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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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good to see the nhs has been getting more than £350m promised and we ain't even left yet.....


This is probably futile but any chance of a source for that?


fotzetard, the nhs asked for 10bn extra this winter, they got 13bn, i am sure even a fotze like you can do the maths.....

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Going back to the Dortmund​ incident, it is being reported in the German press that investigators now suspect far right or far left extremists to have carried out the incident and tried to claim it as an Islamist attack for political gain. To be honest it looked like football hooligans to me playing with fireworks. I suppose arseholes are arseholes.

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Going back to the Dortmund​ incident, it is being reported in the German press that investigators now suspect far right or far left extremists to have carried out the incident and tried to claim it as an Islamist attack for political gain. To be honest it looked like football hooligans to me playing with fireworks. I suppose arseholes are arseholes.


Yeah, when I heard it was an islamist I went "Really? They're getting into football hooliganism now? I guess they're integrating more than I thought"


I just presumed it was standard yobbos.

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