilst trying to find out a bit more about its elders, I found this blog https://jimmccotter.wordpress.com/


Its a website dedicated to warning people off a guy called Jim McCotter, who set up various churches and made lots of money then left the churches in the 80's and suddenly he seemed to have a lot of money to buy up businesses and basically stiff people left right and centre.


So what does this have to do with the Living Hope? Well about 10 years ago someone was ripped off by a business associate of Mr McCotter, called Roland Ripamonti and he wanted to know more about him. https://jimmccotter.wordpress.com/2007/01/06/roland-ripamonti-who-is-he-and-what-does-he-have-to-do-with-jim-mccotter/


Some of the respondents have suggested that Roland and his brother Robert (Roberto) were involved in various business schemes with Mr McCotter before they found out he was an unsavoury character and that Robert is now living on the Isle of Man


I wonder if its the same Robert Ripamonti that is a Evangelism Champion for the Living Hope? http://www.livinghope.im/Groups/189480/LHCC/Locations/Douglas/Team_Leaders/Team_Leaders.aspx


Obviously it is difficult to get an unbiased view from a public forum (as we see on here), but it does seem that the hierarchy of the Living Hope Church here on the island does seem to attract controversy.

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I'm quite intrigued by the concept of creating a "church" to evade tax just like businesses used to do with charity status. Could it be that the large donations from it's members are actually just a way for them to evade tax on that money while still having access to it?


One only has to look at the Vatican for a profound example of tax evasion.

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