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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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8 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

OK, I’m still none the wiser. I know a few people who are or have been involved in housing disputes with their councils, I’m not sure they’re all remainers, in fact I pretty sure at last one isn’t. A good mate of mine is a strident leave bore when he gets going, and has a black brother (he’s black too). Are volunteer English teachers all remainers? I really don’t see how how your brain works, unless you think all leavers think alike and all remainers think alike and having a dispute with council, a black brother and having once voluntary spoken to immigrants defines you as willing to murder a remain mp in the name of remain. You get weirder by the day woody. 

and how do you know he was a leaver?.........you don't.......

he only had remoan literature.........

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three explosions took place in different locations in and around stockholm in one night last week.......

no mention by the brussels broadcasting corporation (bbc sweden)......

between january and june this year, more than 100 explosions were reported in sweden, up from about 70 in the same period last year.......

"Gang violence in Sweden is intimately tied to the issue of immigration and failed integration, so those who highlight the problem have often been smeared as bigots,"


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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

three explosions took place in different locations in and around stockholm in one night last week.......

no mention by the brussels broadcasting corporation (bbc sweden)......

between january and june this year, more than 100 explosions were reported in sweden, up from about 70 in the same period last year.......

"Gang violence in Sweden is intimately tied to the issue of immigration and failed integration, so those who highlight the problem have often been smeared as bigots,"


What's the relevance of that to the UK exiting the EU? Perhaps start a new thread.

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Apart from the fact he killed Jo Cox for her open immigration policy that all the xenophobic brexiteers hate and was a major driver for the Leave vote. It was no accident the murder took place just hours after Farage et al released the infamous poster of desperate people fleeing a war zone.

"The seeds of the hatred that drove him to murder his MP, Jo Cox, appear to have been sown years earlier, when he began to acquire the means to kill. They germinated during the febrile countdown to the EU referendum.

Brexit campaigners were claiming that a remain vote would result in “swarms” of immigrants entering the UK, that it could trigger mass sexual attacks. Just hours before the murder, Ukip unveiled its infamous “breaking point” anti-immigration poster. Mair came to regard Cox as one of “the collaborators”, a traitor to his race. The passionate defender of immigration and the remain campaign was a legitimate target in his eyes"

This is a truly appalling post. Your whole ambition here is to infer that the blame, for the act of a radicalised and out-of-control psychopathic lone wolf should be directed at those damn brexiteers and their agenda. That leavers should surely feel guilty and hold themselves somehow responsible for her death and encouraging him is some way. As with many of your ilk you're using that tragedy for your own ends. Sickening.

Mair's madness enabled him to de-humanise Jo Cox; when he began his attack, to him, she was merely a symbol of all he despised, a hatred that as you've indicated above, was born many years, perhaps decades before he finally flipped but only he pulled that trigger and wielded the knife.

His decision, his madness. Mair, and only Mair was responsible for Jo Cox's murder.

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38 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

My internet must be broken because when I google ‘Andrew Neil’ it says he works for the British Broadcasting Corporation and presents two political shows a week. 

Well, you seem a resourceful person, why not google 'explosions/grenade attacks in Sweden' and perhaps read also about its problems with no-go areas and gang-rule, if you want some insight.

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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

Well, you seem a resourceful person, why not google 'explosions/grenade attacks in Sweden' and perhaps read also about its problems with no-go areas and gang-rule, if you want some insight.

and what is the relevance of that to the UK leaving the EU? Perhaps a new thread?

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15 minutes ago, quilp said:

Well, you seem a resourceful person, why not google 'explosions/grenade attacks in Sweden' and perhaps read also about its problems with no-go areas and gang-rule, if you want some insight.

I’m not disputing that there explosions in Sweden, I wanted to find out more and I googled it. I know the BBC does cover the problem because my search linked to a BBC story on the first page. 

I’m pointing out the absurdity of saying they are reported, but not by the BBC in one post, and then saying you learnt about them from a BBC presenter in the next. 

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