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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I think that some of the more vocal remainers on here and elsewhere are slowly coming to the realisation that their tactics since the referendum have back-fired badly and that calling 50% of the voting public 'stupid' has had the reverse effect to the one they hoped for.

The had the chance to win the referendum but blew it with stupid project fear tactics.

They then had a further three and a half years to cogitate and adjust their tactics but wasted their second opportunity to convince by sticking to project fear and backing it up with project stupid. 

It begs an obvious conclusion - and it's going to forever associate them with a label they will not care for.

More listening and less sanctimonious shouting may well have served their cause better. Oh well.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

As @Manximus Aururaneus has pointed out the Isle of Man is not a member of the EU and therefore cannot leave.

16 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I think that some of the more vocal remainers on here and elsewhere are slowly coming to the realisation that their tactics since the referendum have back-fired badly and that calling 50% of the voting public 'stupid' has had the reverse effect to the one they hoped for.

The had the chance to win the referendum but blew it with stupid project fear tactics.

They then had a further three and a half years to cogitate and adjust their tactics but wasted their second opportunity to convince by sticking to project fear and backing it up with project stupid. 

It begs an obvious conclusion - and it's going to forever associate them with a label they will not care for.

More listening and less sanctimonious shouting may well have served their cause better. Oh well.

I can virtually guarantee that the remainers on here had nothing to do with the campaign to remain in the EU and therefore nothing to do with "project fear".  Project fear is a brexiteer phrase by the way and not one used by those of us who support EU membership.

As for altering tactics, I agree that the remain campaign was left completely wrong-footed by the Leave Campaign which has since been revealed to have been involved in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, investigated by the electoral commission and has been shown to have demonstrably lied.  This builds on years of the British media, including the now Prime Minister, making up stories about EU regulations which were complete lies (bendy bananas?). 

Brexit supporters are not stupid but they have been lied to. 

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2 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

As @Manximus Aururaneus has pointed out the Isle of Man is not a member of the EU and therefore cannot leave.

I can virtually guarantee that the remainers on here had nothing to do with the campaign to remain in the EU and therefore nothing to do with "project fear".  Project fear is a brexiteer phrase by the way and not one used by those of us who support EU membership.

As for altering tactics, I agree that the remain campaign was left completely wrong-footed by the Leave Campaign which has since been revealed to have been involved in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, investigated by the electoral commission and has been shown to have demonstrably lied.  This builds on years of the British media, including the now Prime Minister, making up stories about EU regulations which were complete lies (bendy bananas?). 

Brexit supporters are not stupid but they have been lied to. 

absolute tosh........

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2 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

And here we see the tactic of the Leave Campaign, Donald Trump and even the Manager of the Bulgarian national team in full effect...

When the truth does not suit your agenda call it fake news and write your own narrative.


you claim jrm has moved assets.....he hasn't......

you claim leave cheated and lied.....yet the courts and police have found zero evidence.....

you claim you are losing rights......despite the court saying you aren't.....

you can't even figure out how the eu ripped you off over roaming charges.......



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49 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

As @Manximus Aururaneus has pointed out the Isle of Man is not a member of the EU and therefore cannot leave.

I can virtually guarantee that the remainers on here had nothing to do with the campaign to remain in the EU and therefore nothing to do with "project fear".  Project fear is a brexiteer phrase by the way and not one used by those of us who support EU membership.

As for altering tactics, I agree that the remain campaign was left completely wrong-footed by the Leave Campaign which has since been revealed to have been involved in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, investigated by the electoral commission and has been shown to have demonstrably lied.  This builds on years of the British media, including the now Prime Minister, making up stories about EU regulations which were complete lies (bendy bananas?). 

Brexit supporters are not stupid but they have been lied to. 

The idea that I, any leaver or indeed any remainer can rely upon politicians and the media to provide the reliable information on which a sound judgement can be arrived at is, in my opinion at least, grossly naive. It requires detailed research as well as believing what you see in front of you.

As an employer, I simply cannot allow myself to make business decisions based on the claims of politicians or media. Neither can I permit myself the luxury of still moaning over what might have  been three and a half years after a decision was made. 

Regardless of which way the referendum result had gone, I would still have had my fiduciary duty to the Company, the other Directors, and especially the staff - to cope with whatever decisions are made (Brexit or otherwise) and to then adapt company policies in light of those events.

I am not going to re-enter the 2016 debate because, for me, a decision was made and I have spent the last three years acting in accordance with that decision - I would have done exactly the same had we voted to remain. 

It seems that some folk are already stating that they will refuse to accept this result for the rest of their days! Some are even bringing their children into it - all over a future which is totally unpredictable and uncertain inside the EU or out. 

I've moved on, I have no choice. I will, as always, attempt to make the most of whatever life throws up.

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3 hours ago, woody2 said:

remoan logic......

they want catalan politicians freed for demanding independence.....

they want bj jailed for demanding independence.....




The UK will never be independent as when it leaves the EU it will negotiate the real deal and FTA which will have an effect as if it were still an EU member as near as dammit but as it will take ten years many current people will be dead and the rest will wonder what all the fuss is about. Boris will be gone and we will not recognise the world. Leaving the EU is the easy part. Then comes the real deal.

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