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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Everybody in politics across the house knows that the game is up for Corbyn now. Electorally he's a dead man walking and Labour MP's will just fight for their own seats over the next six weeks. There'll be little put into the Labour campaign and all will be preparing for the party showdown after the election. The Left will be ready and well prepared for the fight too and they'll not give up without a bloodbath. It's going to get really ugly and the last couple of years will seem as nothing to what's about to come.

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12 hours ago, Declan said:

If they're trounced at the poles he'll stand down surely? 

The MPs will nominate who will replace him and they're unlikely to make the mistake of nominating someone they don't want leading them. Well not again. 

i don't think mp's get any say if he chooses to stand again, that's what happened last time if i remember correctly.... 

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15 hours ago, Declan said:

The mass media have been against every Labour leader since Kier Hardy, it's not just something they've invented for Jeremy. This issue is he's not really challenging that perception, every few months he'll do an interview moaning about it and wander off. At least we knew what Kinnock and Milliband stood for, at least they challenged the Tories and the establishment from time to time, and had policies people (although not enough) could get behind. 

There are people who see him a messiah, a new voice. But that's only because they are projecting their hopes onto a blank canvas. 

Not really. When people read his policies (without knowing they're his) they have very high approval ratings. policy isn;t the issue, his weak leadership exacerbated and exaggerated by  the media is the problem here 

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10 hours ago, Declan said:

the union run bbc is as far left as you can go....

corbyn hasn't helped himself with the media by refusing interviews....

it does seem timdim,krankie and that welsh tart get all the coverage..... 



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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:

i don't think mp's get any say if he chooses to stand again, that's what happened last time if i remember correctly.... 

 The difference is that was an attempted coup. The MPs forced a leadership challenge  

I'm suggesting that when the election is over and if they lose - certainly if they do significantly less well than they did under Miliband - he'll resign. Probably? In those circumstances the MPs would be mental to nominate another leader they can't work with. 

in a way May's done Labour a favour. Get the election over quickly before Corbyn can replace moderate MPs with his supporters. Get him out and replace him an electable leader who then has five years to build a credible alternative to the Tories. 

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20 minutes ago, Declan said:

 The difference is that was an attempted coup. The MPs forced a leadership challenge  

I'm suggesting that when the election is over and if they lose - certainly if they do significantly less well than they did under Miliband - he'll resign. Probably? In those circumstances the MPs would be mental to nominate another leader they can't work with. 

in a way May's done Labour a favour. Get the election over quickly before Corbyn can replace moderate MPs with his supporters. Get him out and replace him an electable leader who then has five years to build a credible alternative to the Tories. 

but i don't think labour mp's can stop him from standing if he wants? i am sure that's what happened last time....

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I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not denying that if Corbyn chose to hang on to the leadership and the MPs  voted no confidence in him and he still wanted to stand then as incumbent he would be on the ballot paper.* But he would be crazy and incredibly arrogant to try to stay on after a crushing victory. 

My point is, when he goes it's unlikely that a Corbynista will be on the ballot. 


*actually this is disputed. Last time the NEC ruled he didn't need to be nominated. 

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I do think it is just possible it could blow up in Theresa May's face. It's harder to call than many seem to imagine. She could gain votes from UKIP and Labour Brexit supporters in non Tory heartlands but lose them to LibDems in Tory Remain seats as Zac Goldsmith found out. She could finish up with an increased popular vote but actually a similar number or even less in seats. Not saying it will happen, but it is at least a possibility.

I'm actually not totally convinced on her pro-Brexit persona. Not sure Brexit is safe with her at all. She wants to be seen as a strong leader, but she is coming over as an opportunist politician who will lean the way the wind is blowing at the time.

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2 hours ago, Declan said:

I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not denying that if Corbyn chose to hang on to the leadership and the MPs  voted no confidence in him and he still wanted to stand then as incumbent he would be on the ballot paper.* But he would be crazy and incredibly arrogant to try to stay on after a crushing victory. 

My point is, when he goes it's unlikely that a Corbynista will be on the ballot. 

Don't underestimate the sway Unite leader Len Mccluskey has as a major player/paymaster.

This is the Len Mccluskey who during the Labour leadership election actually had printed on the Unite ballot paper that the "preferred" candidate was Ed Milliband! Now I'm not assuming that his VERY undemocratic action ousted David thus guaranteeing Labour being in the wilderness for the last seven years but I'm sure it played a part.

With someone like him in the mix I believe anything is possible.

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