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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Just now, woolley said:

@ Richard:

But you started it with your LIBERALS!!!! post. It was funny the first couple of times,but a couple of dozen down the line it kind of lost it.

(and we don't need to do the "Oh no I didn't" "Oh yes you did." thing. We'll just take it as read.)

I'll do you a deal.  You stop blaming "liberals" for all the worlds ills, and I will stop highlighting you doing it like Grandpa Simpson yelling at clouds.

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

Got to say it's just a tiny bit convenient that Le Pen was losing ground to a centralist, and then a terrorist attack comes so now she can say "look I was right".

Just a tiny bit....

Oh OK. So now the Front National had the policeman shot. You really have this disease bad don't you?

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

I'll do you a deal.  You stop blaming "liberals" for all the worlds ills, and I will stop highlighting you doing it like Grandpa Simpson yelling at clouds.

Difficult. I suppose I could try to find a different word for them. By the way I don't blame them for ALL the world's ills. The Grandpa Simpson thing is all in your mind. I guess we're all yelling at clouds on here, if you think about it.

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12 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So Le Pen jumps on the right wing knee jerk train talking about expelling people, etc, etc, and it turns out the attacker was a French national...

but was he french born? benn warned about this over 40 years ago....

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6 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Born in Livry-Gargan, a district of Paris

Wherever he was born doesn't change a thing. If he has those views he should be living under a regime more appopriate to them. He is not French in any meaningful way.

Edited by woolley
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