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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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If ever there was a radio show full of vested interests and government propaganda it is Sunday Opinion. Today's is totally biased. Have MR sought an opposing viewpoint? Even somebody just to play devils advocate? MNH Southworth will extol this scheme a) he is paid to anyway b) MNH have a vested interests in this project and c) I'm sure Southworth will get time off in lieu to attend MR and no doubt will be promoting the scheme on the Moanin Line. With so many vested interests running the show, no wonder we are fcuked! Even worse, Tynpotwalders don't have the bottle to ask questions, they are merely nodding dogs

MNH and the Coach firms will be the main local benificiaries here ,not many others I think ?

The Manx gov have spent long millions over the years on MNH attractions which great though they are to have, do not turn profit Passengers bussed around MNH sites and back to the ship would obviously make those attractions look not quite such a waste of taxpayer monies!

There are no coach firms and if there were they couldn't afford the outlay, and they would run the risk of being driven out of business by IOMG who will want everything being sewn up by MNH and Circus Vannin. In realty it's massaging/fiddling statistics and massaging civil servant egos. Along with a few business types who will try to come across as 'all important demagogues, with the power to make or break'. The public won't win or get anything, Strand Street won't and Michael Street won't. MNH gift shop possibly and the coffee shop will sell cups of tea and slice of cake. Perhaps if MNH and Circus Vannin take passengers on MER to Snaefell, with luck, or poor maintenance - the train may debrake itself and roll down the mountain - this time with passengers! They won't be able to sweep that under the carpet! Edited by 2112
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you wouldn't think there was actually a government bod supposed to be 'director of tourism' :lol:



The Department of Economic Development has announced the appointment of Robin Bischert to the role of Director of Tourism and the Visitor Economy. His three year fixed term appointment is effective from 1 October 2014.

or even a 'head of tourism'


would they have been considered appropriate to add their opinion ?

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the train may debrake itself and roll down the mountain - this time with passengers! They won't be able to sweep that under the carpet!



How they've gotten away with that tram that crashed last time I have no idea, they've literally got away scot free

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you wouldn't think there was actually a government bod supposed to be 'director of tourism' :lol:



The Department of Economic Development has announced the appointment of Robin Bischert to the role of Director of Tourism and the Visitor Economy. His three year fixed term appointment is effective from 1 October 2014.

or even a 'head of tourism'


would they have been considered appropriate to add their opinion ?

What's the point of opinion (s) this administration is probably going to vote the scheme and highly likely to toss them a load of taxpayers cash. Considering there is no money - except for civil servants pensions and Tynpotwalders salaries.

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At last a man comes on talking sense , well done Stephen!!! Points out that quoted comparable Cruise liner facilities in Monaco and Orkney are in fact completely different to Manx proposal in that both are protected by natural lee ,whereas proposed Douglas cruise facility is exposed on the outside of Alexandria Pier with large tidal range.

Good old Rog gave him short thrift though and got rid quickly !

How I read it?


Mark Robertshaw is a waffling middleman blagger with little detail or figures on offer but stands to make a lot of money and Edmund gets people to use his facilities and trainset ,neither inspire confidence.




Oh yea !! Stephen also said that there needed to be a full tynwald inquiry with full facts and figures known before any Gov money was Authorised.

Edited by homarus
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you wouldn't think there was actually a government bod supposed to be 'director of tourism' laugh.png



The Department of Economic Development has announced the appointment of Robin Bischert to the role of Director of Tourism and the Visitor Economy. His three year fixed term appointment is effective from 1 October 2014.

or even a 'head of tourism'


would they have been considered appropriate to add their opinion ?


Has he buggered off early?

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