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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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On ‎18‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 10:17 AM, Declan said:

Sadly the UK, the ultimate failed mega-state will continue. The wrong results in two referendums has condemned us all to a Little Britain looking inward and gradually declining.


No quite the reverse. It is all about being outward and not inward..The UK plan is to be free to open up to the world on the terms it can get rather than be bound by the collective agreements arranged by the EU which itself is a very closed shop and protective....Hence all the noise about the Single Market and tariffs applied to such as the UK if outside of that market...

So it is not little Britain at all it is an attempt at least to restore the Manchester School principle of "Free trade"...ie We are free to deal with anyone who will deal with us whereas at the moment we have to do what the EU says is good for all...It is the EU that is inward looking and expects us to join the club and follow the rules...Problem is that the EU still insists on trading by its rules if you want access as the Isle of Man knows well...And the reason why many EU laws and regs imported into domestic UK law by the Great Repeal Bill will serve to make it easier to amend and keep alive those that are necessary for access to the EU There will no great bonfire of rules and regs as if you play on their green you follow their club rules.

But sadly, sauce for the EU goose may not be a suitable sauce for the UK gander..Was it ever? We (UK) joined "Europe" due to loss of captive markets as the Empire and Dominions went their own way. Effectively we joined another empire and hit it quite hard..

Whether others will want to deal with a non-EU member and on what terms and to whose advantage remains to be seen as most of the UK "exports" are services and that is where I think the Crown Dependencies will get a new lease of life as the attitude regarding unfair taxation I think will not apply once the UK is out.

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On 4/18/2017 at 0:37 PM, RIchard Britten said:

Notwell in parroting mass media shocker...

The mass media have been against every Labour leader since Kier Hardy, it's not just something they've invented for Jeremy. This issue is he's not really challenging that perception, every few months he'll do an interview moaning about it and wander off. At least we knew what Kinnock and Milliband stood for, at least they challenged the Tories and the establishment from time to time, and had policies people (although not enough) could get behind. 

There are people who see him a messiah, a new voice. But that's only because they are projecting their hopes onto a blank canvas. 

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24 minutes ago, quilp said:

I predict a nasty leadership challenge within Labour.

It won't really make any difference. It's not the party who elects the leader in Labour it's the Labour supporters. Every MP might totally hate his guts but it's the grass roots Labour members paying their subs who vote in the leader and so if Joe Public thinks he's doing a good job and doesn't support an alternative leader then there's basically nothing they can do. That's why this saga has gone in for so long. He's hated in Westminster but the normal members keep supporting him.


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If they're trounced at the poles he'll stand down surely? 

The MPs will nominate who will replace him and they're unlikely to make the mistake of nominating someone they don't want leading them. Well not again. 

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4 hours ago, Declan said:

The mass media have been against every Labour leader since Kier Hardy, it's not just something they've invented for Jeremy. This issue is he's not really challenging that perception, every few months he'll do an interview moaning about it and wander off. At least we knew what Kinnock and Milliband stood for, at least they challenged the Tories and the establishment from time to time, and had policies people (although not enough) could get behind. 

There are people who see him a messiah, a new voice. But that's only because they are projecting their hopes onto a blank canvas. 


3 hours ago, woody2 said:



Are you Corbyn's brother?



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