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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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31 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

Yeah mate just park it up in front of the Tower of refuge, nice one.

At least it will be easier for Mr Callister MHK to get on board to hand out those plastic trophies to the Captains.




"We believe that this...could be all self funded as a commercial development..." Now where have we heard that before? Oh yes, a marina in Ramsey.

Is the bottom pic Skelly and Callister?

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De plen, de plen, dey are coming Boss!!!!!!!!

With our MHKs spending propensity, don't write this off???

We need some facts and truth about the cruise figures. I do believe that the figures quoted are the 'capacity' of the boat, not the actual pax nos. Then not everyone gets off, not every boat allows landing due to weather, schedule etc.

Bus Vannin probably do OK bussing those that do come ashore to....... where? Round the Island? Cregneish? Do they have takeaway lunch provided? Douglas is the retail centre, if they are not in Douglas, they are not spending money!!!

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I don't think the income from cruise passengers would be anything phenomenal even if every one of them got off and wandered about buying Manx Cat badges and associated tat. A few cups of coffee and a bit of bonnag is not going to be the answer to our tourism wishes. I do think however that if we were a big cruise destination, we would attract tourism from those who then see us as a proper holiday resort? A buzz about the place could bring in more people and grow our tourism offer perhaps? 

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7 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I don't think the income from cruise passengers would be anything phenomenal even if every one of them got off and wandered about buying Manx Cat badges and associated tat. A few cups of coffee and a bit of bonnag is not going to be the answer to our tourism wishes. I do think however that if we were a big cruise destination, we would attract tourism from those who then see us as a proper holiday resort? A buzz about the place could bring in more people and grow our tourism offer perhaps? 

Maybe they'll all flood ashore to buy Lawrence's International Manx Lottery tickets in the hope of winning riches. Then the lucky winners can spend the rest of their days taking, er, cruises...

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On the image though they 'big boats' are parked on the seaward side, so if it's rough (quite often) they're not going to park up are they? I thought the whole point of buiding something was to give it some swell shelter? It'll be a hell of a dredging exercise anyway if it's positioned where they've plonked it.

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4 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

On the image though they 'big boats' are parked on the seaward side, so if it's rough (quite often) they're not going to park up are they? I thought the whole point of buiding something was to give it some swell shelter? It'll be a hell of a dredging exercise anyway if it's positioned where they've plonked it.

The only thing this will dredge is the coffers of the taxpayers ! Meanwhile the front line services go to hell !!

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The "justification" is based on the £ per pax. Which I personally think is a complete and utter nonsense.

The golden rule is if you can't put a value on it then it's worthless.

Hence so is this entire folly....

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