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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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14 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Remind me which was JRM and Mark Francois voted on the withdrawal agreement put before Parliament by Theresa May?

I thought they were in favour of leaving the EU?

Don't blame all your woes on remainders.  The Brexiteers have had a big hand in delaying Brexit.

it's all the pro eu remoans fault.......along with eu football racism.......germans killing jews......riots in france, spain and greece.....and one of your lot murdering a mother.......

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

it's all the pro eu remoans fault.......along with eu football racism.......germans killing jews......riots in france, spain and greece.....and one of your lot murdering a mother.......

What are you babbling about?  You sometimes appear to have a very loose grip on reality.

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6 minutes ago, woody2 said:

so it's the eu.......


I think you are being deliberately obtuse but in the event that you aren't please answer these simple yes or no questions:


1. Does Article 50 give a time frame for a member state to notify the European Council of the intention to withdraw from the EU?



2. Did the UK need permission from the EU (or anyone else) to notify the European Council of their intention to withdraw from the EU?


3. Could the UK have notified the European Council of their intention to withdraw from the EU at anytime from the 24th June 2016 until the 29th March 2017?


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I think that we are now witnessing a slowly-dawning realisation amongst Remainers that their side has made a series of tactically stupid howlers. Remain have given away a perfectly winnable opening position and in doing so have increased rather than decreased the leave vote over the past three years.

Starting with the EU's intransigence towards David Cameron when he toured the EU capitol cities prior to the referendum (when a bit of reasonable movement on their part could easily have tipped  the result their way) - through Project Fear Mk1 then Mk2, and finally Project Stupid - they have alienated those who they needed to convince.

To laugh in the face of a majority is not a sign of intelligence - it was an insanely stupid thing to do, and it is now irrecoverable.

When Brexit happens, as it now surely will, the brighter ones amongst the remain camp will start to see that, whilst being intelligent, they have been tactically inept. The less bright amongst them however will go through life genuinely believing themselves to be more intelligent than they actually are, simply because of the way they voted. They have a long road of despondency ahead - and many of them cannot even see that yet.

History will record Brexit as something that Remain lost (through tactical stupidity) rather than something that Leave won. Even leavers did not think that they would win the referendum and actually achieve Brexit - that they have done so is purely down to the condescension of the EU camp and its supporters.

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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5 hours ago, woolley said:

Except for the remainers who think they know everything but really have no clue. 

No clue about what?

Oh hang on. By jove you're right!

People who recognised that the UK was doing just fine as a member of the EU haven't the faintest idea about the "regaining our sovereignty" lies spouted by brexiteers like Farage, Gove, Johnson and Woolley are actually based on.

As Gina Miller and others have demonstrated beyond all doubt recently only our Sovereign Parliament can make UK law.

I would be amazed if even the thickest brexiteer hasn't finally realised that one....

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