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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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Once again ports like Invergordon have inherited the earlier investments of others in this case the former Royal Navy anchorage and berths. The cruise ships use the Admiralty Pier...Britain housed massive fleets of ships at Invergordon...Some may have heard of the 1931 naval mutiny in Invergordon...

Invergordon also has many interesting laces to visit throughout its hinterland...

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2 hours ago, Max Power said:

I know we have been led down the garden path before, surely lessons have been learned? This in my mind is certainly worth exploring further and while we all have opinions on MF, we must be encouraged by the fact that private investment could be forthcoming?

Well we're always told that "lessons have been learned".  Repeatedly.  But the only lesson that they actually seem to have got in their skulls is that can get away with repeating exactly the same mistakes again and get rewarded for it.  

Look at how the mess-up over Vision 9 repeated the similar similar mess-up with Signature Sponsorship about five years earlier with all the same faults being repeated.  There's no guarantee that we won't see all the disasters of the runway extension repeated in Douglas Harbour with the same people involved.

As for 'private investment', if it is so forthcoming, why aren't they submitting their own plans and wanting nothing more than planning permission?  You suspect that, like the London Garden Bridge, they will be wanting all sorts of government contributions, guarantees, tax deals and the rest.  You only have look at the history of the Liverpool landing stage to get the idea.

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6 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Look at how the mess-up over Vision 9 repeated the similar similar mess-up with Signature Sponsorship about five years earlier with all the same faults being repeated.  

I'm very hopeful that this enquiry could be a landmark in changing the face of how government operates, by the time the rest of the evidence is heard.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

I'm very hopeful that this enquiry could be a landmark in changing the face of how government operates, by the time the rest of the evidence is heard.

I would like to think that myself. Sadly I think we will get a) SPIN b) BULLSHIT c) LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED and d) ultimately in Tynpotwald when it's being debated, the ayes have it, the ayes have it. I personally can't imagine anyone taking one for the team, or taking any responsibility. If they do, it will involve, either pay off or sideways promotion, definitely not a demotion. It's not in the Manx Government psyche to hold their hands up to admit fault. It's a case of has anyone got the balls to seriously criticise and possibly censure those at fault? Then it's down to Tynpotwald to debate and take the matter further. 

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Every enquiry I can recall over the past twenty or so years has ended with a large serving of "lessons will be learned" topped with a crust of " we move forward " sprinkled liberally with "commercial confidentiality" ! Maybe save the money on any enquiry and just publish the result !

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22 hours ago, MediaStar said:

You get to an age where you get cynical on the basis that everytime these sort have schemes have been touted in the last 40 years the private investment mentioned at the start usually fails to materialize. Other ports haven't needed to make the investment that is required here to make it work so it's a nice add on. You're not investing £10-20m on the back of a shaky business case. As I said above due to the offshore oil industry Shetland and Orkney already have deep ports that will take cruisliners as they're already large commercial ports making millions off the oil industry activity. If you get a few cruise liners on top great as it's not costing you much to accommodate them (even if they spend nothing). Our business case is very different. 

Orkney started from scratch, and had to build piers for these vessels to berth alongside.

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21 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Once again ports like Invergordon have inherited the earlier investments of others in this case the former Royal Navy anchorage and berths. The cruise ships use the Admiralty Pier...Britain housed massive fleets of ships at Invergordon...Some may have heard of the 1931 naval mutiny in Invergordon...

Invergordon also has many interesting laces to visit throughout its hinterland...

does it?

the underground oil tanks which are cathedral size used to be worth a visit but are now sealed shut....

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19 hours ago, woody2 said:

does it?

the underground oil tanks which are cathedral size used to be worth a visit but are now sealed shut....

I said "hinterland"....Go look it up...It means more than the "environs" of the port/harbour...There are many websites about Invergordon and its area...

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On ‎29‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 2:42 PM, Barrie Stevens said:

Once again ports like Invergordon have inherited the earlier investments of others in this case the former Royal Navy anchorage and berths. The cruise ships use the Admiralty Pier...Britain housed massive fleets of ships at Invergordon...Some may have heard of the 1931 naval mutiny in Invergordon...

Invergordon also has many interesting laces to visit throughout its hinterland...

Must be a "shoe-in" for a good tour then. ;), or are they all just heavily into needlework. ?

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Today’s Sunday Opinion devoted yet again......... yawn, to this subject. Usually Bullshit being bandied around, except the cost has now increased to over £40 million. Government has spent more yet money on external consultants. I can see those Tynpotwald idiots actually voting for this, except the costs will probably balloon to over £60 million plus. Whether the cruise tourists actually spend anything to recoup the taxpayers costs, it’s extremely doubtful and unlikely. 

ETA - Skelly on the Government Mouthpiece extolling benefits and bullshiting abound. 


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