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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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3 minutes ago, woody2 said:

would only need 1 million visitors to get £50m in vat, if the uk don't change the rules.......

If each visitor spends, on average £300.

Don't forget maintenance, manning etc.

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Chris Robertshaw calling in was my favourite part of the program as he spent a few minutes stating why the Isle of Man had to basically go with a scheme. One of the invited guests made a measured response saying it should not just be a case of building a facility that would accept the biggest boats but that you need to consider what your infrastructure can cope with in terms of number of visitors at a time but what sort of guests you want. Earlier in the program they had set out that some nationalities were big spenders when coming ashore others less so and that sometimes it is not merely a case of numbers but you might want to attract smaller niche and expensive cruises.

CR presumably had not bothered to listen to the invited guests reply or did not understand the response as CR's response was to tell the invited guest that he obviously did not know anything about tourism in the IoM. Presumably CR had prepared this response in advance as it had absolutely nothing to do with what the guest had said and it was all about CR saying he is right and those who might have a different view do not understand the facts

This summed up CR to me in a nutshell and why he has was a poor minister and MHK. He just seems incapable of listening, accepting or even understanding a different view to his own. It was why the landlord bill went down. Not because it was a bad idea but it was incredibly badly drafted to make it almost unintelligible and despite virtually everybody saying this from legal draftsman down CR refused to accept that it needed amending prior to taking it to Tynwald so when it got there it predictably got shot down.  I have met his son and he appeared to have similar traits but to be fair I was driving and he was not and alcohol may have played a part in that he just basically just wanted to tell you what he thought 

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4 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

Chris Robertshaw calling in was my favourite part of the program as he spent a few minutes stating why the Isle of Man had to basically go with a scheme. One of the invited guests made a measured response saying it should not just be a case of building a facility that would accept the biggest boats but that you need to consider what your infrastructure can cope with in terms of number of visitors at a time but what sort of guests you want. Earlier in the program they had set out that some nationalities were big spenders when coming ashore others less so and that sometimes it is not merely a case of numbers but you might want to attract smaller niche and expensive cruises.

CR presumably had not bothered to listen to the invited guests reply or did not understand the response as CR's response was to tell the invited guest that he obviously did not know anything about tourism in the IoM. Presumably CR had prepared this response in advance as it had absolutely nothing to do with what the guest had said and it was all about CR saying he is right and those who might have a different view do not understand the facts

This summed up CR to me in a nutshell and why he has was a poor minister and MHK. He just seems incapable of listening, accepting or even understanding a different view to his own. It was why the landlord bill went down. Not because it was a bad idea but it was incredibly badly drafted to make it almost unintelligible and despite virtually everybody saying this from legal draftsman down CR refused to accept that it needed amending prior to taking it to Tynwald so when it got there it predictably got shot down.  I have met his son and he appeared to have similar traits but to be fair I was driving and he was not and alcohol may have played a part in that he just basically just wanted to tell you what he thought 

CR sounds as if he has a similar mindset to Notty:lol::flowers:

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49 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

Chris Robertshaw calling in was my favourite part of the program as he spent a few minutes stating why the Isle of Man had to basically go with a scheme. One of the invited guests made a measured response saying it should not just be a case of building a facility that would accept the biggest boats but that you need to consider what your infrastructure can cope with in terms of number of visitors at a time but what sort of guests you want. Earlier in the program they had set out that some nationalities were big spenders when coming ashore others less so and that sometimes it is not merely a case of numbers but you might want to attract smaller niche and expensive cruises.

CR presumably had not bothered to listen to the invited guests reply or did not understand the response as CR's response was to tell the invited guest that he obviously did not know anything about tourism in the IoM. Presumably CR had prepared this response in advance as it had absolutely nothing to do with what the guest had said and it was all about CR saying he is right and those who might have a different view do not understand the facts

This summed up CR to me in a nutshell and why he has was a poor minister and MHK. He just seems incapable of listening, accepting or even understanding a different view to his own. It was why the landlord bill went down. Not because it was a bad idea but it was incredibly badly drafted to make it almost unintelligible and despite virtually everybody saying this from legal draftsman down CR refused to accept that it needed amending prior to taking it to Tynwald so when it got there it predictably got shot down.  I have met his son and he appeared to have similar traits but to be fair I was driving and he was not and alcohol may have played a part in that he just basically just wanted to tell you what he thought 

So did Robertshaw mention his son or not ?

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1 hour ago, GD4ELI said:

If each visitor spends, on average £300.

Don't forget maintenance, manning etc.

No there’s effectively a landing fee they can claim per head regardless just by letting them set for in the shore. Under current VAT rules. I would suggest further VAT fiddling is probably unwise. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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4 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

No there’s effectively a landing fee they can claim per head regardless just by letting them set for in the shore. Under current VAT rules. I would suggest further VAT fiddling is probably unwise. 

Wise or unwise, I reckon that won’t stop them going ahead. Anything to maximise the VAT take, worry about the consequences later. 

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The VAT take to me is like playing Russian roulette ! There is no guarantee about the metrics going forward which will be used to measure it, nor is there any rate guarantee either! it is all out of the control of our fiscal planning. We have already seen what happens when we allow the CS to develop to huge proportions on the back of a non guaranteed income stream !


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