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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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10 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Oh dear. Usual simplistic stuff. Sidles up to leavers, puts an arm around them, they really didn't understand what they were voting for, poor things. It was nostalgia for past glories, it was hankering after history. They were preyed upon by evil forces. Etc. etc. We are intelligent and we can help because, well, after all, you are a bit thick and we know better.

Not a word about the trading bloc morphing over decades into a political union that nobody ever asked for and all of the nascent problems building with that. Not one word about where the grand plan goes from here. Not a word about the eventual chaotic collapse. In the history of geopolitics, nothing ever stays the same. Everything man assembles, he eventually dismantles whether peacefully or violently.

I wonder if people like the author ever suspend their overbearing self-righteousness, engage in some quiet introspection and, just for a moment, entertain the outrageous and, to them, heretical notion that they might have this thing entirely wrong.

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Just now, The Lurker said:

That's project fear that is.

No it's not. You have to think of eventual outcomes for the sake of the future. Nothing lasts for ever. Every empire and every overambitious supranational construct that ever was collapsed eventually. This one will be the same. What fills the vacuum is the scary part. The more power you draw to the centre to attempt to hold things together, the greater the eventual voids at nation state level all over Europe. To be filled by what? Whom?

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Just now, woolley said:

No it's not. You have to think of eventual outcomes for the sake of the future. Nothing lasts for ever. Every empire and every overambitious supranational construct that ever was collapsed eventually. This one will be the same. What fills the vacuum is the scary part. The more power you draw to the centre to attempt to hold things together, the greater the eventual voids at nation state level all over Europe. To be filled by what? Whom?

Boris Johnson and the ERG lunatics it would seem.

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32 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

You are so pathetic.  Why not just wait until the investigations are done?  I can guarantee that if it turns out you were wrong you will just pretend it did not happen.

Listen up snowflake, if it was catholics, jews, presbyterians, zoroastrians or some other deluded adherent from any other fucking religion doing the stabbings you might have a point. But it's not. Odds on, it's usually a cowardly, deranged muslim full of hate for infidels intent on jihad and murder.

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8 minutes ago, quilp said:

Listen up snowflake, if it was catholics, jews, presbyterians, zoroastrians or some other deluded adherent from any other fucking religion doing the stabbings you might have a point. But it's not. Odds on, it's usually a cowardly, deranged muslim full of hate for infidels intent on jihad and murder.

hahaha!  Snowflake?  Take a look in the mirror you joker.  The UK has known plenty of catholic and protestant killers in the past who have been full of bile and hate based on a fake sky god.  

I don't care who did it.  I care that the people injured are okay and that the police get the knife wielding idiot.  All I am saying is stop spewing crap and wait until the police release the details.

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