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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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24 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You mean the event that will have decades lasting repercussions on the state of the country affecting millions if not billions of lives?

Not that you care giving how old you claim to be...

Y'know what Richard, you're right. There will be decades of lasting repercussions on this country affecting millions if not billions of lives.  But the repercussions will be for the better and the lives affected will be for the better for indigenous British and especially English people in THIS country. Other people I couldn't give a stuff about.

Do I care at my age (73)? 

Too bloody right I care. 

More than care I'm proud of what other people who have stood up for the return of independence of our country, right thinking people who have put our country on the road of recovery from the horrible mess it has sunk into because of loathsome Socialists, socialist influence, people with vested interests that would sell their own grandparents, and immigrants that are hell bent on keeping our borders open for their own selfish reasons that have nothing to do with the future of our country.

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35 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

White supremacists shouting anti-jewish slogans while exercising their "free speech"?

I would say it was bang on the money.

Like it or not (and I don't) it is free speech that they are excercising.

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4 minutes ago, Rog said:


Again, another one of those "so much to unpack" posts...


But the repercussions will be for the better ...

Pure speculation and wishful thinking.  The very essence of the Brexit refferendum.


...indigenous British and especially English people in THIS country...

At this point, its hard to be surprised when you sound like an EDL rally...


Do I care at my age (73)? 

Too bloody right I care. 

So chances are you'll be long gone before the true nature of Brexit hits home.  You've had your piece of the pie, pissed on the rest and walked away from the table.


More than care I'm proud of what other people who have stood up for the return of independence of our country...

Like the "hero" Tommy Robinson?  Again, you are sound more and more like an EDL rally in full swing.


...people with vested interests that would sell their own grandparents...

You mean the real reason for Brexit...to avoid the EUs plan for tougher tax rules that would hit the likes of Johnson, Mogg and their pay masters?

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Just now, Rog said:

What consequences would be appropriate? 

Hmmm incitement to hatred, in the US (where the video is from):

"Article 369 of the Criminal Code, titled 'Incitement to hatred or discrimination', prohibits hate speech directed against a group of persons. The offense carries a punishment of 6 months to 3 years' imprisonment, or a fine."


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9 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Again, another one of those "so much to unpack" posts...

Pure speculation and wishful thinking.  The very essence of the Brexit refferendum.

At this point, its hard to be surprised when you sound like an EDL rally...

So chances are you'll be long gone before the true nature of Brexit hits home.  You've had your piece of the pie, pissed on the rest and walked away from the table.

Like the "hero" Tommy Robinson?  Again, you are sound more and more like an EDL rally in full swing.

You mean the real reason for Brexit...to avoid the EUs plan for tougher tax rules that would hit the likes of Johnson, Mogg and their pay masters?

What a --- bizarre --- interpretation. 

Novel I'll grant in that it starts by totally misinterpreting things and then commenting on those misinterpretations.

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

Hmmm incitement to hatred, in the US (where the video is from):

"Article 369 of the Criminal Code, titled 'Incitement to hatred or discrimination', prohibits hate speech directed against a group of persons. The offense carries a punishment of 6 months to 3 years' imprisonment, or a fine."


Where is there any hate speech being expressed? Although it's distasteful unless it explicitly is encouraging hatred of Jewish people then just by behaving in an offensive way would not meet the requirements for a charge under article 369.


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5 minutes ago, Rog said:

Where is there any hate speech being expressed? Although it's distasteful unless it explicitly is encouraging hatred of Jewish people then just by behaving in an offensive way would not meet the requirements for a charge under article 369.

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted loudly and repeatedly at the rally.

Hate speech?  Check

Encourage hatred of Jewish People?  Check


Other chants recorded on video:

One people, one nation, end immigration

White lives matter

Blood and soil

All slogans of the white supremacist movement.

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7 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted loudly and repeatedly at the rally.

Hate speech?  Check

Encourage hatred of Jewish People?  Check


Other chants recorded on video:

One people, one nation, end immigration

White lives matter

Blood and soil

All slogans of the white supremacist movement.

Where was the rally held? And any link? 

But in any case chanting "Jews will not replace us" is hardly hate speech. I used to have far worse things snarled at me while I was still at school on the island

Nor is  

One people, one nation, end immigration or White lives matter or  blood and soil.

(Sure you don't mean "Blut under Stahl"?)

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5 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:


"The UK has been told to "hold fire" on a new tax on big technology firms planned for April.

The OECD said that there needs to be a global agreement on technology company tax.

Without such an agreement, there would be the risk of "a cacophony" with countries going their own way.

The warning came as France agreed to delay a new tax on multinational technology firms after an angry response from Washington."

We'll get the best deals from America...honest...


"Britain will not back down over the introduction of a new tax on large American tech firms, Chancellor Sajid Javid has told a meeting in Davos.

The US said it would consider retaliatory levies on UK car makers if the measure goes ahead.

The new tax is aimed at firms that do a lot of business in the UK but don't pay taxes based on the size of their sales, including Google, Amazon and Facebook.

France this week agreed to suspend a similar measure.

French officials said they would wait to see if a multilateral solution could be found over the course of this year before it levied the tax. The US had threatened to impose new levies on French exports of wine, cheese and handbags."

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8 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Bringing the matter back to the thread:

It is language like that (displayed by some posters) which makes it hard to separate Brexit from the grubbier under tones it brought with it.

Only in a bigoted interpretation.

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