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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Johnson has just put lipstick on a pig as far as I can tell.

Once again the DUP will not support it.  Some members of the ERG have said they will follow the DUP when voting on the agreement on Saturday. 

I think Johnson has a 'trick' up his sleeve in relation to the Benn Act and that is why he remains confident that the UK will leave the EU on the 31st October. 

The trick, I suspect, will be some legal technicality but his hope is that once we pass 11pm on the 31st October it will not matter and he will.be praised by everyone for delivering Brexit.

Well it could work out really well for totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson.

If the HoC bin this effort he will have the DUP to blame for crashing out.

That's about as perfect as it gets....

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Brexit Company gob on QT just owned the labour stooge asking how many Asian MEPs the company has. 5 out of 29 the answer. Brexit Party is massively anti-EU immigration, massively pro sub continent immigration. They may be a lot of things, but the labour stooges need to wind their necks in with the ‘racists vote brexit’ line - in my experience labourites are as bigoted as anyone. I do think the leavers are wrong, and incredibly trusting, but just to be clear, I don’t think they are all racists. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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14 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Brexit Company gob on QT just owned the labour stooge asking how many Asian MEPs the company has. 5 out of 29 the answer. Brexit Party is massively anti-EU immigration, massively pro sub continent immigration. They may be a lot of things, but the labour stooges need to wind their necks in with the ‘racists vote brexit’ line - in my experience labourites are as bigoted as anyone. I do think the leavers are wrong, and incredibly trusting, but just to be clear, I don’t think they are all racists. 

Could you have a word with PK, then? ;)

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

It’s a shit deal, massively compromising sovereignty - but the best deal possible except membership. 

if it get past bj is a hero in a ge........if it doesn't bj is a hero in a ge.......

can't see why you can't see it........

the other point is the uk can walk away at any time.......

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6 hours ago, woody2 said:

if it get past bj is a hero in a ge........if it doesn't bj is a hero in a ge......

If the deal does not go through and there is a General Election will you be supporting the pro-deal Conservative Party or the no-deal Brexit Party Ltd?

Don't you think that Farage (who hates this deal) will split the vote, or is he now neutered?

Personally I hope the deal goes through. The fact that it pisses off people like Sammy Wilson sweetens it for me.

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36 minutes ago, pongo said:

If the deal does not go through and there is a General Election will you be supporting the pro-deal Conservative Party or the no-deal Brexit Party Ltd?

Don't you think that Farage (who hates this deal) will split the vote, or is he now neutered?

Personally I hope the deal goes through. The fact that it pisses off people like Sammy Wilson sweetens it for me.

haven't read the deal yet, so don't know.........

sir nige may become overshadowed by this.......


have the dup voted for any deal yet?

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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Brexit Company gob on QT just owned the labour stooge asking how many Asian MEPs the company has. 5 out of 29 the answer. Brexit Party is massively anti-EU immigration, massively pro sub continent immigration. They may be a lot of things, but the labour stooges need to wind their necks in with the ‘racists vote brexit’ line - in my experience labourites are as bigoted as anyone. I do think the leavers are wrong, and incredibly trusting, but just to be clear, I don’t think they are all racists. 

I missed QT. Damn. 

Mind you, I switched it off last week as Fiona Bruce let them bat things around far too much and things got somewhat out of control. She's there to maintain structure to the debate, not let them get into a pissing contest.

Someone I know was telling me what happened in their works canteen the morning after the referendum. Some 100 folks in there. A foreman walks in and declares loudly "We won!" Cheers all round. He then turned to a table of Polish lads and announced to all and sundry "Well, you lot will have to go back for a start!"

I would have sacked him on the spot. Unfortunately I'm sure this scene was played out up and down the UK.

Racism? Or is it as Henning Wein puts it:

"The foreigners do ruin it for the British workers though, don't they. Turning up on time, sober, wanting  to work..."

"Those bloody foreigners! Coming over here with their....    work ethic!"

Off to Scarby to see Henning on 7th Dec. The tour is called "Get on with it" so he may have to change the name by then....

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57 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Someone I know was telling me what happened in their works canteen the morning after the referendum. Some 100 folks in there. A foreman walks in and declares loudly "We won!" Cheers all round. He then turned to a table of Polish lads and announced to all and sundry "Well, you lot will have to go back for a start!"

I would have sacked him on the spot. Unfortunately I'm sure this scene was played out up and down the UK.


Sorry, I don't believe that, its just a bit too convenient. Anyway, unless the foreman was white and they were black or asian Poles then it isn't racism.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Someone I know was telling me what happened in their works canteen the morning after the referendum. Some 100 folks in there. A foreman walks in and declares loudly "We won!" Cheers all round. He then turned to a table of Polish lads and announced to all and sundry "Well, you lot will have to go back for a start!"


I don't believe you, this is a made up bit of bollocks but regardless. You're very confused and conflicted aren't you? Being Polish, or English, or French, German, Dutch, et al, means having a NATIONALITY and not a RACE. It's the same dumb and stupidly flawed logic that deliberately confuses muslims (for instance) as a race, when it's clearly a religion and not a race. Dimmo...

Damn, mojo beat me to it.

Edited by quilp
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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

Like a dog worrying a bone...

What does that comment even mean in context? Never admit you're wrong eh? As always, when faced with facts, or given a bit of stick in return for your inverted snobbish insults you run and hide. Lol... 

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20 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Sorry, I don't believe that, its just a bit too convenient. Anyway, unless the foreman was white and they were black or asian Poles then it isn't racism.

Unlike the brexiteers I don't tell lies.

Unlike the brexiteers I have no need to.

I agree it's probably not racism which is actually why I posed that very question. And explained why. Maybe I should have written it in green crayon....?  :)

There's no doubt in my mind, especially amongst the older voters, that racism was a big driver. I'm also sure that in the Labour heartlands of traditional manual less-skilled workers the brexit vote was driven by what was seen as a threat to payscales.

The example is true. I didn't think to ask about the race, colour, creed etc of those involved for which I apologise.

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