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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I thought trading partners were queuing up to trade with us?


It just makes sense to travel, meet and agree trade deals with 83.5 % of the world's economy rather than trying to cling to a rapidly declining 16.5% across the water who don't like us very much.


Source IMF.

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us trade deal within 6 months

I hope that doesn't mean they allow imports of chlorinated chicken and acid washed red meats. Or any farm products which do not conform to existing EU regulations with respect to pesticides, labelling etc. US meat is also typically injected with growth hormones.


Apart from the fact that nobody should be eating this rubbish, British farmers conforming to existing EU regulations (and they will need to if they want to continue to export to their main markets) should not have to compete with cheap US imports produced to questionable standards.

Edited by pongo
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bird flu? mad cow disease? horsemeat?


all happening within the eu, yet the tards don't bother about that....


Bird flu is a global thing, what with birds migrating and all that.


Mad cow disease was pretty much a British thing, incidents found elsewhere were traced by the UK. You can blame greedy British farmers for that one.


Technically there is nothing wrong with eating horsemeat, whether you don't like the idea is something else. Not correctly marking meat as horsemeat was of course wrong though.


The world of processed food is full of nasty processes that would probably put most off their food if they knew what occurred. For example, injecting meat is used Worldwide but is quite nasty when you think about it. The US method of grading meat is nasty as well. The reality is that the World wants cheap food and such practices arise from that.

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All true.


Sure UK farmers will no longer have to go along with EU regulations. Well, they will if they want to trade with them. However Brexit also means no more EU farming subsidies.


It's going to be a right horlicks.


Currently let's say it takes 30p to produce a litre of milk. With their stranglehold the supermarkets only pay 23p for it. The rest is made up by subsidies.


Now the gov could continue to pay the lost EU subs but I for one am against giving rich landowners my tax dollars to do fuck all.


Go figure...

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Total CAP is about €58 bn - 40% of the EU budget.


The UK pays in €6 bn and gets back €3 bn in direct subsidies. However they also get grants for rural development etc. of about €5 bn for spend between 2014 and 2020. Let's hope they haven't been idle!


As it's The Greater French Empire with really inefficient farming the paysan get about €9 bn a year. The Dutch must be so pissed off with that....

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