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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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MP's are being asked to vote on the deal with Downing Street (Dominic Cummings) refusing to publish the economic fallout.

What the fuck happened to "The Mother Of All Parliaments"....?

Timetable rejected.

Thank fuck for that....

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4 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

So what do you think about the UKCA marking or will that no apply to you?  

What about if you manufacture an item, for example a bicycle, from UK made components except for the pedals which have come from China and wish to sell that bicycle into the EU.  Are you aware of what additional documents you will need to produce?  


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Well, he may have made a fool of himself again today, but I’d like to thank Woody for covering another six month’s beer money as my turf accountant has kindly paid out early on Brexit not happening by Hop-tu-Naa. All thanks to King Midas in reverse and his guaranteed wrong every time #woodytips. If he says it, it’s wrong. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

MP's are being asked to vote on the deal with Downing Street (Dominic Cummings) refusing to publish the economic fallout.

What the fuck happened to "The Mother Of All Parliaments"....?

Timetable rejected.

Thank fuck for that....

lots of mp's lied in 2017......only 59 mps out of 650 were elected on a remoan platform.......

time for a ge.........


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3 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Well, he may have made a fool of himself again today, but I’d like to thank Woody for covering another six month’s beer money as my turf accountant has kindly paid out early on Brexit not happening by Hop-tu-Naa. All thanks to King Midas in reverse and his guaranteed wrong every time #woodytips. If he says it, it’s wrong. 

no bookie would payout before the date........

and before the eu has said.......


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13 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Article 50, giving EU notice to quit, has yet to be legally cancelled.

Just saying.......

one veto and we'll see how quick the remoan mp's can move.....:lol:

bj has always wanted a ge before a deal, he was laughing tonight when they voted against the timetable......

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So Boris has ditched the backstop. Unfortunately, he's replaced it with something extremely messy, and, having now read the pertinent parts of the document, I can quite understand the DUP's dismay. It is irksome and offensive to unionists, given the sensitivities surrounding the status of Northern Ireland in the UK, that there be any different treatment of trade between GB and NI, to the treatment of trade between other parts of the UK. Despite the protestations of the government, there are going to be additional requirements for documentation on goods moving in both directions across the Irish Sea, no matter what fig leaf appellations are used to describe the process. Northern Ireland may be legally in the UK customs union as it leaves the EU but, de facto, it will be treated as though it were remaining in the EU customs union. So the backstop has really gone? If it quacks like a duck. There appears to have been little thought given to the ramifications of this.

Further, there appears to be a great deal of fog surrounding what happens later on. The government protests that the arrangement is based on consent, and that Stormont can end these arrangements by a simple majority four years after the implementation period, and at intervals after that. The arrangements would fall two years after such a vote, the political arithmetic in the NI Assembly notwithstanding. It also says that the putative FTA will supersede the protocol in any case, so no need to worry. All will be well, chaps. The reassurance is not borne out by the wording of the treaty. Has the government read the treaty?

This shrouds a further difficulty seemingly not confronted. My objection to the previous backstop, and the objections of other Brexiteers was that the backstop was the EU customs union in all but name, and thereby, the EU had a veto on when and whether the UK could get out of it. It was a trap. So now, the backstop has gone but the new arrangement also is, even more strikingly, the EU customs union in all but name. The offending wording previously amounting to the backstop enduring until the EU concurs otherwise has been replaced by very obfuscating text which says that in the event of the failure of the FTA negotiations, and if Stormont votes to end the customs union alternative arrangements, then the way forward will be decided by a joint committee of the UK and EU. No doubt if they cannot agree then the status quo will probably endure, backed up by EU law. This is all very unsatisfactory.

And by extension, what of the future FTA? If the backstop was the EU customs union in all but name, and the alternative arrangements are the customs union in all but name, then how is the loose FTA desired by the UK going to replace those arrangements, unless it too is the customs union in all but name? If it is, how is it going to allow for the divergence required and the UK's ability to strike the FTAs it wishes to negotiate around the world? Or is it going to be a GB only FTA contrary to what the PM has said?

Perhaps no deal would have been simpler.

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