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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Brexit extremist? Brexit extremist? Fucking hell, how low will you stoop? That ideological lunatic's ideas were formed long before there was even a sniff of the referendum.


Strange isn't it. If I replaced Brexit for Islamic then you would be agreeing with me

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Brexit extremist killed a serving politician.  Therefore all brexiteers are potential murderers and should be vilified.  

That's the logic you and quilp apply isn't it?  

no that's your logic......

how do you know what he supported?

what he did was terrible and he should rot in prison forever........

i doubt you can even have a adult conversation about what happened without you having a meltdown......


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Whilst over 1,000 pages of banter have provided some much-needed social dialogue and entertainment on the Island for over three years ( All credit to the OP!) - Perhaps it is time to recognise that, for the people and countries actually involved, this is a much more serious issue affecting not only economics, jobs, and the rules under which they will live, but more importantly for them, the decision as to by whom they are governed and under what constitutional rules i.e. The Keystones and foundations of the democratic society under which they wish to live.

It is all very well for us, stood as we are on the sidelines, to rant and rave about what their decision should be, but, given that we ourselves have never been prepared to swap Tynwald for Brussels, never been prepared to Kowtow to Tusk, Junker, or Verhofstadt as our supreme leaders, then do we really have a mandate to ask others to do so on our behalf?

The Island does not have any 'Leavers' or 'Remainers' - because you simply cannot leave, or remain within, something that you never joined in the first place.

The events of the past 48 hours mean that the UK (Not the IOM) will now leave the EU (Whatever the means). That event will eventually be accepted by both the majority of UK leavers, and also the majority of (ex) remainers. 

But, there will also be great anguish in the UK, a small percentage of both sides will be simply unable to accept the result. It will cause anguish and division between politicians, colleagues, friends and families. It will take decades to heal the wounds.

Those who are mere 'Pseudo' leavers or remainers (i.e. Residents of the non-EU IOM) need to accept that if, since January 1973 when the UK joined the Common Market, the IOM has neither voted or applied to subjugate itself to the same rules, then it has no place demanding that others do so on its behalf.

To quote M. Barnier;

One cannot have one's cake and eat it.



Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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9 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Anyway, back to brexit:

Leo and de Pfeffer have announced their new solution to the border problem. They’re calling it the:

Area for
Knowledge &


Are you referring to BRexit = or IOM (Never entered in the first place) exit?

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