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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

The 48 letters are in, May now facing a vote of no confidence.




Irrespective of personal or political views on her she must be experiencing some extreme stress.

She was handed a poisoned chalice by Call Me Dave and was going to lose no matter what she did.

I do feel (a little bit) for the Skheksis in human form.  She did come across as the sacrifical lamb pushed to the fore while the schemers plotted waiting for the right time to put her on the altar.

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Not sure why anyone would have wanted the job, it was a total no win situation.


What on earth happens if she loses the vote and a new leadership vote is triggered? I highly doubt there would be enough time for a new leader to be elected, a deal worked out and voted through Parliament before the 29th March 2019 deadline. Presumably her losing the vote can only result in either a hard Brexit (can you hear Woody cheering) or Article 50 being withdrawn. What a mess.

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Had to smile at Pep Guardiola complaining about racism on the box last night. Doesn't he know 'Leave' won?

What was not so amusing was brexiteer John Redwood spouting the most awful hairy sphericals on "Newsnight" pretty much unchallenged. Clearly there is still a tory faction that wants a crash-out for whatever reason.

So which idiot wants to go down in the history books as the twat who marginalised the UK?

Which is the only thing that could keep The Maybot in office....

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Clearly there is still a tory faction that wants a crash-out for whatever reason.


They've basically, undermined every Tory PM since Thatcher. They campaigned so long for Brexit that Cameron was forced to offer the referendum in the hope they'd shut up, even though the EU wasn't a high voter priority. Then they won the referendum and didn't have a plan for what to do next. They've forced May to cobble together a hard Brexit deal with the EU, scuppering any hope that the country could come together and make the best of Brexit. They've made it it impossible for people who voted remain to feel they've can make the best of a bad job. And even that isn't good enough for them, they want to make it as punitive and painful as possible for Britain. All for ill-defined ideological reasons. 

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

Not sure why anyone would have wanted the job, it was a total no win situation.


What on earth happens if she loses the vote and a new leadership vote is triggered? I highly doubt there would be enough time for a new leader to be elected, a deal worked out and voted through Parliament before the 29th March 2019 deadline. Presumably her losing the vote can only result in either a hard Brexit (can you hear Woody cheering) or Article 50 being withdrawn. What a mess.

Perhaps she could carry on as PM but with a different leader of the Tory Party.  Vote goes 52% to 48% against her, and the Tories don't unite behind the new leader.


Hard Brexit  Tories - 160 plus DUP 10 = 170

Soft Brexit Tories - 155

Remain(ish) - Labour - 257 + SNP 35 + Lib Dems 11= 302


Difficult to see anyone governing that. 

Edited by Declan
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28 minutes ago, Declan said:

They've made it it impossible for people who voted remain to feel they've can make the best of a bad job. And even that isn't good enough for them, they want to make it as punitive and painful as possible for Britain. All for ill-defined ideological reasons. 

The likes of Redwood can't even claim it's for their constituents as his lot voted Remain.

On that happy note expect lots of "I will support the PM" statements today for constituency consumption which are completely meaningless as it's a secret ballot.

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30 minutes ago, Declan said:

Perhaps she could carry on as PM but with a different leader of the Tory Party.  Vote goes 52% to 48% against her, and the Tories don't unite behind the new leader.


Hard Brexit  Tories - 160 plus DUP 10 = 170

Soft Brexit Tories - 155

Remain(ish) - Labour - 257 + SNP 35 + Lib Dems 11= 302


Difficult to see anyone governing that. 

You missed out the two Labour Brexiteers

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8 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

I was rather thinking of John Mann and Kate Hoey actually.

IMO Frank Field is a top banana, he's a realist.

OK. There are more than that, including, in reality, Corbyn. But it hasn’t riven the party like the Conservatives have. The labour anti brigade tended to be the older lot like Benn and Peter Shore. The problem labour has is that it’s MP’s, outside London, represent Brexit leaning constituencies who’ve been sold a false picture of the EU by the British right wing, expat, tax dodging owned tabloid MSM and see European workers and common standards as a threat... until it affects travel, roaming, food prices, jobs etc. But by then it’s too late 

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24 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Is that even possible? I assume the leader of the party has to be the PM.

Prime Minister is whoever can command a majority in the House of Commons.

You could have a coalition formed from say centrists Labourites, the Liberals and Remainer Tories. Whilst the Labour Party continues to be led by Corbin and say Boris leads a Tory opposition. 

Something similar happened in the twenties under Lloyd-George and Thirties under Ramsey McDonald. 

I'd say currently the more likely scenario is the Tories "unite" behind whoever emerges as leader and then quietly undermine them. 

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