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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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Do wish our politicos would start saving money & not squander it


What is it with them that they just can't help themselves wasting other peoples money?

Tynpotwalders have had a presentation by the people behind this scheme. I think you will find many of them will be seduced by the idea. They will have swimming in their minds a picture of a desperate need for the island to have this floating berth. They will have been told wonderful things at the presentation and also have their egos massaged. When you couple this with the fact that the taxpayer will have to pay something, their spending thrift will go out of the window. Like I keep saying if this scheme is such a goer and low risk, they should fund it and the IOMG should charge them rent on the pontoon/berth. Capt Bucholz wanted to set up a ferry company, and he was messed about something shocking. I wonder if his scheme involved £50+ outlay, I'm sure Tynpotwalders would have been creeping, fawning and arselicking like there was no tomorrow.

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The Isle of Man saw 5,400 visitors on 17 cruise ships last year, generating £3 a head in harbour dues. Ports director Ann Reynolds said: Its an interesting concept but the business case has to stack up.

Read more at: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/floating-idea-of-cruise-ship-berth-in-isle-of-man-1-8342417


I nearly choked on my cornflakes when I read this, Jesus, the concept must be flawed for Reynolds to say the business case has to add up, this is the woman who went for the business case at the airport where we now should be drowning in 1.75 million passengers ! heading for 2.5 !

So the harbour dues from the cruise liner industry generated a massive £16, 200 last year. That should cover the cost of one harbour policeman for 6 months

I would assume that whoever provides the tender service is the one who is receiving the greater part of the income not DOI.

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So Mr Ugland is quoted by Manx Radio as saying a 50 mill investment would pay for itself in 5yrs!

He's also quoted as saying a deepwater cruise berth would bring in an extra 6000 people per year at average spend of 60 squid ???


He needs to get his spiel right I think!

Then again ,looking at who he's dealing with he doesn't really!!post-6043-0-94746000-1484913309_thumb.jpg

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£50 Million for starters that is! Mind you, amongst all the kerfuffle there should be sufficient left over for the customary brown paper envelopes ...


I am minded of the British in Hong Kong.


As the day of departure got closer they made sure that Hong Kong had plenty of new infrastructure especially of the concrete variety and also made sure that Hong Kong Government revenue and reserves went to British contractors...

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Just conspiracy theorising...


But is it possible that this cruise liner berth effort will somehow be touched by the Fair Godmother....?


....and being a publicly funded prestige project that cannot be cancelled ....(Oh the shame of it!) .....


.....Sort of grow like Topsy and irrevocably turn into a sort of Linkspan lookalike or some sort of berthing means favouring not just liners but also RoPax ferries, wannabee ferry operators &/or aspiring Norwegian shipping entrepreneur interests and thus pave the way for a Steampacket rival or some such similar evolution &/or revolution?.....????







I can hear the warning siren as in "Mastermind"...and the response...."I've started so I'll finish"...(aka "We have to finish it")

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Do wish our politicos would start saving money & not squander it


What is it with them that they just can't help themselves wasting other peoples money?


Lets face it we can't even buy a 3.5 million radar system without ballsing it up can we !



To stop this one being ballsed up will need a lot of hand leading by knowledgeable people in the private sector. Which comes at a cost. I think I see why this one has a strapline of 'Go big.'

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I can't believe people are falling for this business model. This has to be a joke, right?

Yes........sadly the joke will be on us taxpayers. I can see Tynpotwalders voting for this, no debate or real discussion. Matter of national importance will be spouted. Then comes the punchline ............ we the taxpayers will be mostly funding the venture. Not so much a joke but horror show!

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There are some compelling enough numbers to at least look at it. It should be a private sector and government joint venture.


Potentially sizeable amount of bedrooms for TT too if there was a space to berth.


The numbers Orkney now gets is worth taking note. Given our limited options for expanding tourism we should not just dismiss it just because miserable old twats like tatlock say so.

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I thought at first, who the heck thought of this completely idiotic idea, until I did some digging. Orkney is just a small example. Look at Madeira. Before you say warm and sunny, their cruise season is their winter. However, now spreading into their summer. Like most islands, if you are there for a day, you can either pay a fortune for a tour, or walk about town and have a few pints and lunch. Over the past 20 years, Madeira has grown from being a very minor tourist island to being quite a major one. The Azores are just starting on this transformation. Watch this space. Liverpool, Belfast and Dublin are all jumping on the cruise game. We would be completely. Stupid not to at least look at it!

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