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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I have paid UK tax (higher rate) so I am not asking anyone to do anything that I am not prepared to do myself.

I do not call people racist unless they display that attitude.  The one thing we can say with certainty though is that racists will have voted in favour of brexit.  That is very different from saying everyone who voted for brexit is racist.

Interestingly I have noted that a large number of British asians appear to be in favour of brexit.  Primarily as they do not like the Europeans first approach to current immigration.   They are looking forward to seeing a lot more immigrants from countries outside the EU such as Pakistan, India, etc etc.  It will be interesting to see how that sits with the white supremacists. 

IT has long been predicted and agreed and now is that most immigration is from outside the EU. Down on my manor most caring jobs and medical jobs are undertaken by non-EU folk. My neighbour has recently had both legs amputated and is on dialysis. Most of his carers, ambulance staff and visiting nurses are from Africa. I had  flu jab yesterday in Tesco. All African or Indian including. My GP is a Scot soon to retire. Those taking over about five doctors in all are Indians both Hindu and Moslem. I am not sure white supremacy is an issue. Shortage of skilled and unskilled labour in all sectors certainly is.

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2 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Those taking over about five doctors in all are Indians both Hindu and Moslem. I am not sure white supremacy is an issue. Shortage of skilled and unskilled labour in all sectors certainly is.

I don't disagree and I am well aware of the immigration figures.  But then we are paying close attention.

There are a lot of people who don't want people who are different coming to the UK.  They complain about the asian communities in Bradford, Oldham etc. They fear that Islam will become the dominant religion in the UK.

They are blind to the fact that none of that has anything to do with the EU and Brexit.  They don't or won't understand that immigration from non EU countries is entirely the responsibility of the UK Government. 

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47 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

No it is you getting everything wrong...There is no way for such as the IOM to get full EU membership. No one opposes you. You are barking up the wrong tree. Now use the energy to investigate where Brexit and any special N Ireland zone impacts on IOM status because an upheaval is in the post. 

With respect Barrie, I think that you misunderstand me.

I do not believe that IOM will achieve full membership either (because it will never ask for it for one). 

My point is, that certain posters (remainers) on this thread are quite happy to throw caustic, abusive remarks out against anybody that they consider to be a 'Leaver' - but when asked straightforward but tough (for them) questions as to whether they will stump up the money (via taxes) to pay for their EU dream rather than riding on the back of UK taxpayers to get it - they have suddenly gone very quiet.

They will happily complain (to the extent of abuse) that others will not do for them what, when push comes to shove, they will not do for themselves.

I think that the issue is one of a lack of credibility. Were these same people to be seen out on the streets of the Island campaigning for higher taxes, more regulation, the abolishment of work permits and the introduction of corporation tax here (if necessary by handing that money over to the UK to pay for the EU benefits the Island receives for free via the UK) - then perhaps their argument would gain some credibility.

But is the sheer hypocrisy of their stance that I am calling out.

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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2 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I don't disagree and I am well aware of the immigration figures.  But then we are paying close attention.

There are a lot of people who don't want people who are different coming to the UK.  They complain about the asian communities in Bradford, Oldham etc. They fear that Islam will become the dominant religion in the UK.

They are blind to the fact that none of that has anything to do with the EU and Brexit.  They don't or won't understand that immigration from non EU countries is entirely the responsibility of the UK Government. 

I am mistaking Manxman for Manximus

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I have downloaded this Sky News item from MSNews.

If true and if effected it illustrates the Island's uncertain position in the light of upheavals on the way.

The nascent plan, revealed by leaks to Sky News and others, appears clever because it creates the illusion of victory for both sides on the most difficult issue of all - customs.
Under the plan, the whole of the United Kingdom leaves the EU customs union, in a big and important win for Boris Johnson.
However, the EU tariff regime will continue to be applied on whole of the island of Ireland.
This means that the tariffs charged in Great Britain could be different to those in Northern Ireland. (IOM?)

What next for Brexit? Follow key developments, expert analysis and multiple perspectives as the UK edges closer to leaving the EU
But under the compromise agreement, all businesses in Northern Ireland will be able to benefit from UK tariffs by offering a rebate on goods sold, if the UK tariff is lower than the EU one. (IOM?)

This plan allows Europe to say the island of Ireland is in one customs zone.
Which is a win for them.
This plan also allows Mr Johnson to say the whole of the UK has left the customs union and Northern Ireland can - like the rest of Great Britain benefit from trade deals, which is a win for him. (IOM?)

This compromise comes in the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement, which allowed for competing interpretations of one set of rules to allow peace in Northern Ireland.
Though, in truth, Britain has probably compromised more than the EU in this process. (IOM?)

Putting together the various compromises offered by Mr Johnson, Northern Ireland will, under Mr Johnson's plan, now be in the same regulatory and agricultural zone and subject to the same tariffs as the rest of the EU.

There will be a regulatory and agrifoods border in the Irish Sea and potentially some customs checks too, albeit while ensuring that Northern Ireland businesses do not lose out financially from the arrangement. (IOM?)
Some have compared the plan to a version of Theresa May's Chequers deal, but for Northern Ireland.
Others call it a Northern Ireland backstop - rejected decisively by MPs time and again - in all but name.

Number 10 will reject both labels and probably call it a free trade zone. (IOM?)

There will also be the option for Northern Ireland - either via Stormont or another mechanism - to vote on the plan in a few years, details of which are yet to be spelt out.
Only Mr Johnson could have compromised like this, and - as of now - still appear to keep both the DUP and Brexiteers on side. (IOM?)

However, the government is not home and dry.

They need to convince the rest of the EU, and there may be reservations about whether the UK post-Brexit can be trusted to administer the EU external border, and whether they are prepared to tolerate the risk of smuggling.

Then they also need to convince parliament.

Mr Johnson does not have a majority and, since he expelled a number of Tories who were voting to block no-deal, his numbers have been going backwards.
Several have joined the Lib Dems, while others who support a second referendum are not minded to support Mr Johnson either.

Meanwhile, Mr Johnson's Brexit plan paves the way for Great Britain to be subject to the hardest possible Brexit, potentially allowing for a reworking of the entire economic and social model towards low-tax low-regulation states with small safety nets, such as Singapore. (IOM?)

This makes it harder for Labour MPs to support.

This battle is not over yet.



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54 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I have paid UK tax (higher rate) so I am not asking anyone to do anything that I am not prepared to do myself.

I do not call people racist unless they display that attitude.  The one thing we can say with certainty though is that racists will have voted in favour of brexit.  That is very different from saying everyone who voted for brexit is racist.

Interestingly I have noted that a large number of British asians appear to be in favour of brexit.  Primarily as they do not like the Europeans first approach to current immigration.   They are looking forward to seeing a lot more immigrants from countries outside the EU such as Pakistan, India, etc etc.  It will be interesting to see how that sits with the white supremacists


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8 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I don't disagree and I am well aware of the immigration figures.  But then we are paying close attention.

There are a lot of people who don't want people who are different coming to the UK.  They complain about the asian communities in Bradford, Oldham etc. They fear that Islam will become the dominant religion in the UK.

They are blind to the fact that none of that has anything to do with the EU and Brexit.  They don't or won't understand that immigration from non EU countries is entirely the responsibility of the UK Government. 

The UK needs to import labour.

Since the referendum the number of EU workers coming here (who are highly mobile, young, healthy etc etc which means they contribute more to the UK financially than the indigenous population) has fallen away because of all the uncertainty and the crap they take which they don't need.

Consequently the number of non-EU migrants have increased and these are folks who are not mobile, want to stay permanently and want their extended families to join them.

An absolutely classic ready aim fire into your own foot by the brexiteers.


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12 hours ago, P.K. said:

The UK needs to import labour.

Since the referendum the number of EU workers coming here (who are highly mobile, young, healthy etc etc which means they contribute more to the UK financially than the indigenous population) has fallen away because of all the uncertainty and the crap they take which they don't need.

Consequently the number of non-EU migrants have increased and these are folks who are not mobile, want to stay permanently and want their extended families to join them.

An absolutely classic ready aim fire into your own foot by the brexiteers.


no they don't......

numbers of eu workers is up.......

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"Arch-Tory-eurosceptic, Mark Francois, said he wouldn’t be buying Cameron’s memoirs because 'I went to the index, I went down to F and looked for my name and it wasn’t there.'

Should have looked under C, mate....."

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31 minutes ago, P.K. said:


"Arch-Tory-eurosceptic, Mark Francois, said he wouldn’t be buying Cameron’s memoirs because 'I went to the index, I went down to F and looked for my name and it wasn’t there.'

Should have looked under C, mate....."

Be fair. He was looking under F for Fxxxxxx Cxxx. 

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:


"Arch-Tory-eurosceptic, Mark Francois, said he wouldn’t be buying Cameron’s memoirs because 'I went to the index, I went down to F and looked for my name and it wasn’t there.'

Should have looked under C, mate....."


surprising they had the domestic abuse libdum woman on....... it must be ok in the bbc's eyes to be a female abuser.......

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