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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

No it isn’t. If you know you’re going to be negotiating trade deals from scratch then it’s reasonable to assume it’ll take a decade or two (if ever) to match or better the current situation, and a further 10 years to recover from the massive hit taken in the meantime. That’s not wild speculation, that’s a reasonable prediction that even Grease-Mogg would probably admit is optimistic. On the other hand, the conclusions you draw about the future of the EU and the UK’s relative position in thirty years’ time is purely based on what you have observed in your translucent spheroid and the Twitter feeds of incels, bots and red-faced retired folk. 

uk doesn't need a trade deal with the eu......eu needs one with uk......

they are not starting from scratch.......

8% the uk will save.....

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4 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Yes, exactly!

Oh no rowing back now, its a duration we've agreed on in the past. Combine the huge sums that have been wasted already along with some period of reduced economic growth gives this length of time before the UK economy might break even, agreed by all reasonable commentators.


even the worse guesswork put the uk ahead of staying in the eu....

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

On the morning of a crucial EU summit in Brussels, a joint statement from the DUP’s leader, Arlene Foster, and her deputy, Nigel Dodds, explicitly says the party cannot support the deal that is close to being finalised.

The pound fell 0.5% against the dollar and the euro within minutes of the announcement.

it's up.......

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:


I attended a session run by the UK Government yesterday regarding Brexit Readiness.  One of the topics was future international trade and what the progress has been with Trade Agreements after Exit day.  The list below is the latest direct from the Government.

It hardly strikes me as being an impressive list.  

Add in the fact that there is a withdrawal agreement in place the UK Government and EU will then move on to discuss the future trading arrangements that will come in after the transition period.  It has taken 3 years to get here...  How long will a full trade agreement take?  


the eu are terrible at trade deals.....well done pointing that out........

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28 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Not that complicated.  As I said I was in the UK and eligible to vote in the referendum in 2016 (and several General Elections before then).

I was initially opposed to the EU after moving from the Isle of Man to the UK, however,  I started to see the benefits of membership.

At the same time my work made me look much more closely at the UK law and European Union Directives and regulations.   What I learnt was that the UK politicians would spin the truth and blame the EU for anything unpopular.  

The UK media would swallow this whole and spit it out as truth. 

So when the time came to vote I decided that remaining a member of the EU had far more appeal than leaving and losing a number of rights which are important to me and my family.  In particular the right to freedom of movement.

I think the EU would benefit from reform and that the UK should have been central to that process.

you don't have any rights.......

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Not that complicated.  As I said I was in the UK and eligible to vote in the referendum in 2016 (and several General Elections before then).

I was initially opposed to the EU after moving from the Isle of Man to the UK, however,  I started to see the benefits of membership.

At the same time my work made me look much more closely at the UK law and European Union Directives and regulations.   What I learnt was that the UK politicians would spin the truth and blame the EU for anything unpopular.  

The UK media would swallow this whole and spit it out as truth. 

So when the time came to vote I decided that remaining a member of the EU had far more appeal than leaving and losing a number of rights which are important to me and my family.  In particular the right to freedom of movement.

I think the EU would benefit from reform and that the UK should have been central to that process.

Well I haven't actually stated what the complications are but never mind.....

I fully respect your right to hold the view that you have - I came to a different view, and it has not changed.

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17 minutes ago, woody2 said:


one of your lot took the case to court......you don't have any rights said the judge.....


I am more than happy to respond to your posts, however, I would like you to include more context and evidence.

You have said I do not have any rights.  Please explain why that is the case?

You state I am racist.  Please explain why?

You state "one of your lot took the case to court".  What is "my lot" and which court case are you referring to?

Of course you probably won't give a full answer to any of these questions because your style is to make random statements, fail to provide evidence, and bluster on and on.  

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