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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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28 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Export declaration forms for exports from Northern Ireland to other parts of the United Kingdom! I know he’s a professional heckler, but Sir Nige is right - de Pfeffer’s deal is the worst yet. Best deal still looks like remain. Isn’t it time for politicians who promised this would be easy and that the cake could be both had and ate to admit that actually, given a choice of two, they would be incapable of correctly identifying their posterior from the joint between their upper arm and lower arm. 

having to print more of the same documents that you need now.......what a bind......

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24 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Listen to what he says in the clip, then explain to us how May’s deal has been renegotiated. The new deal hasn’t got rid of the backstop - it enforces the backstop from the outset. That was always an option, the EU hasn’t changed anything the U.K. has - before it promised no internal borders, now it says stuff NI, we’ll have that border. Seems Hammond was at least cleverer than Quilp. 

the problem with may's backstop was the uk couldn't leave without the eu's say so.......now it can......the backstop has gone.......

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20 minutes ago, woody2 said:

having to print more of the same documents that you need now.......what a bind......

Not true. Exports from EU to EU countries do not require customs declarations. It will be up to the UK to set their levels for requiring customs declarations, but it is normally anything over 1000 pound. From that level the export will have to be declared to customs and sent with the associated paperwork. Its not the end of the world but it is not the same as simply printing more of the same documents.

Edited by mojomonkey
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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

It started this week.  

Do you know what their make-up and brief is?

Because that nice John Bercow will be stepping down in a few weeks. Which makes it a bit pointless unless they are hoping to re-define the role into a position that more suits a tory government ie totally pliant.

I have a certain amount of sympathy for Bercow. He's fully aware that totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson is not to be trusted in any way, shape or form. The difference between the two men is stark. Boris Johnson only cares about Boris Johnson and so he will do all he can to get the result Crispin Odey and others paid him for. John Bercow is his own man and consequently doesn't give a stuff about privilege or whatever the ridiculous rabid UK right wing press, which is pretty much all of it, write about him and his decisions. Which are undoubtedly many as this is the biggest political upheaval for absolutely decades.

Bercow also knows that the idiots will get their totally unnecessary stupid brexit in the fullness of time and delaying it won't change much. But he will make sure that devious, slippery customers like Johnson and Cummings don't pull one over our sovereign parliament.

Good for him.

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I see Cummings and Johnson are going to try and railroad their bill through in just three days. A total nonsense really when you think how important it is but any outcome is a win / win for that revolting pair. If they get it through then it will not have been properly scrutinised and if the HoC say it needs more time they can use it to build on their populist bollox of "parliament vs people" credentials. The fact they are undermining a cornerstone of our democracy won't bother them one little bit.

Liked this about that nice John Bercow from yesterday's farrago:

"The Speaker took a huge amount of pleasure in telling the government it was taking the piss and devoted the best part of 40 minutes to his own self-congratulation. Even when he’s doing the right thing by sticking up for parliament, his amour propre doesn’t leave much room for anyone else’s amour. Bercow is going to really miss himself when he’s gone.

“I have considered both the substance and the circumstances of the request,” Bercow said gleefully. And on both counts the government had failed abjectly to meet the necessary criteria.

Cue howls of rage from the Tory benches via interminable points of order. It was almost as though the government had only wasted everyone’s time in order to feed a narrative of the people versus parliament. 

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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Not true. Exports from EU to EU countries do not require customs declarations. It will be up to the UK to set their levels for requiring customs declarations, but it is normally anything over 1000 pound. From that level the export will have to be declared to customs and sent with the associated paperwork. Its not the end of the world but it is not the same as simply printing more of the same documents.

depends if you know what your doing.......:rolleyes:

as we deal with eu and non eu all the data is on the system already.......

you do require paperwork now in the eu.......

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Do you know what their make-up and brief is?


get bercof......

1 hour ago, P.K. said:


Because that nice John Bercow will be stepping down in a few weeks.


running away because the level of abuse he has committed on staff..........



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7 minutes ago, woody2 said:

depends if you know what your doing.......:rolleyes:

as we deal with eu and non eu all the data is on the system already.......

you do require paperwork now in the eu.......


I wasn't aware that you manufactured anything, rather that you provided a service. I thought you were a sound and vision events type person (no idea what that is called in the trade)?


I work for a manufacturing company based in the EU, exports to other EU countries do not need any paperwork (unless you count the standard delivery note that accompanies all deliveries). The export of goods with a value over 1000€ to non EU countries require a minimum of signed and stamped declarations of origin cerificates (which can be combined with the delivery note) and the documentation showing an MRN (Movement Reference Number) from Customs. To get an MRN you have to enter the order details (weights, value, origins, customs numbers, etc.) into the Customs system and wait for their clearance. Exports to some countries require even more documentation (certificates of origin signed by the chamber of commerce) and some even require clearance against being a dual use item (generally something that could be used for other purposes, normally weapon related).




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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

Wow, Woody referencing The Guardian, we are living in strange times.

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BORIS speaks in terms of a declaration of independence. Some want it. Others oppose. I recall the last time a PM did that when not all the country agreed. It ended in a mess and then Mugabe. Naturally I was in the House of Commons that day Even then I was aware of being in the presence of history as it were...It was an educational school trip. So far these high flown declarations have caused trouble galore. ie American declaration, Irish 1916, Rhodesia and now Boris thinks he is Thomas Jefferson.....

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