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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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25 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Well @quilp has shown her true colours too.

The evidence I have cited Woody is from his trial where he was found guilty in a court of law.  Where the burden of proof is beyond all reasonable doubt.

I do not bring up the death of an MP lightly.  If you want to disagree with me then fine.  However you need to acknowledge that both sides have engaged in terrible behaviours that we should not accept in our society.

You won't of course because you are either a complete and utter idiot or a troll.  

@woolley have you seen who you are jumping in bed with here? 

Nothing excuses violence or intimidation. It shouldn't be invoked in support of any cause. I'm not in bed with anyone. We all have our own views and we are all capable of forming our own opinion on the views of others. Most posters contribute a range of views. Some I agree with most of the time, some much less so. I don't believe we can be grouped. 

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:


The evidence I have cited Woody is from his trial where he was found guilty in a court of law.  Where the burden of proof is beyond all reasonable doubt.


he didn't say anything did he? if so you don't know his views......

did the court also say he was in a housing dispute with the the council? and how his mp wouldn't help? how about he lived with his black brother? how he also volunteered teaching english to immigrants?

clearly this doesn't fit your agenda........

and the only literature he had was remoan.......so that makes him one of you.......because remoan logic is you are what you read......

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34 minutes ago, woody2 said:

he likes the sound of his voice that's for sure.......


Indeed. And Rees-Mogg, who is always good value in the Commons, told him exactly this a few hours ago.

From Hansard:

Will the Leader of the House say a little bit more about the programme motion? The hon. Member for Edinburgh South (Ian Murray) has just asked for more time for the debate, so would it not be reasonable to expect that the House should sit until any time on these days? Can the Leader of the House also tell us why we are not sitting on Friday? If the programme motion is defeated, will the Government continue with the Bill?

The answer on Friday is very straightforward. If we have finished on Thursday, the Bill will pass to their lordships in the other place on Friday. The question whether we should sit through the night is always a balanced one about the desire for debate and the enthusiasm that people have for this. The hon. Member for Gateshead (Ian Mearns) mentioned the pressure on Back Benchers, who needed to be treated in a reasonable way. Is it reasonable to ask right hon. and hon. Members to sit through the night for three nights? Is it a reasonable thing to ask of the staff of the House? I—like you, Mr Speaker—quite like the sound of my own voice, and therefore I am always happy for this Chamber to be sitting, because it gives us the opportunity to do what we both so enjoy, but it may be unreasonable on others, so it is purely a question of balance.

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Another nice retort from Hansard earlier this evening:

I thank the Leader of the House for his short business statement.


May I endorse what was said by you, Mr Speaker, by the Leader of the House and by the shadow Leader of the House about the efficient way in which the House was organised on Saturday? It was a credit to everyone who works in this place. Let me also say that I was appalled at the scenes of the Leader of the House and his son being harangued. There is no excuse for that sort of behaviour in and around the House.


It was entirely right, Mr Speaker, that the Leader of the House was refused the right to bring the motion back today. The Government had an opportunity to engage meaningfully with the meaningful vote, but they chose not to do so, and they cannot simply bring it back on terms that they choose and dictate. The House operates on the basis of motions and amendments to motions, and democracy requires that process to be observed. No one messes with “Erskine May”.


What the Leader of the House has proposed in relation to the withdrawal agreement Bill is totally unacceptable. We shall be debating its Second Reading on the same day as the beginning of its Committee stage in the House. I have been in the House for 18 years, and I cannot remember a Bill being presented and debated in such terms, particularly a Bill that will become a full treaty of this country. We shall have three days in which to consider a Bill which, it has been suggested, will contain 100 pages. How on earth will we have a chance to assess it properly? There will be no economic impact assessments. What about the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010, which requires any treaty to be laid before the House for 21 days before it can be ratified? What about the devolved institutions and Administrations whose legislative consent is required before any Bill can be passed? The arrangements for this Bill are simply not good enough.


At least a change in Government business has been announced by the conventional means of a business statement. I hope that the Leader of the House will never again change significant Government business by way of a point of order. He mentioned leaving the Chamber. My hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow North (Patrick Grady) was addressing the House when the Leader of the House breezed past him. That is no way for a Leader of the House to behave.


Only last week we asked Her Majesty to put on her best crown, get into the State Coach, and come to Parliament to read out the Conservatives’ next election manifesto. When is the Queen’s Speech debate coming back? Was all that just a supreme waste of time?


The Prime Minister may have died in that ditch as the white flag was raised in the so-called surrender Bill, but we will not give up. We will ensure that this Bill is given the proper scrutiny that it requires.


As always, it was a pleasure to listen to the hon. Gentleman. He made a number of points. First, I would quibble with his claim that Her Majesty came here wearing her best crown. Her best crown is probably the Crown of King Edward the Confessor, which is used only at the Coronation. At the state opening of Parliament, the Imperial State Crown is probably Her Majesty’s second best crown; but far be it from me to be pedantic about such matters.


The hon. Gentleman mentioned the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act. That Act will be taken care of in the Bill. The point of it is to ensure that non-legislative treaties can be voted on in the House. Legislative treaties inevitably fall into a different category.


The hon. Gentleman must have a remarkably short memory, because he said that he could not recall any Bill being introduced at such short notice. There have been two such Bills in the last year, one colloquially known as the Benn Act, and the other known as the Cooper-Boles Act. I also remind Members that the abdication was dealt with in 24 hours. A king-emperor left within 24 hours, and we are removing an imperial yoke in over a week.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

His record of partiality towards Remain speaks for itself. It's even provoked a Parliamentary inquiry into the conduct of the Speaker. 

No it doesn't "speak for itself" at all. As to a "Parliamentary inquiry" well, how did that go?

Let's have real proof of Bercow deliberately trying to stop your totally unnecessary stupid brexit.

Put up or shut up...

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8 hours ago, P.K. said:

No it doesn't "speak for itself" at all. As to a "Parliamentary inquiry" well, how did that go?

Let's have real proof of Bercow deliberately trying to stop your totally unnecessary stupid brexit.

Put up or shut up...

well the new bullying complaint service opens soon (today?) and the bercof was hoping to of gone because he is first inline........


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10 hours ago, woolley said:

The hon. Gentleman must have a remarkably short memory, because he said that he could not recall any Bill being introduced at such short notice. There have been two such Bills in the last year, one colloquially known as the Benn Act, and the other known as the Cooper-Boles Act. I also remind Members that the abdication was dealt with in 24 hours. A king-emperor left within 24 hours, and we are removing an imperial yoke in over a week.

they soon forget........may's £1 trillion eco bill went through in minutes, less than 12 mp's turned up and it has a far bigger impact on the uk than exit.......

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Export declaration forms for exports from Northern Ireland to other parts of the United Kingdom! I know he’s a professional heckler, but Sir Nige is right - de Pfeffer’s deal is the worst yet. Best deal still looks like remain. Isn’t it time for politicians who promised this would be easy and that the cake could be both had and ate to admit that actually, given a choice of two, they would be incapable of correctly identifying their posterior from the joint between their upper arm and lower arm. 

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4 minutes ago, quilp said:

Hilarious, cleverer-than-thou Hammond...

Listen to what he says in the clip, then explain to us how May’s deal has been renegotiated. The new deal hasn’t got rid of the backstop - it enforces the backstop from the outset. That was always an option, the EU hasn’t changed anything the U.K. has - before it promised no internal borders, now it says stuff NI, we’ll have that border. Seems Hammond was at least cleverer than Quilp. 

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