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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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This subject needs to be granted a much higher level of examination and debate.

Nobody can predict whether or not financial services, e-gaming, bio-medicine and the like will form a significant portion of the Island's economy for the next 100, 50 or even 10 years. Nobody can realistically state what the eventual outcome of Brexit or Public Sector pension crisis will be.

But it is absolutely possible to state that the Island's main harbour will form the backbone of transport in goods and people to and from the Island for not just the next 100 years but, in all probability, for hundreds of years after that at least.

To state that something of this magnitude should or should not occur simply on the basis of any past failures falls far short of the required deep analysis of just what the next 100 years operation of the Island's most important, valuable, and strategic asset actually means.

With the impending renewal of ferries, user agreements, and possible shore-side infrastructure, a serious, wide ranging and deep factual and financial analysis is required. Outside consultancy will be required and will have to be paid for. A public debate is needed, backed up by professional research into the needs of commuters, tourists, supermarkets and other goods stockists as well as the transport companies themselves.

1. The Island has to determine the service that best meets the needs of the people (not the ferry operators or individual politicians).

2. Having determined 1. above, the service system then has to be professionally designed to best optimise on on-water and shore-side infrastructure required to deliver that service.

3. Then, and only then, the financials are rationalised and refined taking a long-term strategic view taking fully into account that you are basically determining the future success or failure of the Island's  biggest and most important infrastructure asset.

Past failures, individual (short-term) business holdings of politicians, the current state of town centre buildings etc. etc. are, in the grand scheme of things, largely irrelevant. 

Get the big decision (i.e. What should the strategic service look like?) correct and the rest will naturally follow - get this decision wrong, and there is little if any hope that all of the follow-on details such as town centre success, tourism and TT, and retail/wholsale can ever truly succeed. They are all too dependant on this infrastructure backbone. It is probably the biggest question facing the Island.

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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From previous posts on this thread, Isle of Man Shipping Association would appear to support the maxim "Build it and they will come". There may be something in that. I would like to think so.

Although using a public forum such as MF can be a double-edged sword, they might be interested to further open a discussion here?


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5 hours ago, Tempus Fugit said:

in the words of the song "right down the middle"

skillion cable.jpg

If they want to put it there, you will discover the power cable as soon as the 1st liner starts up it bow thrusters as it will wash the top of the cable trench away, such is the output of these thrusters

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I have not read through the usual shit but I do know that the average cruise passenger spends £7 when they come ashore.I am not a rocket scientist but work out how many passengers you would need to have to even justify a probable £70 million build..


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3 hours ago, JOE450 said:

If they want to put it there, you will discover the power cable as soon as the 1st liner starts up it bow thrusters as it will wash the top of the cable trench away, such is the output of these thrusters

I think these shipping lot need a good thrusting up the stern to wake the buggers up. FFS, can't someone just say NO ?

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Is that cable actually used anyway?

They could have used it supply electricity to the Island but doing that would have meant the crooks wouldn't have got away with all those £100millions on the New Power Station/gas pipeline.

And if it supplied data we wouldn't all be getting ripped by Manx Telecom

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21 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Is that cable actually used anyway?

They could have used it supply electricity to the Island but doing that would have meant the crooks wouldn't have got away with all those £100millions on the New Power Station/gas pipeline.

And if it supplied data we wouldn't all be getting ripped by Manx Telecom

Could be wrong, but I think we actually export electricity . So make a few bob from it.

 Edit to ask, How are we being ripped by Manx Telecom?

Edited by dilligaf
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39 minutes ago, gettafa said:

1. Yes there is a certain amount exported. Enough to try and justify something or other.

2. Compare MT with any in UK.

We are not in the UK. I am very happy with Manx Telecom and have just changed my remaining sure mobile to MT. We have had major problems with our internet connection lately and after a couple of visits it has been resolved. That is because the engineers go beyond the basics and in our case have been excellent. I cannot praise them enough.

Comparing MT staff to Sure is like comparing chalk and cheese. The staff in Sure's store don't seem to care a jot about their customers ( who pay their fucking wages) whereas Manx Telecom's are far more professional and customer focused. MT will always score higher in my book and I think we are lucky to have them. So there.

Edit to add that "Edward" at sure is/was a star and shone over the rest of them. (so is the "European" girl who is wasted working there.)

Edited by dilligaf
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12 hours ago, gettafa said:


From previous posts on this thread, Isle of Man Shipping Association would appear to support the maxim "Build it and they will come". There may be something in that. I would like to think so.

Although using a public forum such as MF can be a double-edged sword, they might be interested to further open a discussion here?


Didn't Ms Reynolds say something like "Build it and they will come", when she was pushing for her runway extension?    (Have they come yet?)

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11 hours ago, SJR said:

I have not read through the usual shit but I do know that the average cruise passenger spends £7 when they come ashore.I am not a rocket scientist but work out how many passengers you would need to have to even justify a probable £70 million build..


It’s true. I’ve done a few cruises now and I’d never class myself as a big spender when I go ashore. This is even more so if the ship is alongside rather than tendered, as you can pop back for lunch. 

This is a great idea, but like a lot of big capital projects, the reality and romance need firmly separating.

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10 hours ago, gettafa said:

Is that cable actually used anyway?

They could have used it supply electricity to the Island but doing that would have meant the crooks wouldn't have got away with all those £100millions on the New Power Station/gas pipeline.

And if it supplied data we wouldn't all be getting ripped by Manx Telecom

As i understand it, they import it at about 5p a unit and sell it to you and me for 16p. At times when the uk is short, they generate our own and export power for a very good return.

So you can have a fully staffed power station importing power and no generators running.  The staff just monitor the distribution. 

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12 hours ago, SJR said:

I have not read through the usual shit but I do know that the average cruise passenger spends £7 when they come ashore.I am not a rocket scientist but work out how many passengers you would need to have to even justify a probable £70 million build..


you forget iomg get a set amount through the common purse agreement for every visitor, it was £50 per visitor in 2005.....

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