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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

Well, now the paperwork is all signed we can no doubt look forward to all those trade deals being concluded in the near future. There are nasty EU barriers anymore, so there can be no excuses.

Whatever happens trade will continue in much the same way and it's in nobody's interest to hamper it. This is about much higher ideals than trade. 

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Whatever happens trade will continue in much the same way and it's in nobody's interest to hamper it. This is about much higher ideals than trade. 

The usual hackneyed nonsense.

This trade that will continue in much the same way, does that include costings staying the same?

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29 minutes ago, woolley said:

Whatever happens trade will continue in much the same way and it's in nobody's interest to hamper it. This is about much higher ideals than trade. 

Except without trade deals it won't. The UK is fine at the moment until the end of the year but after that without trade deals they are screwed. But we need not worry, Boris and his pals undoubtedly have deals waiting just to be signed. In Boris we trust.

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25 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Except without trade deals it won't. The UK is fine at the moment until the end of the year but after that without trade deals they are screwed. But we need not worry, Boris and his pals undoubtedly have deals waiting just to be signed. In Boris we trust.

There is an imperative for trade deals or interim arrangements preceding trade deals. It cuts both ways. 

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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

There is an imperative for trade deals or interim arrangements preceding trade deals. It cuts both ways. 

What does the UK export that no other country does and that no other country can live without? Nope, the ball for the UK getting trade deals with the world is firmly in their court. No excuses now, time for decisive action from the UK Government. Not to worry though, we've been constantly told that trade deals will be easy.

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23 minutes ago, woolley said:

Pretty much, yes. What would change them?

So you've not heard that the UK will have to re-negotiate not only it's trading relationship with the EU but also the 60+ arrangements with non-EU countries under the umbrella of the EU's trading clout?

Ah, I get it, you think we'll be able to cut better deals as a stand-alone entity....

Got it!

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52 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

'Project Fear' about to get its full appraisal.

Nope, UK Government about to get it's full appraisal.


The time for truths, lies, scaremongering, etc on all sides is over. Time for UK Government to step up and deliver on their promises. There can be no blaming or excuses, just positive action. This is not just trade with the EU, it is the entire world.

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25 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Nope, UK Government about to get it's full appraisal.

Nope, UK Government and Project fear (I'll ensure that happens on here).


The time for truths, lies, scaremongering, etc on all sides is over. Time for UK Government to step up and deliver on their promises. There can be no blaming or excuses, just positive action. This is not just trade with the EU, it is the entire world.



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Nope, UK Government about to get it's full appraisal.

The time for truths, lies, scaremongering, etc on all sides is over. Time for UK Government to step up and deliver on their promises. There can be no blaming or excuses, just positive action. This is not just trade with the EU, it is the entire world.

Correct. Luckily for them, there is nearly a year to put their (our) money where there mouth is and no doubt Dom will have planned some good news stuff for next week-on. 

In his adoring followers eyes, Bozo will need to "prove" in their ultra short-termism way that nothing has really changed.

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5 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Correct. Luckily for them, there is nearly a year to put their (our) money where there mouth is and no doubt Dom will have planned some good news stuff for next week-on. 

In his adoring followers eyes, Bozo will need to "prove" in their ultra short-termism way that nothing has really changed.

Biker, you, Mojomonkey and even Teapot are at least capable of rational debate even though we disagree (unlike some other posters on here).

There is however, one aspect of this that I keep repeating but that no remainer has yet accepted.

There is an expectation amongst the remain camp, that Brexiteers will now have to deliver a result that is stipulated by, assessed by, and ultimately judged by Remainers to see if it meets their requirements.

It has yet to dawn on (but soon will) remainers, that the result will be set to satisfy leavers, on their terms, not remainer terms. When remainers lost, they indeed truly lost, they are no longer the stipulators, the assessors, or the judges.

We are no longer striving for remain, we are no longer striving for BRINO, we are no longer seeking a result that remainers would judge as 'good' or even 'satisfactory'.

You could have chosen compromise, you chose not to, sleep in the bed you made, it is now Brexit for the Brexiteers. Sorry.

The Political elite has been shown to be the Political Stupid. That's where condescension towards the electorate gets you.


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16 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Biker, you, Mojomonkey and even Teapot are at least capable of rational debate even though we disagree (unlike some other posters on here).

There is however, one aspect of this that I keep repeating but that no remainer has yet accepted.

There is an expectation amongst the remain camp, that Brexiteers will now have to deliver a result that is stipulated by, assessed by, and ultimately judged by Remainers to see if it meets their requirements.

It has yet to dawn on (but soon will) remainers, that the result will be set to satisfy leavers, on their terms, not remainer terms. When remainers lost, they indeed truly lost, they are no longer the stipulators, the assessors, or the judges.

We are no longer striving for remain, we are no longer striving for BRINO, we are no longer seeking a result that remainers would judge as 'good' or even 'satisfactory'.

You could have chosen compromise, you chose not to, sleep in the bed you made, it is now Brexit for the Brexiteers. Sorry.

The Political elite has been shown to be the Political Stupid. That's where condescension towards the electorate gets you.

What a load of nonsense.

This is meaningless garbage pure and simple "It has yet to dawn on (but soon will) remainers, that the result will be set to satisfy leavers, on their terms, not remainer terms. When remainers lost, they indeed truly lost, they are no longer the stipulators, the assessors, or the judges"

The "remainer terms" were to stay a member of the EU. That went South the day after the referendum! However as we ALL have to live with the result then we will ALL judge the what happens next on it's merits. Irrespective of how you may have voted. To think otherwise is naive in the extreme. Especially as we will ALL have a vote at the next GE. Except for those that the nasty party want disenfranchised like those without the money to afford photo id.

Unfortunately the worst Government Administration and the worst Opposition in living memory have, probably inevitably, produced the worst possible Prime Minister in the deeply flawed character that is Boris Johnson.

Good luck with that one....

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