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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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2 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Also, I read recently that cruise visits to Orkney and Shetland are booming. What is the attraction of those places? Could we mirror that?


Not run down.

Nothing like just about every UK provincial town.

Frontage not marred by block after block of unsympathetic apartments.

No massive piles of masonry all over the place built by rich English to avoid death duties.

The absolutely unique Skara Brae.

Cute little ponies....

Edited by P.K.
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As "Mollag" previously posted - spending millions to recoup thousands is the economics of the madhouse unless we have something that people really, really want to come ashore and see and empty their pockets into ours (as opposed to the cruise operator's) for the privilege. 

Do we have that "something"?

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There are more cruise visitors because there are more cruise liners touring this area looking for places to offload their passengers for the day

We've plenty to offer - as listed above - as well as a fairly unique status as a micro-nation with lots of independent & dependent history to rad abouit if you like that sort of thing

Nobody should be allowed to waste £80m + of public money to help them come visit tho'

They're massively polluting surely?

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13 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

There are more cruise visitors because there are more cruise liners touring this area looking for places to offload their passengers for the day

We've plenty to offer - as listed above - as well as a fairly unique status as a micro-nation with lots of independent & dependent history to rad abouit if you like that sort of thing

Nobody should be allowed to waste £80m + of public money to help them come visit tho'

They're massively polluting surely?

see venice and the fact they spend very little money if anything......


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The island's government have no idea how to make the island more attractive, as evidenced by the constant rebranding of the department responsible for economic development who come up with white elephant after white elephant and costs the taxpayers more than they bring in. 

This whole cruise ship idea smacks of a typical response all politicians come up with, worldwide, when faced with a difficult dilemma. Do something. Anything. It's far better to waste money doing something than to save money while being seen to be doing nothing.

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3 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

The island's government have no idea how to make the island more attractive,

you don't think with the biggest boom ever in domestic tourism iomg's choice to put out on primetime tv a program about a prison will be a winner........


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32 minutes ago, woody2 said:

you don't think with the biggest boom ever in domestic tourism iomg's choice to put out on primetime tv a program about a prison will be a winner........


Of course it's a winner. Druggies across Britain are lining up to send their mules here safe in the knowledge that when caught they will be incarcerated in the best holiday camp in the UK. They can even send the warder out for the best designer jeans on offer...:rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

you don't think with the biggest boom ever in domestic tourism iomg's choice to put out on primetime tv a program about a prison will be a winner........


Oddly enough I suspect it will indeed be a positive for tourism.  As has been said the aerial shots (courtesy of Dukes and Culture Vannin) are pretty spectacular and the people are generally portrayed as nice and friendly - even the crims come across as 'cheeky-chappy'.  Whether this reflects reality is another matter, but the Island does come across as a nice and rather beautiful place.

If you want any proof that it may increase tourism, it's quite clear from its answers to Moorhouse's scattergun questions that the Department of Enterprise wants to make clear that it had nothing to do with it (#47-51, questions in italics):


What information his Department receives and what advice it gave about the Isle of Man Prison documentary?

The Department was not formally involved in the original decision by Department of Home Affairs to support the documentary.

It was advised through Council of Ministers and the Government Communication Services and the full process has been managed by the Department for Home Affairs.

Consequently, it was not deemed necessary that any advice be given except regarding the possibility of advertising the Island during the airing of the programme.

Whether his Department has undertaken any assessment of the impact on the surrounding area of being mentioned frequently in Isle of Man prison documentary?

The Department was not formally involved in the original decision by Department of Home Affairs to support the documentary.

Consequently, it was not deemed necessary that any advice be given except regarding the possibility of advertising the Island during the airing of the programme.T

The Department will conduct an assessment in conjunction with the Department of Home Affairs once the whole series has been aired.

Whether his Department raised any concerns about the impact of making the Isle of Man Prison documentary?

The Department was not formally involved in the original decision by Department of Home Affairs to support the documentary.

Consequently, it was not deemed necessary that any advice be given except regarding the possibility of advertising the Island during the airing of the programme.

What assessment his Department has made of the coverage of the initial episode Isle of Man Prison, on and off Island on social and traditional media channels?

The Department was not formally involved in the original decision by Department of Home Affairs to support the documentary.

Consequently, it was not deemed necessary that any advice be given except regarding the possibility of advertising the Island during the airing of the programme.

The Department for Enterprise will conduct an assessment in conjunction with the Department of Home Affairs once the whole series has been aired and has not undertaken any formal assessment of the initial coverage, on and off Island, on Social and traditional media channels.

Whether the Department assessed the cost of placing an advert on ITV 1 between the hours of 20.00 and 20.30 midweek in August 2019?

The Department was not formally involved in the original decision by Department of Home Affairs to support the documentary.

Consequently, it was not deemed necessary that any advice be given except regarding the possibility of advertising the Island during the airing of the programme.

As the final date of airing became apparent, the Department were approached to assess the opportunity for advertising around the schedule. This opportunity was presented to the Visit IOM Board, who felt that July and August was not an optimum time to undertake significant TV advertising given many of the targeted audience would be on holiday. A future assessment may be made when the series has finished ahead of any reruns.

The Department has however, undertaken some limited additional digital advertising on the back of the increased audience interest with the emphasis tied to locate.im

(My bold)  Do you think they might be trying to tell us something?

Obviously if the DfE think that something is a bad idea, the odds of it being a good one go up substantially.  (It also shows they don't understand the tourist market, but we know that).

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8 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Of course it's a winner. Druggies across Britain are lining up to send their mules here safe in the knowledge that when caught they will be incarcerated in the best holiday camp in the UK. They can even send the warder out for the best designer jeans on offer...:rolleyes:

Yes even the CM has said he thinks the prison series will be good for tourism. He just hasn’t said what kind of tourism. Personally I’d prefer that we pitched it at tourists who arrived with all their spending cash in their wallets - not stuffed up their arses. 

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