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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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25 minutes ago, display name said:


Doesn't leave much hope for the Manx then

Nope...  we are not part of the United Kingdom.

Reminds me of a joke though..

An English man, Scotsman and Manxman are on a plane that is going to crash.  To prevent disaster they must lose weight. 

The English man throws a crate of cigarettes out saying, "plenty of them where I come from."

The Scotsman throws a crate of whisky out of the plane saying, "plenty of that where I come from."

The Manxman throws the Englishman out of the plane saying  "there's plenty of them where I come from".

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:


What about the Welsh?  Useless bunch of sheep bothers.  Must be a drain on the English too given the collapse of coal and steel industries.

Need to get shot of them to.

Personally I like the Welsh folk. As for the costs to the English tax payers considering how much water comes from Wales along with agricultural produce IMO any subsidies to Wales are well spent in spite of the Labour Welsh assembly screwing things up so much but then - that's par for the course with socialists the world over.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:


This trial was conducted in sub Saharan Africa, where the AIDS epidemic is of a different nature in many ways.



There's a number of reports on the means of transmission of HIV that have been peer reviewed and published one in particular in the Scientific American titled "Fact or Fiction?: Circumcision Helps Prevent HIV Infection" that address the case of heterosexual intercourse that indicate that the foreskin is not only a point of entry but also acts as a reservoir for viral bodies.

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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Donald Tusk has already stated this week that any application from Scotland to rejoin the EU would be looked at "with enthusiasm" by the EU.

More Scots voted for Brexit than voted for SNP, but if that's what they want I would give them the referendum after the 2021 Scottish election. If they think they have problems with the NI border good luck with the England Scotland border. 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

More Scots voted for Brexit than voted for SNP, but if that's what they want I would give them the referendum after the 2021 Scottish election. If they think they have problems with the NI border good luck with the England Scotland border. 

If, big if, things went as you suggest then  the NI border should already have been resolved and therefore you would just apply the same for the Scotland/England border.  Much the same as borders between Schengen members and non-Schengen members. 

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

If, big if, things went as you suggest then  the NI border should already have been resolved and therefore you would just apply the same for the Scotland/England border.  Much the same as borders between Schengen members and non-Schengen members. 

No, because Schengen members and non-members are still both in the EU, both following Four Freedoms.

I do appreciate that it's a big "if" as you say, because I don't think that the majority of Scots would vote for it. SNP banging the EU drum is a totally disingenuous premise. It's just a pretext that they think will bring them their longed for (by them) independence. The majority of their trade is in the UK, there is huge interchange of population between Scots and English. A Scot moving to London a few years ago just saw himself as moving to another part of his own country, not to a foreign land. Cultural and blood ties within the British Isles, and certainly within Great Britain, are stronger by far than those with the EU. But, as I say, if that's what they want......

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43 minutes ago, woolley said:

No, because Schengen members and non-members are still both in the EU, both following Four Freedoms.

I don't believe that there is an open border between Poland and The Ukraine or Belarus or between Finland and Russia for instance.  These are member of Schengen who have land borders with non EU/Schengen countries.  Those are the same solutions that could/would be implemented between an independent Scotland (either as a member of the EU or not) and England.

NI is far more complex because of the desire for no internal checks in the UK and the requirements of the Good Friday Agreement for no border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.  This was well known before Brexit but was largely ignored. 

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40 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I don't believe that there is an open border between Poland and The Ukraine or Belarus or between Finland and Russia for instance.  These are member of Schengen who have land borders with non EU/Schengen countries.  Those are the same solutions that could/would be implemented between an independent Scotland (either as a member of the EU or not) and England.

So there would not be an open border between Scotland and England in that case then? Is that what the majority of Scots would want?

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35 minutes ago, woolley said:

So there would not be an open border between Scotland and England in that case then? Is that what the majority of Scots would want?

Tell your mate Boris Johnson to give them a referendum and let them choose.  

There's always has been a feeling in Scotland that they are forgotten by Westminster.  The people of Scotland tend to be very proud of their country  There is a lot of people feeling very pissed off that at the last independence referendum they were told that leaving the UK meant leaving the EU.  Then a few years later they are dragged out of the EU by England and Wales.

Current opinion polls seem to have it 50/50 to 52/48 in favour of independence.  So it would be close once again.

I still cannot understand those who were in favour of Brexit objecting to allowing Scotland to have a referendum on independence though.  I thought you were all about sovereignty, control of borders etc etc.  Why deny that chance to Scotland?

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