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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Got the makings of a holy war about it all this. Erdogan threatens Europe and then acquires dictator-status in his country, which is a conduit for most of the refugees/migrants from the middle east, to accompany the rise of the far right in Europe.

...and still people wonder if it's correct to pull up the drawbridge and take charge of our own affairs until the implosion settles?

Edited by Lxxx
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1 hour ago, Lxxx said:

Got the makings of a holy war about it all this. Erdogan threatens Europe and then acquires dictator-status in his country, which is a conduit for most of the refugees/migrants from the middle east, to accompany the rise of the far right in Europe.

...and still people wonder if it's correct to pull up the drawbridge and take charge of our own affairs until the implosion settles?

Is that the same Erdogan that May met in Jan to sign a massive defence contract with?

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Just now, Lxxx said:

Business is business.

True.  We are in the business of selling weapons to Middle Eastern countries (except the ones we or our customers are actively bombing).  Turkey is just one of the Middle Eastern countries we are selling weapons to.

Good job they all have sparkling Human Rights records...

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45 minutes ago, woody2 said:

when turkey open the floodgates it will kick off in the eu.....

They have the EU over a barrel. Which was always the plan. Turkey is and always has been a key player in the Syrian crisis and was hording refugees in huge numbers in camps waiting for the opportune time to release them into the EU, on the nod from the UN. It's all pretty well documented.

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Lxxx you are a most odd personality- a lot of the time you produce pretty knowledge and coherent posts but often, whether over vaccines or infowars, you head off into the twilight zone. 

What do you mean by "with the nod of the UN"?

Are we into Black Helicopter territory?

Turkey is without doubt one of the key players in Syria and the fact one of the US's key proxies (I suppose you'd use the word mercenaries) are Kurdish really complicates their relationship. 

Turkey does host refugees numbered in the millions but that isn't some plot it is the reality of war and Syrians making for the nearest place of safety and opportunity. 

It does give Erogden a huge bargaining chip over the EU and he has selectively opened and closed the routes to show it. But this has nothing to do with the UN. 

They may run refugee camps and be the conduit for the nation states funding them but the idea they are some sort of power in this is straight out of conspiracy central. 

It would be like claiming Premier Inn was organising football hooliganism because that is where most of them stayed the night before. 

Syria is a great- and regional-power  playground. The UN is a total irrelevancy vetoed and ignored in the smoke filled rooms where real power is wielded - and yes Turkey is definitely one of the powers doing that. 

Ergoden gains from this war and knows how to take advantage of that. Hence the billions of Euros being sent his way ... nothing to do with the UN. 

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