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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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I agree and as a previous poster has said ,Cruise liner visits are going even though as you say passengers are tendered ashore.

It's also worth pointing out again that Guernsey St Peter Port is another sheltered anchorage with the prevailing westerly winds blowing directly off the land ,but even with this natural advantage cruise visits to Guernsey are regularly cancelled due to adverse weather conditions ,


So it's success seems to be more about the duty free advantages rather than a state of the art landing pontoon built directly in the path of prevailing wind and tides as per our usual blue sky thinking model.

Question from me would be ,can the Manx Gov replicate the Guernsey model as regards Duty free?

Edited by homarus
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I agree and as a previous poster has said ,Cruise liner visits are going even though as you say passengers are tendered ashore.

It's also worth pointing out again that Guernsey St Peter Port is another sheltered anchorage with the prevailing westerly winds blowing directly off the land ,but even with this natural advantage cruise visits to Guernsey are regularly cancelled due to adverse weather conditions ,


So it's success seems to be more about the duty free advantages rather than a state of the art landing pontoon built directly in the path of prevailing wind and tides as per our usual blue sky thinking model.

Question from me would be ,can the Manx Gov replicate the Guernsey model as regards Duty free?

not without bankruptcy

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So we need a pontoon because the old coffin dodgers don't like being tendered from the ship to our nearly new 500,000 thou (Somebody mentioned 3'5 mill but maybe that was something else?) purpose built landing pontoon in Circus beach with it's 50yd away Coach Parking facilities but the extra 60,000 people a year will come just because we have a nice pontoon .smack in the middle of the tidal flow with a 100yd uphill walk to Coach ,because they sure as f*ck aren't going to get a coach down across Port Skillion .

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I don't actually think that Duty Free is much of a factor in the what success there is for Guernsey as a cruise destination. It's certainly not mentioned in their guide to those arriving on cruise ships. And of course cruise ships offer their own duty-free shopping when outside territorial waters.


What Guernsey and indeed Orkney have as a cruise destination is position. They both make a convenient stop-off on the way between other places - to/from Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea in the case of Orkney; to/from Southern Europe for Guernsey. The Isle of Man simply doesn't have the same geographical advantage. Even those ships coming up the Irish Sea have better-known alternatives such as Dublin or Liverpool. So any cruise ship coming to the Isle of Man is coming because it wants to go there. Building more facilities won't help much.


There are numerous other reasons why this is is a spectacularly daft idea even by the standards of capital works proposed on the Island, many of which have been mentioned. But the Isle of Man basically just isn't a very good cruise ship destination - in part and paradoxically because it does have a lot to offer as a holiday destination. People prefer to spend longer here than a day.


That's not to say that some cruises will want to stop here - mainly smaller specialised ones and things can be done to encourage them. But the idea that we are a suitable destination for enormous cruise ships is idiotic.

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This is the sort of thing they have in mind I believe.


That came in at 75,000 euro a metre for the breakwater, which is about 26,000,000 for the Douglas one


Then it has to be secured and a linkspan attached


Not sure about the draught clearance being sufficient either, 10 m at a low spring is going to leave the bow of the liner resting on the bottom according to the drawings


So if dredging has to be factored in there's another significant cost


Even if the engineering stacks up and the breakwater is sufficient to hold back the swell while a ship docks, I still can't see a cost/benefit ratio that would attract outside investement

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What really depresses me is that for years now the IOM Gov have been shipping in these so called experts and paying top dollar for their ""expertise""

What do we have for it

Choo,Choo's and radars that don''t work , oversized ridiculously expensive runways, Bendy busses etc,etc,etc,etc, ad nauseum!


They;ve spunked hundreds of millions unnecessarily on uneeded projects and now that we need to tighten our belts, they;re still at it ,with yet another ill thought out vanity project .,although I do have to say I can smell a hint of desperation on this one!

It seems they will not be happy until they've spent every last penny and driven the Island into the ground with their stupidity .


The Island can not afford to gamble at present time on this latest ill thought out scheme.

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What really depresses me is that for years now the IOM Gov have been shipping in these so called experts and paying top dollar for their ""expertise""

What do we have for it

Choo,Choo's and radars that don''t work , oversized ridiculously expensive runways, Bendy busses etc,etc,etc,etc, ad nauseum!


They;ve spunked hundreds of millions unnecessarily on uneeded projects and now that we need to tighten our belts, they;re still at it ,with yet another ill thought out vanity project .,although I do have to say I can smell a hint of desperation on this one!

It seems they will not be happy until they've spent every last penny and driven the Island into the ground with their stupidity .


The Island can not afford to gamble at present time on this latest ill thought out scheme.

There is one common department behind all those expensive failed / unnecessary schemes. Infrastructure. If I ever get a chance I might compile a list of the schemes and the amount they have cost us. Including the prom scheme which would be finished if the department had just got on with it years ago rather than changing the plans because of lobbying to a new minister.

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There is one common department behind all those expensive failed / unnecessary schemes. Infrastructure. If I ever get a chance I might compile a list of the schemes and the amount they have cost us.


There's actually a start already made in this press release from the MERS people which includes lots of IOM Newspaper articles on recent follies from the DoI and its predecessors. At the time it was mainly attacked on here by those who think the trams should be got rid of, but whatever you think on that topic it's still a useful start, though there are other idiocies missing such as the 'regeneration' of town centres and while the "Phil's Folly" roundabout is there, the endless amounts spent under Skelly on the one at Four Roads isn't.

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There is one common department behind all those expensive failed / unnecessary schemes. Infrastructure. If I ever get a chance I might compile a list of the schemes and the amount they have cost us.


There's actually a start already made in this press release from the MERS people which includes lots of IOM Newspaper articles on recent follies from the DoI and its predecessors. At the time it was mainly attacked on here by those who think the trams should be got rid of, but whatever you think on that topic it's still a useful start, though there are other idiocies missing such as the 'regeneration' of town centres and while the "Phil's Folly" roundabout is there, the endless amounts spent under Skelly on the one at Four Roads isn't.

Not to mention Phils potential other folly. What's happening to the £3.5m chunk of land we bought off Peel Group in Liverpool docks? The one the was supposed to be "strategically important" and which has not been mentioned since the day the deal was agreed?

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