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The South China Sea thing.


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No, that's not what I mean ScotsAlan. I expect a military response because expansionist policies, especially from China, would lead to more deaths in the end rather than stopping them as they began. 100,000 deaths would be nothing compared to World War 3.


UNICLOS. Is the thing. The Us never ratified it. But they send warships to enforce it. They did not ratify it because uniclos forbids millitarisation of the Sea. The US had a particular issue with deep mines and submarine sensors. UNICLOS forbids both. There was also an issue over mining the sea floor for metals..


This really winds me up. Ignorant people want to bomb my daughter , my wife, my family. And they want to do it because they are "right". Now, I know China is in the wrong over the SCS, but so is the USA. What the fuck are they defending. They are defending Chinese Trade routes, from China, to America, carrying goods made by American companies taking advantage of cheap Chinese labor.


In effect, the US is defending its capitalist right to cheap labor.


And China is defending its right to provide cheap labor.


And people in the Isle of Man, seem to think my daughter is fair game to bombed. Wow


When the bombing starts, I hope to be able to post photos on FB. Via VPN of course :-)

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No one wants your daughter to die. You're very pro China because you live there and you're trying to make a fuss about nothing.


We can put children in warzones and disputed territory all over and portray "Oh look, <opponent> wants your kid to die" but that's an idiots argument.


Are you serious? Really?


Put kids into war zones?


Do kids choose their birthplace?


That's news to me.

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Just to say if you've had a nice break to Hainan Island (lovely isn't it) you are 1000s of miles away from the trouble spots.

Though the subs do leave from there but I doubt Hainan Island will become dangerous any time soon. More likely Freedom of Navigation chicken a la the Cod War off the Philippines or Vietnam.

Closer to it than you Chinahand :-) And not Hainan, just slightly north east.


My point is not so much about location, it's more about how ppl tens of thousands of miles away want my daughter to be bombed. My location is fine. What the fuck is the SCS to do with the west?


Yup yup. Pro china and and that... but really, why is it such a big issue?


The falklands was not a presidential issue...

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It's like trying to talk to a red wall ScotsAlan, you're well and truly in your own pocket. I give up with you.


No problem.I give you permission to nuke my family. And I 100% agree to accept your reason for it. I will even say thank you, shake your hand, buy you a drink.... and I will vanish into the ether... having learnt my lesson. Red bad... nuke the fuckers... blue good... nuke the reds.


I will take the time to explain that to the kids in the photos..


The kids you are happy to nuke...

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why would the americans be worried about submarine sensors somewhere that far from home? it's hardly like the chinese have set up a ballistic missile shield right on americas border

It's worth a google. Reagan signed UNICLOS, but it was not ratified. Clinton tried to get it ratified, congress said no.

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Just to say if you've had a nice break to Hainan Island (lovely isn't it) you are 1000s of miles away from the trouble spots.


Though the subs do leave from there but I doubt Hainan Island will become dangerous any time soon. More likely Freedom of Navigation chicken a la the Cod War off the Philippines or Vietnam.

I have never been there ChinahandI have a mate in Zhangjiang. My wife's hometown is a few miles east of there.


I did not start this thread to be about the rights and wrongs of China's claims over the SCS. I wanted to see what the reaction would be... kids playing on South China Sea beach.


Only one "nuke them" response.


That's pretty good. Just one.


If I had posted the photo on the "I love Trump" forum, I suspect it would have had more than one "nuke them" suggestion.

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