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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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2 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Bastards are good at spending ( wasting) our money aren't they . With no business case apart from it seems a good idea because we haven't had one yet !!

Not so.

Laurence has already placed an order with Chinese manufacturers of tat for 4 million fridge magnets.

Via his connection with the 6 Chinese banks of course.

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9 hours ago, gettafa said:

'Flymaybe' is used by people who think they have discovered a lovely little wittyism and when it is delayed (due to weather/volcanoes or whatever) they can stand at the Arrivals area spouting it. It's very funny.


2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

6 Chinese banks

Its very funny.

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8 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:


Its very funny.

I don't happen to think it funny at all. It's disgusting attempt to mislead the electorate. And I'll continue to hold that opinion until such time as I see evidence to suggest otherwise.

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  • 1 year later...

This particular subject hasn’t appeared on the radar for a while due to COVID. I’ll be very surprised if our stupid Government and politicos don’t resurrect this idea, either the current regime or the new one. I thought was mental from the start but with the new Manx Development Corporation and obsession with IOMG giving its vested interests taxpayers cash. The current fiasco regarding the lack of maintenance and dredging of Douglas Harbour has made me think, that with no TT for two years and no tourists, stupid ideas will reign supreme. If we can’t maintain a harbour then what chance have we a cruise liner pontoon? 

The other fiasco of Laxey Wheel being repaired, where can our tourists go to visit? I am sure this topic will appear on many election manifestos, along with a pledge to eradicate dog shit on the streets,

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  • 6 months later...

According to the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece, Laurie Hooper is putting motions down in November Tynpotwald, asking for this scheme to be scrapped, along with the Ramsey Marina scheme. He is suggesting that IOMG invest in the islands current ports. So let’s toss loads of money at Ramsey, Peel and Douglas, and whilst we are at it, perhaps we could make Port Erin fit for vessels (being sarcastic!) 

Talk about jumping on bandwagons, or anything to get publicity and recognition. Sad. 


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  • 5 months later...

According to Allinson on the NPM this morning, 46 Cruise Liners with a total of 16,000 passengers are due to visit the island between April and September. I notice that Allinson has taken the credit from Mr TT/Cruise Ship/MUA himself. 

Is that 16,000 passengers (must be small ships as most of the modern liners, carry over 5000 passengers) that have booked trips whilst coming ashore, or visiting the delights of Strand Street and the delapidated state of the capital? I don’t think that the figure of 500,000 tourists is going to be reached?

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On 10/14/2021 at 8:51 PM, SleepyJoe said:

Not always on the same page as Mr Hooper but these two schemes are highly unlikely to pass the 'environmentally sound' test 

They certainly won't pass the financial sense test. Mind you that has never been a stumbling block for our administrations !

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27 minutes ago, 2112 said:

According to Allinson on the NPM this morning, 46 Cruise Liners with a total of 16,000 passengers are due to visit the island between April and September. I notice that Allinson has taken the credit from Mr TT/Cruise Ship/MUA himself. 

Is that 16,000 passengers (must be small ships as most of the modern liners, carry over 5000 passengers) that have booked trips whilst coming ashore, or visiting the delights of Strand Street and the delapidated state of the capital? I don’t think that the figure of 500,000 tourists is going to be reached?

apart from the passenger landing fee the operators might be charged  by the DOI   ,and the rip off railway trips , that generally cost  3 times more if you buy them on board , where are all these cruise ship visitors  going to spend their money in the local economy , they generally don't eat while ashore and are restricted on what they can bring back on board ,  I wonder who carried out the cost benefit analysis ?and the spend her head ?


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Dr A also mentioned the amount of money the shops and restaurants will hopefully make f rom the cruise passengers .   Now they may buy an odd cup of tea but I cannot see them giving the restaurants much trade with all the free grub on board and drink.   My friend cruises and he cannot believe the offers atm free drink and a load of vouchers to spend in the shops on board, the cruise companies are desperate to build up business again so I cannot see the shops doing much trade either.    Good luck if they get the money he mentioned from them but it does not warrant any expenditure at all.    It is really time that our politicians had their pockets stitched up.

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I wonder if the 16,000 number is the actual number of passenger booked to come ashore at Douglas or the maximum passenger capacity on all the ships arriving here ?

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