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Deepwater for Cruise Ships

Manx Bean

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Oh great. Now Government's mouthpiece have published this diarrhoea - http://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/cruise-facility-will-pay-for-itself-in-five-years/


How ridiculous to try to compare us to Liverpool. FFS...do Manx Radio have no journalistic morals or code??


I think a previous poster is correct. You can bet your arse there will be a number of MHKs all over this like a rash now, dreaming up reasons to spend the money doing it. To coin a maritime term, SOS!!!!!!!

Edited by Manx Bean
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Oh great. Now Government's mouthpiece have published this diarrhoea - http://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/cruise-facility-will-pay-for-itself-in-five-years/


How ridiculous to try to compare us to Liverpool. FFS...do Manx Radio have no journalistic morals or code??


I think a previous poster is correct. You can bet your arse there will be a number of MHKs all over this like a rash now, dreaming up reasons to spend the money doing it. To coin a maritime term, SOS!!!!!!!


Oh dear, consultants and experts this is like groundhog day, I refer to my earlier post (49) !

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...............'they', need to substantiate a reasonable, substantial destination for a terminal across then create a larger berth here. Heysham and the proposed Liverpool berth are just not fit for purpose...........Our lifeline is far more important than pie in the sky dream projects......but then I don't suppose there is much razzmatz in the mundanity of normal, sensible life..........(life's fine if you like trying to fit a ferry into a silted up, fog bound port), to paraphrase Eeh Awe.,,,,,,,,,,,

Edited by doc.fixit
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Some consultants with links into government have seen the chance for a payout and have managed to persuade our intellectually challenged representatives with a heavily weighted feasability study which promises untold riches, if we can just part with a few more riches to start off with.


Nothing ever changes apart from the subject matter.

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Get Peel Group to look at it and if it's not viable he certainly won't touch it with a bargepole. If he thinks it's a goer tell him he can build it to his own spec. and have a free hand to run it in return for 25% of the profits to IOM Govt. If he laughs, forget the whole thing.

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The deep water cruise liner berth was discussed in a previous topic complete with mock up plans ,but I can't remember which one ?


Could somebody please re-post the proposed plan showing the harbour and Douglas bay ? I just want to reinforce to myself how fucking stupid and costly this whole new fiasco is going to be if it ever gets the go ahead !!

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Why is everything always being considered for Douglas? Apart from it being an absolute disgrace and shameful, Douglas is set up as our business centre where a large percentage of the population come in to work, and the town has developed to service such. It is not set up to service cruise ship passengers. Make Peel our heritage and tourist centre for cruise ships, hell for our whole tourist industry. The view of the cliffs, Castle and town to the approaching cruise ship passengers (weather permitting) will be pretty spectacular. It has ample attractions like the kipper smoking, the old and new cathedrals, quirky shops and pubs, nick-nacky lanes, House of Mannanan etc. Tynwald Hill and Mills are fairly proximate too. It is just the sort of seafaring place that the tourists alighting in Orkney, the Shetlands, the Faroes and Norway expect to find. The Cathedral could put on a Cruise Ship Choral evensong for the visitors and other similar attractions could make it all a bit different from the other places. A larger berth will also allow Peel to welcome passenger ferries and freighters from Ireland too, cutting crossing times significantly. So come on you Western MHKs, get out of your newly gained Douglas-centric mindset and shout out for the benefit of those people who elected you. DED touristy people, get yourselves and your minds out on the number 5 or 6 bus for a 25 minute ride and discover a quaint town called Peel. It is safe to go out of Douglas you know, well at least in daylight.

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Why is everything always being considered for Douglas? Apart from it being an absolute disgrace and shameful, Douglas is set up as our business centre where a large percentage of the population come in to work, and the town has developed to service such. It is not set up to service cruise ship passengers. Make Peel our heritage and tourist centre for cruise ships, hell for our whole tourist industry. The view of the cliffs, Castle and town to the approaching cruise ship passengers (weather permitting) will be pretty spectacular. It has ample attractions like the kipper smoking, the old and new cathedrals, quirky shops and pubs, nick-nacky lanes, House of Mannanan etc. Tynwald Hill and Mills are fairly proximate too. It is just the sort of seafaring place that the tourists alighting in Orkney, the Shetlands, the Faroes and Norway expect to find. The Cathedral could put on a Cruise Ship Choral evensong for the visitors and other similar attractions could make it all a bit different from the other places. A larger berth will also allow Peel to welcome passenger ferries and freighters from Ireland too, cutting crossing times significantly. So come on you Western MHKs, get out of your newly gained Douglas-centric mindset and shout out for the benefit of those people who elected you. DED touristy people, get yourselves and your minds out on the number 5 or 6 bus for a 25 minute ride and discover a quaint town called Peel. It is safe to go out of Douglas you know, well at least in daylight.


He's got a point. Peel might be shit but it's not as shit as Douglas.

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