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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Given all that, my question was, where do YOU stand on the threat to him and his kids?

I am unequivocal in my opinion - THERE SHOULD NOT BE A RISK IN THE FIRST PLACE - THAT'S WHAT DEMOCRACY MEANS - where do you stand?

I deplore the politics of Corbyn, McDonnell, Swinson, Sturgeon etc. - But I absolutely respect and would defend their right to attend / leave Parliament, with or without their kids, in absolute safety and without harassment. I do not need to think about or complicate that statement or add caveats.

I am for democracy, even when it yields results I do not like. What about you, do you have any difficulty agreeing with that? Do you feel the need to qualify your support?

Who the f*** do you think you are to make demands on ANYONE?

I owe you nothing. Zip, zilch, zero, nada.

I trust that's clear enough...?

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:

Who the f*** do you think you are to make demands on ANYONE?

I owe you nothing. Zip, zilch, zero, nada.

I trust that's clear enough...?

Given that I say 'My question' and use a question mark, I'd say it was a question not a demand. But at least we all now know that you are unable to offer a clear position regarding the protection of children from animal mobs. Fair enough.

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@Manximus Aururaneus

I don't think any believes that children of any politician, leave or remain, should be subject to abuse.

Neither should children be left without a mother because some nutter decided to kill a serving MP as he disagreed with her view on Brexit.

The language used on both sides can be very inflammatory and needs reigning in.  Politicians and the press are currently stoking the fire especially with those at the extremes of both leave and remain.

As to the standard of journalism what does the below do but aggravate both sides;

"Forgive me, but by the time they were over I relented – and went to the pub. Inside, a throng of weirdo anti-Brexit protesters had gathered after their People’s Vote march: a group of sandal-wearers who spent an age debating over the merits of different beers before placing their order."

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1 hour ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Given that I say 'My question' and use a question mark, I'd say it was a question not a demand. But at least we all now know that you are unable to offer a clear position regarding the protection of children from animal mobs. Fair enough.

Don't presume to know anything.

I asked if there were any arrests? So you either don't know or the police escort deigned to make any. 

Sounds to me with your "animal mobs" comment that JRM has got exactly the result he was after from the gullible.

As a parent naturally I'm appalled not only with people frightening children but also with JRM putting his kids into the front line for what looks like political shenanigans. Again!

The totally unnecessary and stupid brexit has generated just so much anger. What a bunch of bloody fools our nation must look....

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:


"Forgive me, but by the time they were over I relented – and went to the pub. Inside, a throng of weirdo anti-Brexit protesters had gathered after their People’s Vote march: a group of sandal-wearers who spent an age debating over the merits of different beers before placing their order."

Nothing wrong with having taste and discernment.

Something the journos for the UK rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, must have buried a long long time ago....

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11 hours ago, woody2 said:

shame she didn't listen to herself.......

Merkel says German multiculturalism has failed

Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democrats (CDU), Merkel said allowing people of different cultural backgrounds to live side by side without integrating had not worked in a country that is home to some four million Muslims.

“This (multicultural) approach has failed, utterly failed,” Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, south of Berlin.

new head of the eu.......

In a weekend newspaper interivew, her Labor Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) raised the possibility of lowering barriers to entry for some foreign workers in order to fight the lack of skilled workers in Europe’s largest economy.




11 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

What's the relevance of a nine year old news story to this thread?


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

@Manximus Aururaneus

I don't think any believes that children of any politician, leave or remain, should be subject to abuse.

Neither should children be left without a mother because some nutter decided to kill a serving MP as he disagreed with her view on Brexit.

The language used on both sides can be very inflammatory and needs reigning in.  Politicians and the press are currently stoking the fire especially with those at the extremes of both leave and remain.

As to the standard of journalism what does the below do but aggravate both sides;

"Forgive me, but by the time they were over I relented – and went to the pub. Inside, a throng of weirdo anti-Brexit protesters had gathered after their People’s Vote march: a group of sandal-wearers who spent an age debating over the merits of different beers before placing their order."

yes......lets not forget a remoan killed a mp......

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23 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Don't presume to know anything.

I asked if there were any arrests? So you either don't know or the police escort deigned to make any. 

Sounds to me with your "animal mobs" comment that JRM has got exactly the result he was after from the gullible.

As a parent naturally I'm appalled not only with people frightening children but also with JRM putting his kids into the front line for what looks like political shenanigans. Again!

The totally unnecessary and stupid brexit has generated just so much anger. What a bunch of bloody fools our nation must look....

he walks home most days.....often with his children.....many other mp's had children with them as well......

why shouldn't they......



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10 hours ago, woolley said:

But the subjects of the images you are posting are not guesswork. They are based on physics.  Financial projections years into the future are guesswork. Hence the analogy does not work. 

What a wonderful building La Sagrada Familia is becoming.


So according to you all the data on the UK's really pretty decent GDP performance in the EU is completely ignored and folks just make guesses.


Oh, of course. As a brexiteer you just HAVE to ignore the UK's past performance in the EU because otherwise it would make the coming leap into the dark look really really stupid.

Got it....

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Very bad news that the ERG  (now rebranded as "The Spartans" - so Rees-Moggs personal diminutive rotund fag Mark Francois is a "Spartan" then - hilarious!) have approached the Attorney General for guarantees that should there be no FTA by the end of the transition period (31/12/20?) then the default statutory position would be to leave without a deal.

So on the one hand Johnson has to court the Spartan Ultras (hah!) and on the other hand deal with a great unknown (to him) namely principled politicians like Ken Clarke.

Little wonder he wants a GE....

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35 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What a wonderful building La Sagrada Familia is becoming.


So according to you all the data on the UK's really pretty decent GDP performance in the EU is completely ignored and folks just make guesses.


Oh, of course. As a brexiteer you just HAVE to ignore the UK's past performance in the EU because otherwise it would make the coming leap into the dark look really really stupid.

Got it....

uk has one well because it's leaving.......eu is in decline........#projectfear was wrong then and is now......

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