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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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33 minutes ago, quilp said:

This is a truly appalling post. Your whole ambition here is to infer that the blame, for the act of a radicalised and out-of-control psychopathic lone wolf should be directed at those damn brexiteers and their agenda. That leavers should surely feel guilty and hold themselves somehow responsible for her death and encouraging him is some way. As with many of your ilk you're using that tragedy for your own ends. Sickening.

Mair's madness enabled him to de-humanise Jo Cox; when he began his attack, to him, she was merely a symbol of all he despised, a hatred that as you've indicated above, was born many years, perhaps decades before he finally flipped but only he pulled that trigger and wielded the knife.

His decision, his madness. Mair, and only Mair was responsible for Jo Cox's murder.

Go ahead. Try and dispute the timing. You might as well waste your time on that as it's not like you make a contribution around here.

I have posted before that in my experience xenophobia played a big part in the Leave campaign. Now Mair was already on his white supremacist journey well before brexit turned up. So no I'm not blaming Leavers for his mindset on that fateful day and to suggest I am is stupidity of the highest order. It had obviously been eating him up for years.

However a lot of the rhetoric and imagery of the Leave campaign WAS directed at those Mair hated and to think he would not have been aware of the groundswell that it was creating is naive in the extreme.

You need a serious reality check....

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Might be some truth in what you’re saying, and there might not. Either way, you need to have a word with yourself. Most of the leavers I know are good people that have a different opinion to me. I’m sure there are lots of racist and / or xenophobic / and / or Sun reading leavers. Personally, I don’t know any, and you need to be aware that you’re smearing a heck of a lot of decent people by associating them with a psychotic murderer. It’s just as irrational and extreme a viewpoint as you’ll see from the Russian bots. 

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8 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Might be some truth in what you’re saying, and there might not. Either way, you need to have a word with yourself. Most of the leavers I know are good people that have a different opinion to me. I’m sure there are lots of racist and / or xenophobic / and / or Sun reading leavers. Personally, I don’t know any, and you need to be aware that you’re smearing a heck of a lot of decent people by associating them with a psychotic murderer. It’s just as irrational and extreme a viewpoint as you’ll see from the Russian bots. 

Excuse me but the facts speak for themselves.

So I'm not "smearing a heck of a lot of decent people by associating them with a psychotic murderer" but there are those who take every chance to try and diss me on the flimsiest of excuses. Don't be taken in by this mission they're on.

As I have posted Mair was already on his white supremacist road way before brexit turned up. I think there is no doubt that the rhetoric and imagery of the leave campaign to wit blaming foreigners for just about everything created a groundswell that he MUST have been aware of. Did it push him over the edge? Only one person can answer that but Farage's poster of folks fleeing a war zone with the implication that they are headed for the UK, for me a nadir in British politics, will have represented Mair's worst nightmare.


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You’re making a whole load of wrong-headed assumptions, chief of which is that Mair reacted in predictable way when Farage started pushing his facist posters. He could just as easily have flipped because he dropped his toast butter side down and his pyschosis told him it was a Labour plot to thwart him getting his breakfast.

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1 minute ago, Freggyragh said:

You’re making a whole load of wrong-headed assumptions, chief of which is that Mair reacted in predictable way when Farage started pushing his facist posters. He could just as easily have flipped because he dropped his toast butter side down and his pyschosis told him it was a Labour plot to thwart him getting his breakfast.

As I posted. Only one person can answer that question. So we'll never know.

Horrible coincidence though, isn't it?

And then there's the undeniable fact that the rhetoric and imagery from the Leave campaign did put Johnny Foreigner firmly in the spotlight.

Which in itself was absolutely shameful.

Got them over the line though....

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

Post of the year. How you keep a straight face as you claim in all seriousness that a political poster was responsible for a murder is quite breathtaking. Perhaps review your sources of truth. 

Learn to read!

Jo Cox was murdered on the day Farage released his appalling poster. Hence my comment above "Horrible coincidence though, isn't it?" Coincidence as in the timing is inescapable. That's how it happened. None of which is my fault.

Also above I point out that Mair was on his white supremacist road to murder way before brexit was even a twinkle of a fuck-up in Camerons' eye.

You're getting as bad as Quilp for desperately trying to diss me at every turn. But I guess the UK spectacularly  outperforming Germany, France and Italy in the EU since the Maastricht Treaty has thown your totally stupid and unnecessary brexit something of a curve ball....

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Excuse me but the facts speak for themselves.

So I'm not "smearing a heck of a lot of decent people by associating them with a psychotic murderer" but there are those who take every chance to try and diss me on the flimsiest of excuses. Don't be taken in by this mission they're on.

As I have posted Mair was already on his white supremacist road way before brexit turned up. I think there is no doubt that the rhetoric and imagery of the leave campaign to wit blaming foreigners for just about everything created a groundswell that he MUST have been aware of. Did it push him over the edge? Only one person can answer that but Farage's poster of folks fleeing a war zone with the implication that they are headed for the UK, for me a nadir in British politics, will have represented Mair's worst nightmare.


with a black brother and taught migrants english.........:rolleyes:

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9 hours ago, quilp said:

This is a truly appalling post. Your whole ambition here is to infer that the blame, for the act of a radicalised and out-of-control psychopathic lone wolf should be directed at those damn brexiteers and their agenda. That leavers should surely feel guilty and hold themselves somehow responsible for her death and encouraging him is some way. As with many of your ilk you're using that tragedy for your own ends. Sickening.

Mair's madness enabled him to de-humanise Jo Cox; when he began his attack, to him, she was merely a symbol of all he despised, a hatred that as you've indicated above, was born many years, perhaps decades before he finally flipped but only he pulled that trigger and wielded the knife.

His decision, his madness. Mair, and only Mair was responsible for Jo Cox's murder.

Would you still say the same of it had been a Muslim committing the act?

I suspect you would ignore any mental health issues then and point to the religion and extreme views.

I know you, woody and wooley will all react to this so let me say that I am purely trying to point out the blind spots you have.  

Murders and terror attacks at abhorrent and the fact that Mair and others do not receive treatment for their mental health disorders is shocking.

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6 hours ago, woody2 said:

import the 3rd world....become the 3rd world ........but it's good for gdp shouts pk......

but don't look at the cost........

And what do you think some countries are going to request as part of a FTA when we leave the EU?

If I recall correctly both India and China have demanded concessions around immigration. 

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On 10/24/2019 at 12:39 PM, woody2 said:


labours don't want a ge.......for a start they are £650k in the red......

That was a Woody fact I thought worth checking and it is true they lost £655k last accounting year.


However they’ve a cash buffer of £20,799,000 and in the last general election spent £11,012,000 so they‘ve got more than enough in hand. 

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7 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Would you still say the same of it had been a Muslim committing the act?


7 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I suspect you would ignore any mental health issues then and point to the religion and extreme views.

Your suspicions are wrong. Though cannot be ignored that there is a considerable number of scripturally-inspired psychopathic lunatics acting out the more violent tenets from that ideology.

Any ideas why this is so? Blaming their actions on poor mental health is blind apologism.

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35 minutes ago, quilp said:


Your suspicions are wrong. Though cannot be ignored that there is a considerable number of scripturally-inspired psychopathic lunatics acting out the more violent tenets from that ideology.

Any ideas why this is so? Blaming their actions on poor mental health is blind apologism.

Because some people are very easily led and religion (of any sort) is perfectly placed to insert itself into such people's minds.

Interestingly you use the phrase psychopathic lunatics and then try to distance the issue from mental health.

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