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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:
  10 hours ago, P.K. said:

I like to put simple £numbers around stuff just to get a broad picture.

1992 -> 2017 GDP GROWTH IN USD Tn

GER  2.12 -> 3.68 diff 1.56 =  + 74%

FRA  1.40 -> 2.58 diff 1.18 = + 84%

ITA   1.32 -> 1.94 diff 0.62 = + 47%

UK    1.18 -> 2.62 diff 1.44 = + 122%

Dear me.

What has the EU ever done for us?

Good job we're leaving.....

because it didn't fully join in the eu's 4th reich........

now look at other major countries in the world.......they have done better outside the eww......

funny that........

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49 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

That's very sad to read.

Indeed it is but do you think woody read it all...

"The survey was based on polling by YouGov which found 71% of Leave voters in England, 60% in Scotland and 70% in Wales thought violence against MPs was a "price worth paying" for Brexit.

Of Remain voters, 58% in England, 53% in Scotland and 56% in Wales thought it was worth it to stay in the EU."

Basically a majority on both sides think violence against MPs is acceptable (it isn't) but more Brexiteers think its acceptable than remainers.


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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

can't you read.....:rolleyes:

the company used facial recognition cameras.........as in on the ground......

someone also has counted via a drone.......


So what about this drone, presumably they flew illegally in restricted airspace then?

Anyway, you clearly have time now so which company and which individual?

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Indeed it is but do you think woody read it all...

"The survey was based on polling by YouGov which found 71% of Leave voters in England, 60% in Scotland and 70% in Wales thought violence against MPs was a "price worth paying" for Brexit.

Of Remain voters, 58% in England, 53% in Scotland and 56% in Wales thought it was worth it to stay in the EU."

Basically a majority on both sides think violence against MPs is acceptable (it isn't) but more Brexiteers think its acceptable than remainers.


We know it's divisive, but I can't believe this small sample is representative of the whole population. Most people abhor violence when it comes to the crunch. And to draw a distinction between the numbers on either side borders on desperation. Given the limited size of each cohort,  a 10% or so disparity between them is only about 50 individuals, give or take. We also have no idea who they asked. Was it old ladies buying knickers in M&S or was it in the crowds at rallies for either side where feelings were being whipped up by activists? Finally,  never trust a man who splits an infinitive. 

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14 minutes ago, woolley said:

We know it's divisive, but I can't believe this small sample is representative of the whole population. Most people abhor violence when it comes to the crunch. And to draw a distinction between the numbers on either side borders on desperation. Given the limited size of each cohort,  a 10% or so disparity between them is only about 50 individuals, give or take. We also have no idea who they asked. Was it old ladies buying knickers in M&S or was it in the crowds at rallies for either side where feelings were being whipped up by activists? Finally,  never trust a man who splits an infinitive. 

Very true, personally I don't put much faith into polls such as YouGov as the samples are generally too small and it tends to be people with strong opinions (one way or the other) that join up. That actual view of the average person is often skewed.

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11 hours ago, woolley said:

In your jaundiced opinion.  

Hardly jaundiced. MBF.

So when we leave the EU can you guarantee a growth in GDP of +122% over the next 25 years?

Of course you can't, so why are we doing this?

The unplalatable truth for ALL the brexiteers is that the UK was doing very well for itself since the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. We came away with the best deal in the best trading bloc on the planet. And shortly a load of gullible idiots are going to flush that down the toilet for so-called "gains" they barely understand and seem to struggle to articulate.

I don't agree with violence against MP's except for that smug git Mark Francois with his permanent ERG smirk which, let's face it, would be perfectly acceptable for a slapping.

As a nation we're the laughing stock. If you need proof of how stupid we are step forward totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson who is, scarcely believably, OUR ACTUAL PM!


Edited by P.K.
Pissed off!
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