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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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No it isn’t. If you know you’re going to be negotiating trade deals from scratch then it’s reasonable to assume it’ll take a decade or two (if ever) to match or better the current situation, and a further 10 years to recover from the massive hit taken in the meantime. That’s not wild speculation, that’s a reasonable prediction that even Grease-Mogg would probably admit is optimistic. On the other hand, the conclusions you draw about the future of the EU and the UK’s relative position in thirty years’ time is purely based on what you have observed in your translucent spheroid and the Twitter feeds of incels, bots and red-faced retired folk. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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7 hours ago, woody2 said:

art.50? the eu's art.50? that controls the timetable.......which you claim is nothing to do with the eu......

Where do I claim that article 50 is nothing to do with the EU? I'll save you the bother of trawling back, I never have. Anyway, getting back on track, as you well know article 50 simply sets out the mechanism for a member state to announce their decision to leave the EU and then how that exit should proceed. Under this the process of leaving is triggering by the member state notifying the European Council of their intention to leave. The UK Government took from the 23rd June 2016 until the 29th March 2017 to make that notification. Please explain how the EU is responsible for the UK Government taking over 8 months to make that notification?

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Listening to Farage on LBC last night   It seems he does not believe that Johnson has got a good deal and would be in favour of an extension beyond the 31st October to allow for a general election. 

Farage also played a clip of Johnson at the DUP conference saying that Conservative Government could or should sign up to a border in the Irish Sea..

So yet more hypocrisy from Johnson.  More money to Northern Ireland to buy the support of the DUP which only represents 22% of the population in Northern Ireland.  A party which wants to see NI treated the same as the rest of the UK but opposes abortion and refuses to recognise gay marriage meaning it is not the same as the rest of the UK.

So unless Johnson has something up his sleeve in relation to the Ben act he may wish to start looking for a ditch.


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8 hours ago, woody2 said:


Yes, exactly!

8 hours ago, woolley said:

Neither would I but I didn't mention 20-30 years.

Oh no rowing back now, its a duration we've agreed on in the past. Combine the huge sums that have been wasted already along with some period of reduced economic growth gives this length of time before the UK economy might break even, agreed by all reasonable commentators.

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Depends which financial elite you listen to. Like the rest of us half want out. The other half paid for the remain campaign and project fear. 

I should imagine Crispin Odey and the rest of Johnson's £backers will expect some return on their investment....

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On the morning of a crucial EU summit in Brussels, a joint statement from the DUP’s leader, Arlene Foster, and her deputy, Nigel Dodds, explicitly says the party cannot support the deal that is close to being finalised.

The pound fell 0.5% against the dollar and the euro within minutes of the announcement.

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It is not reasonable to assume any geopolitical situation will endure for 2 or 3 decades. Therefore it is meaningless to compare imagined scenarios for better or for worse 30 years from now. It is certainly impossible to say that the country will be poorer in 2050 as a result of leaving the EU now. The EU is in decline. 

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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Yes, exactly!

Oh no rowing back now, its a duration we've agreed on in the past. Combine the huge sums that have been wasted already along with some period of reduced economic growth gives this length of time before the UK economy might break even, agreed by all reasonable commentators.

No. Not rowing back. Just trying to get through to Freggy who accused me alone of long term future gazing and ignored your prior post doing the same thing.  

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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

It is not reasonable to assume any geopolitical situation will endure for 2 or 3 decades. Therefore it is meaningless to compare imagined scenarios for better or for worse 30 years from now. It is certainly impossible to say that the country will be poorer in 2050 as a result of leaving the EU now. The EU is in decline. 

The Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957.

Does that count?

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

Do you not get the difference between the past, which has already happened and so will not change and the future, which is entirely and dangerously unpredictable? 

I very much get that your claim of geopolitical organisations not lasting more than 2 or 3 decades is complete bollox.

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24 minutes ago, woolley said:

It is not reasonable to assume any geopolitical situation will endure for 2 or 3 decades. Therefore it is meaningless to compare imagined scenarios for better or for worse 30 years from now. It is certainly impossible to say that the country will be poorer in 2050 as a result of leaving the EU now. The EU is in decline. 


Never forget that you are conversation with expert financial forecasters who, hours before the 2106 referendum were telling us that it would be immediately followed by an emergency budget and recession - neither happened of course.

The same people assured us that F1 driver Lewis Hamilton would be found guilty along with the IOM tax authorities regarding the VAT treatment of his aeroplane - which yesterday was declared perfectly above board by HMRC.

Are they capable of looking forward 20 or 30 years in respect of financial forecasts? For goodness sake, they are not even capable of looking back 3 years to work out why they lost the referendum!

People in denial of the past are not capable of looking forward 20 minutes into the future.

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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