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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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In the unlikely event 

You know that is unlikely how....exactly?


 they have nothing to worry about

You know that how...exactly?


If not, they would have known the consequences of not doing so their choice

Not doing what....exactly ? paying UK tax? 

In any case what about the others who might not even have enough income to pay tax? Those that went wherever before you f.ed it up? How were they supposed to see into the future and work out what madness might present itself that they likely had no vote to stop?

You also haven't answered the point of what up to 40 years worth of NI was paying for and won't if we no deal it in the future.


Some may still think that I'm trolling 

It's pretty much a certainty if you also dodge these questions, like you have been doing with other inconvenient replies for days. 


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39 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

You know that is unlikely how....exactly?

You know that how...exactly?

Not doing what....exactly ? paying UK tax? 

In any case what about the others who might not even have enough income to pay tax? Those that went wherever before you f.ed it up? How were they supposed to see into the future and work out what madness might present itself that they likely had no vote to stop?

You also haven't answered the point of what up to 40 years worth of NI was paying for and won't if we no deal it in the future.

It's pretty much a certainty if you also dodge these questions, like you have been doing with other inconvenient replies for days. 


I retired in the year 2000 at which time my wife and I made the decision where we would retire to.

We considered a number of places before deciding to buy where we now live and leasing it out while we schlepped about a bit and considered the consequences of where we would spend time while this place was paying for itself and we were having fun. 

At that time the consequences of not paying NI and at least some taxes were made very clear by my accountant. If anyone were so stupid not to seek at least some advice in the very unlikely event they did not have the basics spelled out by their bank then basically tough.

Now the  years of NI contributions, that was buying a percentage of the maximum amount that would be made available from the state age related benefit by HM government each year and that they get wherever they retire. They will continue to be paid that irrespective of BREXIT.

As for annual increases, that will be decided by the UK government when it sets yearly budgets.


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@ Rog 


Well you adviser seemed to have missed out quite a few bits or you weren't listening adequately.

 For a start, out of the EU there are a big fat zero annual pension increases if you are not UK resident. The pension amount is frozen . Furthermore it will no longer be able to be paid in your destination country if we no deal it.

Then there is healthcare. Form S1 will no longer operate meaning pensioners will be forced to obtain private cover (if they can get someone to accept the significant risk and they can afford the premiums) at the worst possible time of their lives. This benefit has been paid for by them and their employer's NI  over a working lifetime and is now likely to be cut.

As 3rd country residents, permission to stay will only be given if your income is above their set minimum. It matters not one jot whether you can live on that or less, it is simply a matter of whether you can meet their (presently unknown) figure and they disregard money in the bank.

Sure, eg Spain has said they can stay but not what they will be required to do to maintain that right which is presently automatic. They are waiting to see what pans out with their citizens in the UK before forming final policy. 

A friend of ours is a Gestor on the Costa del Sol and she has been getting Andalucia gov briefings on their plans if we are stupid enough to no deal it. One of those is a quite remarkable maximum of 90 days a year (not as 90 in 180 the Schengen rule) without a visa. The requirements to get such a visa are completely unknown at the present time. Those from present 3rd countries like the USA report all sorts of unilateral conditions dreamed up by local government in the regions which basically boil down to what a civil servant can get away with if they feel like it.


Now... your accountant on these advice visits would have given you the consequences of retiring to the EU with what was operating at that time. He would not have warned about the outcome of some unknown futuristic brexit scenario the details of which are still under negotiation!  So stop your 'if anyone were so stupid not to etc etc"  because it is not relevant where goalposts are hugely moved in scenanrii which were completely unknown at the time of your advice.

So your response is "basically tough". You don't care about anyone else unless they are in your entitled Norfolk bubble waving their flag of St George and jeering at anyone "stupid enough etc etc".


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4 hours ago, Rog said:

Even if every man woman and child on the island rose up against HM The Queen I hardly think that they would get very far!

In any case in spite of the misbehaviour of The Sussexes the monarchy is very popular over here.

It would never get off the ground. Fares getting off the island would bankrupt the Manx army...

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9 hours ago, Neil Down said:

It would never get off the ground. Fares getting off the island would bankrupt the Manx army...

 That apart there are no doubt a majority of sensible people who realise that the island simply couldn't afford or cope if it tried to be actually independent, the EU would think it a joke if any approach was made for direct membership, no point in looking towards Scotland firstly because it will be a cold day in hell before Scotland votes for a breakaway from England because the Scots know where their bread is buttered and Eire would be prohibited by the EU from including the island as part of its territory.

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11 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

@ Rog 


Well you adviser seemed to have missed out quite a few bits or you weren't listening adequately.

 For a start, out of the EU there are a big fat zero annual pension increases if you are not UK resident. The pension amount is frozen . Furthermore it will no longer be able to be paid in your destination country if we no deal it.

Then there is healthcare. Form S1 will no longer operate meaning pensioners will be forced to obtain private cover (if they can get someone to accept the significant risk and they can afford the premiums) at the worst possible time of their lives. This benefit has been paid for by them and their employer's NI  over a working lifetime and is now likely to be cut.

As 3rd country residents, permission to stay will only be given if your income is above their set minimum. It matters not one jot whether you can live on that or less, it is simply a matter of whether you can meet their (presently unknown) figure and they disregard money in the bank.

Sure, eg Spain has said they can stay but not what they will be required to do to maintain that right which is presently automatic. They are waiting to see what pans out with their citizens in the UK before forming final policy. 

A friend of ours is a Gestor on the Costa del Sol and she has been getting Andalucia gov briefings on their plans if we are stupid enough to no deal it. One of those is a quite remarkable maximum of 90 days a year (not as 90 in 180 the Schengen rule) without a visa. The requirements to get such a visa are completely unknown at the present time. Those from present 3rd countries like the USA report all sorts of unilateral conditions dreamed up by local government in the regions which basically boil down to what a civil servant can get away with if they feel like it.


Now... your accountant on these advice visits would have given you the consequences of retiring to the EU with what was operating at that time. He would not have warned about the outcome of some unknown futuristic brexit scenario the details of which are still under negotiation!  So stop your 'if anyone were so stupid not to etc etc"  because it is not relevant where goalposts are hugely moved in scenanrii which were completely unknown at the time of your advice.

So your response is "basically tough". You don't care about anyone else unless they are in your entitled Norfolk bubble waving their flag of St George and jeering at anyone "stupid enough etc etc".


Not just Norfolk, the whole of the UK and particularly England but you're right, I really don't care.

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On 1/22/2020 at 7:55 AM, pongo said:

If you had done it for free even though you hated it then that would definitely count as voluntary service.

In Britain it's typically a professional career move. Quite rightly.

I volunteered at 17, volunteered not to leave at 18, volunteered again after 9 years, and volunteered again after 14 years to obtain £10k 'Nuclear Bounty payment'.

Maybe you were conscripted as an alternative to jail? :P

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I must admit a career in the armed forces never appealed to me.  I respect those that do choose to join the armed services and appreciate the work they do, however, I don't see them all as being "heroes".  I tend to reserve that term for those who have done something outstanding.

That said Brexit has overshadowed the scandal of many ex-forces personnel becoming homeless and living on the street.  The UK Government really should do more to help people leaving the armed forces and certainly should not allow them to go homeless.

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but you're right, I really don't care.

Gotcha but I think we all noticed that already. 

It was also noticed that you have failed to adequately answer nearly of the points over the last few days made that that called on your apparently skewed, selfish, bigoted view of the world.

Now what's the noun that describes someone who lurks on a forum of which they have no apparent connection, makes provocative, triggering derisory remarks and then answers with simplistic, glib and often callous one liners?

C'mon there must be a word for that..

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11 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Gotcha but I think we all noticed that already. 

It was also noticed that you have failed to adequately answer nearly of the points over the last few days made that that called on your apparently skewed, selfish, bigoted view of the world.

Now what's the noun that describes someone who lurks on a forum of which they have no apparent connection, makes provocative, triggering derisory remarks and then answers with simplistic, glib and often callous one liners?

C'mon there must be a word for that..

What points/questions addressed to me have I not replied to?

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I must admit a career in the armed forces never appealed to me

I once went for the two day interview process at Aldershot for a 5 year Short Service Commission. It was 2 days of mind game central (especially when they tried to get me pissed in the O.M.) End result was "you are too old/should have joined after your education finished/we have a glut of Majors and Half Colonels in this regiment".

Probably a very lucky escape looking back for many reasons including almost certain deployment in Operation Desert Shield/Storm and/or the Balkans

Old Manx/Scots saying "what's for you won't pass you by"  proved that wasn't for me...

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3 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I must admit a career in the armed forces never appealed to me.  I respect those that do choose to join the armed services and appreciate the work they do, however, I don't see them all as being "heroes".  I tend to reserve that term for those who have done something outstanding.

That said Brexit has overshadowed the scandal of many ex-forces personnel becoming homeless and living on the street.  The UK Government really should do more to help people leaving the armed forces and certainly should not allow them to go homeless.

Having served relatively recently compared to most claiming service on this forum, I certainly don't see "heroes" as the correct term for the armed forces.

Yes, without doubt, some commit heroic acts to save the man next to them (that comes with the territory of being in the shit and only having your mates to look out for you and visa versa), but labelling the whole of the armed forces as heroes is jingoistic nonsense.

They are, for want of a better term, victims.  Victims of the nonsense conflicts they are dropped into for bullshit reasons, victims of the horrific injuries (both mental and physical) and victims of a nation that hails them as heroes when they are in the Middle East protecting our/US oil interests, but then cast them into the street once they have served their purpose.

I actual advise against a career in the armed forces nowadays.  The training and life experience is priceless but the bullshit that goes with it these days far out weighs the positives.

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7 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Having served relatively recently compared to most claiming service on this forum, I certainly don't see "heroes" as the correct term for the armed forces.

Yes, without doubt, some commit heroic acts to save the man next to them (that comes with the territory of being in the shit and only having your mates to look out for you and visa versa), but labelling the whole of the armed forces as heroes is jingoistic nonsense.

They are, for want of a better term, victims.  Victims of the nonsense conflicts they are dropped into for bullshit reasons, victims of the horrific injuries (both mental and physical) and victims of a nation that hails them as heroes when they are in the Middle East protecting our/US oil interests, but then cast them into the street once they have served their purpose.

I actual advise against a career in the armed forces nowadays.  The training and life experience is priceless but the bullshit that goes with it these days far out weighs the positives.


Training and life experience in the forces is second to none. Everybody that signs up is all too aware that they may at some time serve in a conflict that maybe nonsense to you but not to those our servicemen and women are trying to help. Yes, they are let down very badly when they leave the services and that is down to past and present governments. Maybe had some of those people put some time in then they may look at things differently

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