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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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4 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

And the Douglas prom project has the potential to end third-world starvation as well. We just don't have our leaders' vision...

If we can do the "Douglas Prom Project" , ( sucessfully ), in time and on budget  ( without any cracks appearing  ) , we can build the deep water birth no problem," another one in the cap for the Chief Minister " !

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On 8/13/2019 at 7:17 AM, Derek Flint said:

Not a joke. I actually asked the question about the pier about 20 years ago. Dredging there would run into millions a year, as you would have to pull out to deep water to create a channel. And because of the way the tide runs, it would be extremely difficult to maintain

Same in Douglas, sounds like someone gave you a fob off mate

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52 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Belfast’s dockyards built stuff like the Titanic. It’s a pretty deep port suited to cruisers which already has a lot of big freight activity. It wouldn't need the sort of crazy investment we’re taking about. The “upgrade” only cost £500k according to that article. We couldn’t even put a pavement in on anything for £500K. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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The politicians love to flaunt themselves on these cruise liners as they bob about in the bay. I wonder what say when people ask "what is that white patch emanating from the Bay?"

Edited by gettafa
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26 minutes ago, asitis said:

£500,000 is a good investment for Belfast, even it fails to achieve anything it won't break the bank. 

Remind me again how much the projected costs here are ? utter madness !!

£500k seems a fair investment for Belfast. But then they have so much more to offer visitors than the Isle of Man does. They have actual culture rather than a few stuffy museums, rickety old trams and some tourist tat.

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4 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

If the costs were only £500k the Belfast development clearly didn't have to purchase anything from Peel Ports... :lol:

...... or pay their legal costs ........ "oh no we didn't" ............   Taxpayers .. "oh yes you did " !!!

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A common sense into the long term viability needs to be undertaken by non-politicians.

Either that or " put a sod on their chmberly pots"!!!

Mollag Band.


Maybe one of the boats could be sucked into the voids under the prom?

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